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1、考研英语一四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州金川县2023年高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Xinxin, a 12-year-old student from Beijing, enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore. Durin

2、g their visit, he even had the chance to 1 some of Singapores sights by himself 2 his father was busy with other things.Xinxins first adventure 3 in Singapore was at a water park near their hotel. He enjoyed swimming and 4 into the water by himself, and then returned to the hotel before a time in th

3、e evening that was 5 by his father.The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore 6 a guardian. He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip. Xinxin volunteered to make his 7 trip by himself. His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch, and then Xinxin ro

4、de the shuttle from their hotel to the studios. He spent a whole day there and had a 8 time.In an interview with Beijing Evening News, Xinxins father said that 9 he was too busy to spend all his time with his son, he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of 10 Had Xinxins mother bee

5、n there, she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight, the father commented.1、AstudyBexploreCtestDmeasure2、AwhileBuntilCbeforeDunless3、AalongBaliveCaloneDlonely4、AfloatingBsurfingCdrivingDdiving5、AmadeBsetCdecidedDasked6、AunderBbehindCwithDwithout7、AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth8、AterribleBmiserableCf

6、antasticDflexible9、AthoughBsinceCifDwhen10、AindependenceBdaringCprideDdiligenceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Formal Afternoon TeasA

7、 pot of tea, a plate of finger sandwiches and a selection of pastries and scones: In America, this wonderful way to wile away the afternoon is commonly, though mistakenly, known as “high tea.” In Britain, where it originated, “high tea” is simply an old-fashioned name for the evening meal; its also

8、called “meal tea.” The light, elegant, scone-centric meal served at fancy hotels is called “low tea” or “afternoon tea”. Whatever you call it, here are four places to get afternoon tea on Long Island. Prices are per person.Chat Noir230 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre516-208-8521, Owner Emma Tso is a t

9、alented pastry chef, and her afternoon tea($22) includes sandwiches, miniature pastries, warm scones, cream and jam and a pot of tea. Open 7 days a week. Reservations required.Robinsons Tea Room97-E Main St., Stony Brook631-751-1232Robinsons service afternoon tea Tuesday to Sunday. $26 buys unlimite

10、d tea, about 10 finger sandwiches, fresh scones, cream and jam and desserts. Reservations required.The Secret Garden Tea Cafe& Gift Shoppe225 Main St., Port Jefferson631-476-8327, The Street Gardens menu has more modest options, but the full afternoon tea, $26.95, includes scones, fresh fruit, tea s

11、andwiches, mini desserts and a pot of tea. Open Tuesday to Sunday.The Hidden Oak CafeBayard Cutting Arboretum, Montauk Highway, Great River631-277-3895, bayardcuttingarboretum.orgThe cafe is open Tuesday to Sunday. Afternoon tea($25.95) includes tea sandwiches, desserts and pastries, scones with cre

12、am and jam and a pot of tea. Reservations required 24 hours in advance.1、What do we know about British afternoon tea?AIts known as “meal tea”.BIts centered on desserts.CIts served at fancy hotels.DIts originated from America.2、Which number should you call to reserve for a Monday afternoon tea?A516-2

13、08-8521B631-751-1232C631-476-8327D631-277-38953、Where can you get afternoon tea with fresh fruit?AAt Chat NoirBAt Robinsons Tea RoomCAt the Hidden Oak CafeDAt the Secret Garden Tea Cafe& Gift ShoppeText 2Shortly after my fourth birthday, my parents and I arrived from China in Sydney, Australia. It w

14、as 1991 and my mother had left behind everything she knew-family, friends and career.Yet within two years, my parents marriage had broken down. After one particularly unpleasant fight, my mother left my father, taking me with her. With no family or friends, and in a country where she couldnt even co

15、mmunicate, she took me to Chinatown, the only area of Sydney she was familiar with. That night she laid me on a bench in Dixon Street, packing suitcases around us for security. I will never forget the despair in her face that night.At around 4 am, a group of four young Chinese men noisily exited a club nearby. I remember them falling silent as they saw us. They approached and asked my mother why she was sleeping on the streets with such a young child. My mum burst into tears as she told them our story


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