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1、考研英语一2023年阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Two runners stand side by side at the starting line of a race 36 look very strong and fast 37one runner speeds

2、 ahead and wins the raceThe other _38_Some athletes can reach great 39 such as winning an Olympic gold medalOthers never live upto their 40 What kind of preparation before a race or before other kinds of events makes the 41 ?Everyone knows that athletes try to 42 their bodiesBut research shows that

3、strengthening themind may be just as 43 Careful study indicates that the best athletes win 44 because they thinkthey can winPositive thoughts seem to provide the edge for 45 in sportsPeople who say I know I can dothis to themselves over and over 46 find that they have the advantage to winOn the othe

4、r hand,people who think I cant win often 47 One procedure that helps many athletes is creating 48 in their mindThey are told to think ofeach jump they must make to 49 Some use pictures that are more fancifulOne skater liked to thinkabout a star bursting inside her, 50 her with energyAnother athlete

5、who wanted to feel 51 pictured himself as a bird floating in the airNext time you want to do something welltry training your 52 to help youPerhaps a teacher orother instructors can 53 you plan your trainingIf you imagine yourself doing better, you may soonsee improvements in 54 you really can doPosi

6、tive thinking and pictures 55 in your mind canhelp you win!1、ANeither BAllCEach DBoth2、ABut BSo COr DAnd3、Afalls down Bleaves behind Cleaves alone Dfalls behind4、Aprizes Bgoals Cmedals Dplaces5、Apromise Bname Clevel Dability6、Aprogress Bmistake Cachievement Ddifference7、Adetermine Bexpand Cstrengthe

7、n Dextend8、Apossible Binteresting Cdifficult Dimportant9、Apartly Bentirely Ccompletely Dmostly10、Afailure Bluck Csuccess Dcompetition11、Aoften Bnever Chardly Drarely12、Afail Bsucceed Cunderstand Dexpect13、Aideas Bthoughts Cwonders Dpictures14、Afail BrunCwin Dgo15、Agiving Bhelping Ctaking Dtiring16、A

8、encouraged Bcalm Cexcited Danxious17、Amind Bbody Cbrain Dimagination18、Ahelp Badvise Callow Dpersuade19、Awhich Bthat Cwhat Dhow20、Amade Bhung Cdiscovered DcreatedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C o

9、r D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Laughter is part of the universal human vocabulary. All members of the human species understand it. Unlike English or French or Swahili, we dont have to learn to speak it. We re born with the capacity to laugh.Very little is known about t

10、he specific brain mechanisms responsible for laughter. Contrary to folk wisdom, most laughter is not about humor; it is about relationships. To find out when and why people laugh, I went with several assistants to local malls and recorded what happened just before people laughed. Over a 10-year peri

11、od, we studied over 2,000 cases of naturally occurring laughter.We found that most laughter does not necessarily follow jokes. People may laugh after a variety of statements, such as, “Here comes Mary,” “How did you do on the test?” or “Do you have a rubber band?” These certainly arent jokes.We beli

12、eve laughter evolved from the panting (喘气的) behavior of our ancient ancestors. Today, if we tickle (使发痒) chimps, they dont laugh. But, instead, they produce a panting sound. Thats the sound of ape laughter, and its the root of human laughter.Apes laugh in the kinds of situations that lead to human l

13、aughter, like games that involve chasing. Other animals produce sounds during play, but they are so different from laughter. Rats, for example, produce high sounds during play and when tickled, but these are very different in sound from human laughter.Laughter is often positive, but it can be negati

14、ve too. Theres a difference between “laughing with” and “laughing at”. People who laugh at others may be trying to drive them out of the group.No one has actually counted how much people of different ages laugh, but young children probably laugh the most. At ages 5 and 6 we probably laugh more than at any other times. Adults laugh less than children, probably because they play less.Work now underwa


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