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1、考研英语一河南省新乡市长垣县2023年模拟预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One day, an expert was speaking to a group of business students. He used an 1 those students will never 2 . As he

2、 stood in front of the group, he pulled out a jar and set it on the table. He then 3 placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks, one 4 a lime, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the 5 and no more rocks would fit 6 , he asked, the jar 7 ?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes, He replied, “Really?”He re

3、ached under the table and pulled out lots of gravel(碎石), then put some gravel in and 8 the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the 9 between the big rocks. He asked the group once more, “Is the jar full? “Probably not,” one of them 10 , “Good!” he replied.He reached under the

4、table again and 11 a bag of sand. He started putting the sand into the jar and it went into all the spaces 12 between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the 13 question, “Is the jar full?” “No! the class shouted.Once again he said, “Good! Then he put out a 14 of water and began to pour it

5、in 15 the jar was filled to the top. Then he looked at the class and said, “The truth this example 16 us is: If you dont put the big rocks in 17 , youll never get them in 18 . What are the big rocks in your life? In my life they are my 19 ones, my dreams, doing things that I love, time for myself, a

6、nd my health. Remember to put these big 20 in first or youll never get them in at all.1、Aagreement Baccident Cexample Dexcuse2、Arealize Bforget Cremember Dagree3、Acarefully Bsuddenly Cespecially Dhopefully4、Ain Bon Cby Dat5、Atop Bbottom Cline Drow6、Aoutside Binside Cindoors Doutdoors7、Agood Bnew. Cf

7、all Duseful8、Abeat Bbroke Ckicked Dshook9、Aspaces Bpaths Cunits Dstreets10、Adoubted Banswered Cwarned Dordered11、Aspoke out Btook on Cbrought out Dput up12、Athrown Bdamaged Crepaired Dleft13、Asame Bother Cdifferent Deasy14、Acar Bpond Cbottle Droom15、Aafter Buntil Cwhen . Das16、Ablames Bpunishes Ctea

8、ches Dchanges17、Alast Bsuddenly Csecond Dfirst18、Aabove all Bat all Cfirst of all Dafter all19、Aloved Bplanned Cchanged Dadmitted20、Asand Bvillages Cpeople DrocksSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C o

9、r D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In America, each of the states likes to promote itself with a slogan (口号). I currently live in Utah, where the slogan is “Life Elevated”. Its a nod to outdoor entertainment in the hill country, including the ski industry. I previously live

10、d in Colorado, a land with red dm. great mountains and golden plains. The slogan there is Colorful Colorado”. Years ago I lived in the “Peach State” of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico as a little boy, whose slogan is “Land of Enchantment (魔力)”.We never seemed to get away from dust in New Mexico

11、, so I appreciate the story of a newcomer to the Land of Enchantment who learned about dusty wind. She was visiting an antique shop and the owner wiped down every item before showing it. The newcomer said, “Everything gets dusty here pretty quickly, doesnt it?” “Thats not dust, honey,” the shop owne

12、r replied, “Thats ENCIIANTMENT”. That made the problem more acceptable or at least can be live with. An escalator (自动扶梯) broke, so he posted a sign to warn customers. He chose not to use the traditional “Out of Order” or “Do Not Use” warnings. Instead, his sign read, “This Escalator Is Temporarily a

13、 Stairway”. He turned a minus into humor and made it a plus.And in fact there arc sonic things, like the weather, we cant change. All we can change is our ways that we think and feel about them. I believe one of the best techniques to do this is to find some humor in the situation. Finding something

14、 amusing or enjoyable of difficulty, a troublesome problem can be one of the most creative and effective things we can do. Sometimes the only sense you can make of a situation is a sense of humor.1、How many places has the author lived in from the first paragraph?A2. B3.C4. D5.2、How would the newcomer probably feel after hearing what the shop owner said?AAngry. BRelaxed.CCurious. DNervous.3、Whats the purpose of writing the text?ATo encourage people to find the funny side in their daily life.BTo show the effects of using slogans to raise the position.CTo explain the skills of


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