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1、江西省九江市都昌县2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)An Effective CommercialI have to admit that I rarely watch commercials, since most of them are boring and stupid.

2、 When watching commercials, we are “learning” that consumption makes us happy and that we need to buy everything. This really makes me 1 . So when I watch commercials I usually start thinking of other things, and dont hear a 2 . Recently, however, a commercial for a major retail (零售) store got my 3

3、. It gave me a deep impression, and 4 me of the best things about Christmas.A young lady is talking over the phone to her family right before Christmas. She is obviously living away from her family and 5 them. She is upset because she wont be with them for the holidays. I believe she is talking to h

4、er mother, who asks her if she has received the 6 that were sent to her. The young lady 7 that she hasnt, and the mother expresses 8 that they should have arrived by now. The mother suggests that she 9 the doorstep. At this point, the young lady opens her front door, and 10 there is her family on th

5、e doorstep. They have come to 11 the Christmas with her.This is where I got 12 . What a surprise! This has happened to me, but I can 13 how wonderful it would be. The holidays are a good time to 14 connections and renew relationships among family members. People can communicate with each other and 1

6、5 a sense of belonging. So once again I am reminded that the best Christmas gifts are not the ones you buy in the retail store. They are gifts of 16 , family and time spent together happily.Commercials can 17 the audience if they are made effectively. What makes a commercial 18 is human interest, an

7、d usually there are some common 19 . A good commercial for me is when I can forget it is a commercial for something I have to buy and instead 20 it with an experience in my own life or the lives of others. It can make me think and pass on a few of those thoughts to other people.1、Arelaxed Bannoyed C

8、nervous Dcurious2、Aview Bstory Cnoise Dword3、Aattention Bway Cidea Dtrouble4、Awarned Binformed Creminded Dcured5、Amissing Bsupporting Ccomforting Dinviting6、Amaterials Breports Cmessages Dpresents7、Aargues Bresponds Cmentions Dproves8、Asympathy Bsorrow Cconcern Ddesire9、Acheck Bfollow Cpass Dclear10

9、、Apractically Bfortunately Csuccessfully Dsurprisingly11、Aarrange Bcelebrate Coccupy Dapproach12、Aimproved Bconfused Caffected Dstressed13、Aimagine Bapprove Cremember Dpromise14、Asuggest Bconfirm Cidentify Dstrengthen15、Aaccept Bshare Cadmit Djudge16、Apride Bhonor Clove Drespect17、Amove Bcontrol Cpr

10、otect Dencourage18、Ahelpful Bmemorable Cbelievable Drelevant19、Asymptoms Bconditions Corigins Dthemes20、Apromote Bupdate Cassociate DdiscoverSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer

11、s on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Saja Pahad, a small village in Chhattisgarh, India, has been dealing with severe water shortages for as long as anyone can remember. With only two wells available, locals were barely able to secure enough water to feed their cattle, let alone irrigate their cr

12、ops. Villagers didnt know what to do and the government ignored their difficult situation, but one “crazy” teenager took matters into his own hands.Shyam Lal was only 15 when he took it upon himself to solve his villages water problem. He identified a spot in a nearby forest and decided to dig a pon

13、d to collect rainfall that could then be used by the entire village. Lal shared his idea with the rest of Saja Pahad, but instead of volunteering to help, they just laughed at his crazy plan and called him a lunatic(疯子). But the young man didnt let the peoples reaction get him down. Instead, he grab

14、bed a spade and started digging the pond himself. He kept on digging for the next 27 years.Now 42, Shyam Lal is considered a hero and a savior by his community. That small hole he started digging nearly three decades ago is now a one-acre, 15-feet-deep pond filled with precious water that serves the

15、 entire village.“No one helped me in my work, neither the government nor the villagers,” Lal told the Hindustan Times, “It was my dream to secure enough water for the whole village and their cattle.”The story of Shyam Lals determination recently went viral in the whole of India, and prompted authorities in Mahendragarh district to final


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