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1、考研英语一2023年通化市二道江区深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When my oldest son was in high school, he planned to attend a Christian contemporary concert with the youth group f

2、rom our church. To my 36 , Aaron invited me to go along. I 37 accepted; however, by the time the date of the concert arrived, my youngest son had been ill, and I was 38 about him. My husband 39 me to attend the concert, promising he would take care of our youngest. I hesitated.Finally, it 40 me. Aar

3、on was sixteen years old. How many 41 would I have to do something fun with him 42 he went away to college? And how many youth actually 43 their mothers to attend a concert with them that was clearly for teens? The 44 was made. I would not miss this opportunity.At the concert, I sat with Aaron in th

4、e third row, stuffing (填塞)cotton in my ears to block out the 45 , ear-splitting music of the first performer. I stood when the kids stood, clapped when they clapped, and never let anyone know how 46 I was to feel the floor vibrate (震动) beneath my feet. Aaron and his friends were 47 at my enthusiasm.

5、By the time we left the concert, my ears were ringing, but it quickly passed. 48 did my sons teenage years. 49 he was in college and away from home. I missed him more than I could say. On days when I was especially 50 for his ready smile and his teasing manner, I would think back to the concert we a

6、ttended and be thankful once again that I didnt 51 an opportunity to spend time with my son.Aaron is now grown and has a family of his own, but we are still very 52 . Some days he calls just to 53 and tell me about his day. I drop everything and 54 the moment, knowing these times too shall 55 . 1、Aa

7、mazementBagreementCargumentDdisappointment 2、AhardlyBsuddenlyCreadilyDrapidly 3、AcrazyBmercifulCpatient Dconcerned 4、ApreventedBencouragedCstoppedDrefused 5、AdeterminedBhit CcontrolledDannoyed 6、 AopportunitiesByearsCfestivals Dmoments 7、AafterBsince CwhenDbefore 8、AinvitedBadvisedCallowedDpromised

8、9、AinvitationBdesignCdemandDdecision 10、 AsillyBpleasantCloudDsweet 11、 AexcitedBnervous CcuriousDsurprised 12、 ApuzzledBannoyedCamusedDdisappointed13、ASuchBNeitherCSoDEither 14、AIn no timeBIn timeCAt a timeDAt the time 15、AtiredBworriedCupsetDlonely 16、 AhaveBmissCobtainD. grasp 17、 AcloseBopenCyou

9、ngDpositive 18、AtalkBspeakCchatDcommunicate 19、 AwaitBspendClisten Denjoy 20、ApassBgainClose DkeepSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Ive

10、 been researching my family tree since 1998 ,and Ive long been curious about DNA as a way to learn more about my roots. The technology has come a long way in the last decade, and its become more affordable too. Finally, I went ahead and ordered a Y-DNA test.The results came in my email inbox from th

11、e DNA lab! When I logged in to see the results, there are 29 living people today with whom I share a common direct male ancestor in about the last 1,000 years. They live in Ireland, England, Scotland, South Africa, the United States and probably elsewhere.I had two close matches, and the rest were m

12、ore distant. They both live in Ireland! What makes the connection to these two men so interesting is that most Irish genealogical (族谱的)records were burned in fires in Dublin and dont exist today. Without them, it s hard to trace Irish roots any further back than the 1800s. Ive written emails to both

13、 of them and hope to hear back !I did some more research on my Y-DNA and found my direct male ancestors were Celtics. They seem to have lived in Western Europe at the time of Ancient Rome. Migration patterns show that my DNA group likely originated in Western Asia, living there 20, 000 and 30, 000 y

14、ears ago. There are relatives with similar DNA going thousands of years back in what is now Iran, India, Syria, Israel and Turkey.I was so excited by these results that I decided to trace my motherly line too. My DNA is already at the lab, so now I just have to wait another month or so, and Im sure

15、to find more interesting things.1、What is the authors purpose of doing a Y-DNA test?ATo satisfy his curiosity about DNABTo know more about his ancestors.CTo find his families separated long ago.DTo rewrite genealogical records in Ireland.2、Which of the following can replace the underlined word “matches” in paragraph 3?Afriends



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