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1、考研英语一济宁市梁山县2023年考前冲刺预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish serv

2、ice. Because the entire village 1 the fishing industry, a volunteer rescue team was needed in cases of 2 One night a strong storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. In trouble, the 3 sent out the S.O.S immediately. Spotting the signal, the captain of the rescue team sounded the alarm and the villagers

3、4 on the beach. While the team 5 their way through the wild waves, the villagers waited anxiously, holding lanterns to light the way 6 An hour later, the rescue boat 7 and the villagers ran to greet them. The 8 reported that the rescue boat couldnt hold any more 9 and they had to leave one man behin

4、d. Even one more would have 10 capsized the rescue boat and all would have been lost.Therefore, the captain called for another volunteer team to go after the lonely 11 Sixteen-year-old Hans 12 forward. His mother grabbed ( 抓住 ) his arm and said, “Please dont go. Your older brother, Paul, has been lo

5、st at sea for three weeks. Hans, you are all I have 13 ”Hans replied, “Mother, I have to go. What if everyone said, I cant go, let 14 else do it? When the call for 15 comes, we all need to take our turn and do our 16 ” Hans kissed his mother, 17 the team and disappeared into the night.Another hour p

6、assed, which seemed to Hans mother 18 a century. Finally, the rescue boat reappeared in the fog with Hans 19 on the boat. And he 20 yelled, “We found him. Tell my mother its my older brother, Paul!”1、Adepended onBsuffered fromCturned awayDgot through2、AstruggleBpreparationCconsequenceDemergency3、Agr


8、pedBlookedCputDthrew13、AtakenBreceivedCleftDwanted14、AeveryoneBsomeoneCanyoneDno one15、AserviceBprotectionCreliefDsacrifice16、ApartBlessonCbusinessDexercise17、AbuiltBtrainedCmanagedDjoined18、AforBwithClikeDat19、AworkingBstandingCrunningDfishing20、AcalmlyBworriedlyCsincerelyDexcitedlySection II Readi

9、ng ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Lets catch a glimpse of the latest inventions this year.Parallels lets you use desktop apps on your phoneYoud think

10、most applications would have created a mobile app by now but many companies still use desktop apps exclusively. Now Parallels Access lets you access them on your smartphone. All you need to do is download the app, then connect Parallels Applification to your computer, so you can access important fil

11、es and other apps with a single click. You can easily use your apps in full-screen mode, using intuitive(直观的) touch controls to work faster than before.Usually,Parallels Access is $19.99, but you can get it now for $9.99.Take your lighting to the next level with this smart switchYou probably dont sp

12、end a lot of time thinking about your homes lighting, but its important: the way that you control your lighting affects the environment (and your electric bill).This WiFi wall switch is controlled via a companion app on your smartphone, so you can control connected lights or ceiling fans from anywhe

13、re.Usually, the Meross WiFi Wall Light Switch costs $45.99, but right now its on sale for $39.99 .Shoot beautifully clear videos with this smartphone gimbalIf youre interested in shooting professional-quality videos and photos, you dont have to spend a fortune to take a beautifully composed shot: ju

14、st use this Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal instead.A gimbal is a support for your camera (in this case, your smartphone) that allows it to pivot(移动), and automatically detect and adjust to the position that you want to film in. Unlike any other camera hardware you might own, this one comes with its own ac

15、companying app.Usually, this Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal is $269, but you can get it now for $109.99.1、What do these products have in common?AThey save us energy.BThey make us work faster than before.CThey make our life easier and more comfortable.DWe have to download their apps before they are used.2、Which product gives you the best discount?AThe Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal.BThe Meross WiFi Wall Light Switch.C.The Parallels Access.DThe Des


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