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1、榕江县2023年考研英语一全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I grew up with two elder sisters.If I wasnt courteous(礼貌)to them,theyd fix me.So courtesy wasnt really 1 in my childho

2、od home.My sisters 2 every chance to train me how to be a courteous 3 .They made me open doors for them or help them into their 4 at dinner.Years later I went away to college.The first time I walked into the library,I noticed a woman walking behind me and I 5 the door open for her. 6 ,she glared at

3、me,asking loudly,“Do you think that because Im a woman Im not 7 enough to open a door for myself ?”She slammed(摔)the door shut,leaving me astonished and 8 .My face burned with 9 .I decided 10 that there would be no more courtesy!As I stood there,another lady 11 the door,her arms 12 with textbooks.In

4、stinctively(本能地)I 13 to open the door for her. 14 I realized what I had done.I prepared myself for shouts.However,I received a warm smile and a look of 15 .“Thanks!”she said brightly.“Its nice to see we still have a few gentlemen around here!”Of course,if I were REALLY a gentleman,I would have 16 to

5、 help with her books.Despite this,I appreciated the good 17 I got from performing all act of simple courtesy.To do otherwise would be to 18 my lifetime of training.Courtesy brings pleasant,refreshing light to our lives whether we are the giver,the 19 or just an interested observer.Courtesy doesnt 20

6、 change our lives,but it can certainly transform the way we feel about life.1、AimportantBavailableCdelightfulDoptional2、Amade the most ofBgot ready forCgave way toDput forward3、AcolleagueBassistantCcompanionDgentleman4、AdressesBchairsCdishesDmouths5、AansweredBunlockedCheldDforced6、AInsteadBEven soCU

7、nexpectedlyDSure enough7、AstrongBconfidentCcourageousDexperienced8、AimpatientBspeechlessCanxiousDdesperate9、AfearBexcitementCembarrassmentDenvy10、Ain advanceBin a flashConce moreDby chance11、AapproachedBpassedCpulledDentered12、AsurroundedBcrowdedCcoveredDoverloaded13、AregrettedBrefusedCreachedDhesit

8、ated14、AUntilBAlthoughCIn caseDThe moment15、AdoubtBreliefCguiltDcuriosity16、AofferedBagreedCpromisedDwaited17、AthoughtBprocessCfeelingDadvice18、Acorrespond withB1ead toCgo againstDhold on to19、AjudgerBreceiverCloserDreporter20、AnecessarilyBnormallyCcasuallyDnaturallySection II Reading ComprehensionP

9、art ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Humans and many other mammals have unusually efficient internal temperature regulating systems that automatically maintain stable cor

10、e body temperatures in cold winters and warm summers. In addition, people have developed cultural patterns and technologies that help them adjust to extremes of temperature and humidity (湿度).In very cold climates, there is a constant danger of developing hypothermia, which is a life-threatening drop

11、 in core body temperature to below normal levels. The normal temperature for humans is about 37.0CHowever, differences in persons and even the time of day can cause it to be as much as 6C higher or lower in healthy individuals. It is also normal for core body temperature to be lower in elderly peopl

12、e. Hypothermia begins to occur when the core body temperature drops to 34.4CBelow 29.4C, the body cools more rapidly because its natural temperature regulating system usually fails. The rapid decline in core body temperature is likely to result in death. However, there have been rare cases in which

13、people have been saved after their temperatures had dropped to 13.9-15.6CThis happened in 1999 to a Swedish woman who was trapped under an ice sheet in freezing water for 80 minutes. She was found unconscious, not breathing, and her heart had stopped beating, yet she was eventually saved despite the

14、 fact that her temperature had dropped to 13.7CIn extremely hot climates or as a result of uncontrollable infections, core body temperatures can rise to equally dangerous levels. This is hyperthermia. Life-threatening hyperthermia typically starts in humans when their temperatures rise to 40.6-41.7C

15、Only a few days at this extraordinarily high temperature level is likely to result in the worsening of internal organs and death.1、What keeps our body temperature stable?ACulture and technologies.BThe stable earth temperature.COur strong determination.DSome kind of in-body system.2、What is a Swedish woman mentioned for in the text?AProving the strength of life.BArguing against some conclusion.CShowing th


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