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1、通化市通化县2023年考研英语一点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I grew up with a fat dad-450 pounds at his heaviest. Every week hed try a new d

2、iet, and my family_ eating whatever freeze-dried he was trying at that moment. He hoped every new diet could stop his waistline from_ .My mother, on the other hand, had no_ in preparing food. Therefore, almost all of our meals_ my dads diet foods.What I remember most about those years is that I was

3、always hungry - hungry for food, hungry for nice clean clothes, hungry for someone to _ when I ran away from home or hid in the closet(壁橱) for hours. I just _ to be cared for. But on Friday nights, I was_ hungry. My grandmother would take me to her home for the weekend. When we_, there was always a

4、pot of something cooking on the stove. She taught me how good it felt to be cared for, and how to care for myself and others through_. My grandmother was always_ of my parents strange eating habits and _ on processed diet foods, and made it her duty to teach me how to _ myself.After my third-grade y

5、ear, my dad changed his jobs. _ as I was, I had to move away from my hometown, Chicago, and leave my grandmother and her delicious food behind. I felt extremely lonely and lost, and I_ my grandmother terribly. My grandmother knew just how I felt- and she knew the _: Every week, she would send me a c

6、ard with a $20 bill, a recipe and a list of what to buy at the market. Her_ filled my body and soul.Now Ive grown to better understand my fathers struggles with_. Today, he weighs 220 pounds. Food is no longer a barrier that keeps us_, but a bridge that keeps us connected. Theres nothing my dad enjo

7、ys more than talking with me about dietary theories and his weight-loss_. And now I am the one_ sending recipe cards to my fathers house, just as my grandmother did for me.1、Aput offBset outCgave upDended up2、AchangingBexpandingCdecreasingDdisappearing3、AfaultBdifficultyCinterestDpride4、Aconsisted o

8、fBdiffered fromCbelonged toDmade up5、AfollowBaccompanyCstopDnotice6、AforgotBdesiredCprovedDpretended7、AundoubtedlyBespeciallyCevenDnever8、AarrivedBapproachedCagreedDreturned9、AcreativityBguidanceCcookingDobserving10、AenviousBskepticalCproudDfond11、AjudgmentBinfluenceCdependenceDimpression12、AfeedBre


10、graduallySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Travelling in Yosemite ParkPublic TransportationPublic transportation is available both to Y

11、osemite and within Yosemite. Since there are restrictions for parking for RVs and trailers in Yosemite, we strongly encourage you to park your RV outside Yosemite and use YARTS to travel into the park. Once youre inside Yosemite, or if youre camping inside Yosemite, free shuttles and fee-based tours

12、 are available to get you to many areas of the park.ReservationsWe strongly recommend that you make reservations for accommodation and camping.Accommodation options in Yosemite National Park range from simple tent cabins to deluxe rooms. Yosemite has numerous restaurants and other dining options all

13、 year. Visit the Yosemite Hospitality website for full descriptions, prices and online reservations. Reservations are available 365 days in advance and are strongly recommended, especially from spring through fall and during holidays.Reservations are required all year for Yosemite Valleys car campgr

14、ounds. Be aware that nearly all reservations for the months of May through September and for some other weekend are filled the first day they become available, usually within seconds or minutes after 7 am Pacific time! For your best chance of getting a reservation, be sure your clock is set accurate

15、ly and start the first few steps of the reservation process at www.recreation, gov.Entrance FeesSeven-day pass if entering by.Non-commercial car, pick up truck, RV , or van with 15 or fewer passenger seats $30 per vehicle (no per-person fee)Motorcycle$25 per motorcycle ( no per-person fee )Foot, bicycle, horse, or non-commercial bus or van with more than 15 passenger seats $15 per person aged 16 and olderContact the parkMailing Address : PO Box 577 Yosem


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