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1、2023年广西壮族桂林市灵川县考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)All of us in Monte Vista Christian School know well one day have graduation photos for the yearbook taken. As the

2、time 1 , the girls start to have a 2 about what theyll wear and where to take the photos, while the boys, 3 , hardly talk about it. As for me, I 4 for my photos to be taken by the sea.When I arrived there, I met my photographer, Annie. She asked me to make some poses and I 5 her advice. After that,

3、I asked if she could make me look 6 by takings photo in a different way, 7 Im less than 1.6 meters tall. To my 8 she responded, “I will make no 9 to make you look like someone youre not. You look good in your own way.” She 10 that she wouldnt try to edit the photos either.I was shocked by what she s

4、aid. Girls always 11 to look perfect by using different visual angles. When you go to a photo studio, photographers always try to hide your 12 by telling you to stand in a certain way. And picture editors can easily 13 your look by making you appear any you want to. 14 , thats not the case here. See

5、ing I was 15 , Annie explained: “Everyone has his uniqueness. You need to 16 your own beauty. You cannot live in a world of 17 photos.”It was the first time that I had met a photographer who doesnt 18 photos at all. After the shoot, I saw the photos they are 19 special and natural. But whats even mo

6、re special are Annies 20 , which will always stay in my heart.1、Aflows Bshrinks Capproaches Ddevelops2、Arequest Bdiscussion Creason Dcomplaint3、Aby accident Bin addition Cin advance Dby comparison4、Aarranged Bapplied Csearched Daccounted5、Aconsidered Bdeclined Cconsulted Dfollowed6、Aprettier Btaller

7、 Cthinner Dstronger7、Aunless Bthough Cwhile Dsince8、Adelight Brelief Castonishment Dsatisfaction9、Aattempt Bchoice Cpromise Ddecision10、Aswore Badded Cexplained Dadmitted11、Apretend Bmanage Cpay Ddesire12、Aimperfections Bshortcomings Cpersonalities Dpreferences13、Aexpose Brecover Crecognize Dchange1

8、4、ATherefore BHowever COtherwise DAnyway15、Aannoyed Bdiscouraged Cconfused Dembarrassed16、Afoster Bdescribe Cadmire Dadvocate17、Avivid Bcolorful Cpopular Dartificial18、Aorganize Bpolish Ccut Dexhibit19、Areally Broughly Cpartially Dcausally20、Aattitudes Bactions Cwords DskillsSection II Reading Compr

9、ehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The Governors School is described as a unique opportunity for high school students to involve themselves in math, science, a

10、nd technology. When I signed up for computer programming, I expected to learn about coding (编程). However, what I didnt expect was that I would also learn how to build strong friendships.Just before I went there, I didnt know what to expect in the school, feeling quite at a loss. A sense of uncertain

11、ty about my future was flooding over me. On the first day, the students awkwardly moved around at the opening ceremonies. Although it is embarrassing to admit, I hadnt been able to succeed in my friendship in the past because I was too focused on myself. This time, I got rid of the desire to share p

12、ersonal stories and instead was eager to ask others about themselves.After sunset on the second night, I heard three girls trying to recall the schedule for an upcoming museum trip. After effective communication, I knew they were Bree, Megan and Avery. Bree and Avery were in environmental science, a

13、nd Megan was studying mathematics.We had a lot in common among us four, such as our love for movies, which strengthened our friendships. Meanwhile, we were able to introduce each other to new activities. Bree introduced us to anime (日本动漫). Enthusiastically, Megan encouraged us to play tennis. Avery

14、and I kept the other two motivated to work out at the gym. The fact that none of us was particularly skilled with equipment resulted in shared laughter almost every day.After four weeks, I left with the ability to successfully code an educational computer game. More importantly, I also left with kno

15、wledge about the code of friendship - the fact that I could make more friends in a month by showing interest in them than I could in a year by trying to attract others interest in me.1、The author went to the Governors School to originally learn how to _.Acode computer programsBmake friends with othersCdevelop



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