Unit+3+Listening+and+Speaking+教学设计 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册 (4)

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Unit+3+Listening+and+Speaking+教学设计 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册 (4)_第1页
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Unit+3+Listening+and+Speaking+教学设计 高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册 (4)_第2页
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1、Unit3听力课教案Ask about Online HabitsI. Teaching Objectives:1. To help students understand the importance of online habits.2. To improve their listening skills in English.3. To encourage critical thinking and analysis of online content.II. Key Points and Difficulties:1. Key Points: Understanding online

2、habits, improving listening skills, critical thinking.2. Difficulties: Balancing online activities with other responsibilities, understanding technical terms.III. Teaching Process:1. Introduction (10 minutes): Begin the class by asking students about their online habits and why they use the internet

3、. This will help set the context for the lesson.2. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes): Discuss common online terms and phrases that students may encounter in their daily lives, such as social media, online privacy, cyberbullying etc. Use real-life examples to make the vocabulary more relatable.3. List

4、ening Exercise (20 minutes): Play a short audio clip related to online habits and ask students to listen carefully and answer questions based on what they heard. This will help improve their listening skills and comprehension of spoken English.4. Analysis Activity (20 minutes): After the listening e

5、xercise, lead a discussion about the content of the audio clip. Ask students to analyze the speakers tone, attitude, and message conveyed through the speech. Encourage them to think critically and share their own opinions on the topic.5. Homework (10 minutes): Assign homework where students are requ

6、ired to write a short essay about their own online habits and how they use the internet in their daily lives. They should also include examples of any challenges they face while managing their online presence.IV. Teaching Resources:1. Audio clips related to online habits for listening practice.2. Real-life examples of online terms for vocabulary building.3. A list of potential topics for discussion and analysis.4. Writing prompts for homework assignments.学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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