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1、试卷第 1页,共 5页小升初英语模拟卷(通用版)基础卷 04小升初英语模拟卷(通用版)基础卷 04一、语音选择题一、语音选择题选出划线部分单词读音与其他三个不同的单词。1AfamilyBdangerChappyDhand2AbikesBcoatsCbirdsDmaps3AstudentBmuchCexcuseDcute4AgirlBheadCturnDthirty5AbeerBdeerCnearDpear二、词汇选择题二、词汇选择题找出每组中不同类的词语。6AoftenBneverCtoo7AhomeworkBnurseCdriver8AknifeBfaceCfork9AwindyBsunny

2、Ctoday10AappleBmonkeyCtiger三、单选题三、单选题11Mr Li _ a teacher twenty years ago()AisBareCwas12There _ a horse in the photo()AareBisCam13He _ playing basketball()AlikeBlikingClikes14_ did you go there?()In JulyAWhoBWhereCWhen15_ stamps is my hobby()ACollectBCollectedCCollecting四、情景选择四、情景选择16老师想知道你能为告别晚会会做些

3、什么,她问:()AWhat can you do for the party?BCan you dance?17你想告诉笔友,他的年龄比你小,你说:()AYoure younger than meBYou are older than me18Amy 建议周末一起去郊游,你对她说:()且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功1且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功1试卷第 2页,共 5页AI am sorry to hear thatBSounds great19Mike 的妈妈热情地邀请你来参加六一聚餐,你高兴地说:()AThats ve

4、ry kind of youBI like the party and big dinner20你想知道 Mike 今晚打算去哪里,你问:()AWhat are you going to do?BWhere are you going?五、完形填空五、完形填空It is Sunday today _21_ is a fine day The sky is _22_ Mr Green is_23_ his family The family are having an outing Tom is Mr and Mrs Greensson Mary is _24_ They are _25_ al

5、ong a small river There are some boats_26_ the river Mr and Mrs Green are looking at _27_ Mary is not lookingat the boats She is looking at some ducks The ducks are swimming _28_ theriver What is Tom _29_?He is in the river now He is _30_ Mr Green and hisfamily are very happy today21AThisBThatCIt22A

6、greenBblueCblack23AwithBforCand24Atheir daughterBher daughterCyour daughter25AworkingBwashingCwalking26AonBinCat27AitBthemCthese28AonBunderCin29AcleaningBdoingCwatching30AplayingBwashing his clothesCswimming六、填内容补全对话/短文六、填内容补全对话/短文write cooked talked ago watchedI _31_ a television programme about Ch

7、ina last night An old lady _32_about her life many years _33_ She worked in the fields She _34_ on afire She didnt have a television or a radio She didnt have a telephone She couldntread or _35_七、任务型阅读七、任务型阅读It was Childrens Day last weekendI was very happy because I had an exciting hockey(曲棍球)holid

8、ay with my family and my hockey team且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功2且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功2试卷第 3页,共 5页Last Friday night,my dad,my mum,my sister and I went to Toronto by bus We stayedin a big hotelOn Saturday morning,we got up 6:00 am We had breakfast at 6:30 am and weplayed our first ga

9、me at 7:30 am We won!Then we watched the other teamsgames Inthe afternoon,we played two gamesWe won both gamesIn the evening,my team and myfamily had a pizza party It was great fun Then we watched TV in or hotelOn Sunday morning,we played a game for the gold medal(金牌)We lostBut it wasOK I believe ou

10、r team is really strong We came home at 9:00 oclock in the eveningMy hockey Childrens Day was really excitingWhenWhatFriday _36_We took a _37_ to TorontoSaturday morningWe played our _38_ game and we wonSaturday afternoonWe played _39_ games and we wonSaturday eveningWe ate _40_ and watched _41_Sund

11、ay_42_We _43_ the game,but we thought it was _44_Sunday eveningWe came home at _45_八、阅读选择八、阅读选择Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries MostAmerican families have one or two parents and one or two children eachChildren in the US will leave their parentshome when they g

12、row upThey usually livefar from their parents because they want to find good jobs They often write to their parentsor telephone them They often go to visit their parents on holidayParents usually let their children choose their own jobs Americans think its importantfor young people to decide on thei

13、r lives by themselvesChildren are asked to do some workaround their house And in many families,children are paid for doing some housework sothat they learn how to make money for their own use46The size of most American families is _ that of other countries()Alarger thanBsmaller thanCas big as且喜平常度,切

14、忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功3且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功3试卷第 4页,共 5页47When children grow up,they leave their parentshome to _()AstudyBbe freeCfind good jobs48They visit their parents _()Aon weekdaysBat weekendsCon holiday49Which of the following sentences is WRONG?()AChildren have the freedom(自由

15、)to choose their own jobBParents dont ask their children to do the houseworkCWhen children grow up,they usually live far away from their home50Some parents pay their children for doing housework because _()Achildren can learn how to make money for themselvesBtheir children asked them to do soCthey a

16、re rich九、阅读判断九、阅读判断Acrow(乌鸦)is thirstyHe finds a little water in a bottle(瓶子)But the neck(颈部)of the bottle is long The crow cant get water The crow thinks(想)and thinks He putssome little stones in the bottle The water rises up(上升)Now he can drink thewater What a clever crow!51The crow is thirsty and hungry()52The neck of the bottle is long()53The crow puts some big stones in the bottle()54The crow cant drink the water at last(最后)()55The crow is so clever()Wu Dong has a good friend His name is Pe


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