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1、2023高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1.请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5 毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2.答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的 注意事项,按规定答题。第 一 部 分(共 20小题,每小题1.5 分,满分30分)1.left the door unlocked must be held responsible for the accident.A.Whomever B.WhoeverC.WhateverD.Whenever2.-How did you find your trip to Wat

2、er Park in the summer of 2016?-1 thoroughly enjoyed it.It was than I expected.A.even much interesting B.far more interestingC.so far interesting D.far from interesting3.一I will pick you up at 7 oclock tomorrow morning.Is that all right?_.See you then.A.rd love to.B.Thats settled.C.Its up to you D.My

3、 pleasure4.We packed all the hooks in wooden boxes so that they damaged.A.dont get B.wont getC.didnt get D.wouldnt get5.by many potential customers,the salesman had to gather his courage and sell the product in different ways.A.Having denied B.DenyingC.Being denied D.Having been denied6.Pennys baby

4、daughter narrowly escaped drinking the furniture polish on the coffee table.一Luckily for her.She sick or even died.A.could have got B.should have gotC.must have got D.will have got7.Wed better discuss everything before we work out the plan.A.in detail B.in generalC.on purpose D.on time8.Tom looked a

5、t Jenny,with tears his eyes,and shouted out the words in his heart for years.A.filling;having been hidden B.filled;hiddenC.filling;hidden D.filled;hiding9.The store I bought my textbooks is having a sale this week.A.thatB.whereC.which D.why10.The variety of food at the restaurant is limited,but ever

6、y meal can serve at least two people and is under 10,so notonly is it but practical as well.A.adaptable B.adjustableC.adoptable D.affordable11.They intended to have the school better equipped y the local government wasnot able to get enough money to do so.A.unless B.while C.although D.once12.Recentl

7、y some hospitals in China have adopted they call a r o b o t-d o c to r,w ill be used to operate onpatients with more accuracy.A.what;that B.that;whichC.what;which D.which;what13.-Mom,V m going to the graduation dance tonight but I dont think I look attractive enough.一 Oh,darling,dont worry.A.They d

8、on9t know what beauty is.B.Nobody will care about it.C.You look perfect the way you are.D.Impossible is nothing,14.-Could you pass me the sugar,please?-OK,A.never mind B.sounds greatC.here you go D.there it is15.Parents need to encourage kids to develop their potential putting too much pressure on t

9、hem.A.without B.besidesC.by D.for16.My father insisted that every minute made full use of the work well.A.be,to do B.has been,doingC.be,doing D.has been,to do17.With your brothers help,Ive made great progress in English and I really want to do something for hi m.A.in turn B.by turns C.in return D.in

10、 answer18.Contrary to popular belief,the ants,hardworking they are,have their time for play.A.because B.whileC.as D.where19.Meyer and his team were the first how the disease spreads fromanimals to humans.A.showing B.showC.to show D.shown20.It is broadcast on TV that the 88th Academy Award Ceremony w

11、as held in Dolby Theatre seats anaudience of approximately 4,000.A.where B.whoseC.which D.when第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B,C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(6 分)My husband and I wanted desperately the instant transformation from typical consumers toeco-conscious people.We switched our light bulbs to CFL(compac

12、t fluorescent light)bulbs to conserve energy.We wentabout the house turning off lights and unplugging appliances that werent in use.But the rate of global warmingexceeded our snaiFs pace conversion to greenhood.So I pressed onward.I decided to put veganism(素食主义)at the top of our agenda.Vegans refuse

13、 any animal flesh or commercial goodsmade from any animal byproducts such as milk or fats.All the family applauded this option except for myhusband.Some kind of animal needed to sacrifice its dear life for his meal or it wash91 dinner.I cooked up a storm,struggling to prepare nutritious meals domina

14、ted by not-so-obvious vegan dishes like bean burritos and high-fibervegetable stir-fry.It took a few days before he realized that he hadnt been eating any meat.“I feel like eating beef,“he announced.So that night,I took full advantage of a zucchini(一种南瓜),cut it intochunky(粗大的)pieces and cooked them.

15、Then I covered them with spices.My beef-starved husband had some and acurious look crossed his face.“Wheres the beef?”“Living peacefully somewhere on an open plain where it belongs.”“I knew it”he murmured.Youve surely made great contributions to the boom in cattle.MHis taste buds weredeveloped compl

16、etely around the flavor of every kind of animal:cattle9 pigs,deer,lamb,chickens and ducks.Convertinghim was like feeding grass to a lion.Im all for preserving our planet,but what good would it do to save the earth for tomorrows generation if todaysdied of starvation?The next day,we went out for burgers.I was very careful to place the paper bag into our recyclingbin.1、Which of the following best explainsuexceeded,9underlined in Paragraph 1?A.Defeated.B.Absorbed.C.Bound.D.Distributed.2、What do we


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