2021学年人教版高中英语高考真题【含解析】 (二)

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《2021学年人教版高中英语高考真题【含解析】 (二)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021学年人教版高中英语高考真题【含解析】 (二)(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021学年人教版高中英语高考真题【含解析】(二)姓名:班级:学号:题号*二三四五六总分评分一、完型填空(共 1题)1、A 16-year-old in foster care has finally found a home.His adoption caseworker(社会工作者),who has known him since he was 7,will become his adoptive mother thismonth.In October 2013,Dav ion Only spoke in front of a church congregation(会 众)in St.P

2、etersburg,Florida,and made an 41 for adoption.He had recently learnedthat his 42 mother,who d been in jail since Only was born,had died.Hehad spent years bouncing between foster homes.My name is Davion and I ve beenin foster care since I was born,“he said.I know God hasn t given up on me,soI m not g

3、iving up either.”The 43 plea(恳求)went viral,and Only s foster agency 44 callsfrom more than 10,000 people,according to the Tampa Bay Times.Only 45 traveling to Ohio to live with a ministerJ s family.But after Onlygot into a physical 46 with one of his older would-be siblings(兄弟姐妹),the minister and hi

4、s wife changed their minds.Back in Florida,Only passed through four different 47 homes over the nextyear,until he called Connie Going,his adoption caseworker,to make aspecial 48.Only had known Going for nearly ten years,and had asked every year if she would adopthim but she always 49.“I always belie

5、ved there was a better family than usout there,“Going tells Yahoo Parenting.He 50 so much in this world.”But this past July,when Only called and asked again if she might adopt him,Goingsays something felt 51,“In adoption there is a claiming moment,whenyou know someone is your child.When he called me

6、 to ask,in that moment,I just knew,“she says.When he asked me,my heart felt this 52 and I just knew he wasmy son.”So Going,52,invited Only to start spending time 53 the rest of her family一 the other four children who she also adopted out of foster care.54,Goingmanaged to rent a bigger home,got a law

7、yer,and started adoption 55.Only will officially join Going,s family on April 22,when the adoption 56.“Today,I am feeling blessed and honored by being chosen to be the parent to allmy children,“she says.I work every day on being the best parent I can to them,to be patient and creative so that I can

8、57 all their needs.”A spokesperson for Eckerd,Only s foster agency,told the Tampa Bay Times theywere 58 with the new development.We are truly thrilled that Davion hasbeen united with his forever family.”Whi1e Going is waiting for the newest 59 to her family to become officialin the eyes of the law,s

9、he says Only is already her child.I want him to know heis 60 loved for who he is,the way he is,“she says.The changes he choosesto make in his life,and the choices,are his to make.As a family we will be therethrough it all,the good and the bad for our lifetime.He is home.”41.A.apology B.compensation

10、C.appeal D.call42.A.biologicalaptive43.A.delightingannoying44.A.received45.A.avoided46.A.quarrelfight47.A.permanent48.A.question49.A.determined50.A.declaresB.botanic C.adoptiveB.satisfying C.D.heartbreakingB.acceptedC.madeB.startedB.experimentB.full-timeB.requestB.hesitatedB.developsC.gave upC.C.ric

11、hC.orderC.involvedC.discoversexaminationD.adD.answeredD.ended upD.D.temporaryD.resolutionD.devotedD.deservesin t er es t:in s ect s,co in s a n d in t er es t in g s t o n es.He w a s n o t v er y clev er,b u t Da r w inw a s go o d a t do in g t he t hin gs t ha t in t er es t ed him.51.A.differ en

12、 t B.t hes a m e C.s u r p r is in gD.dis a p p o in t in g52.A.fo r ceB.co u r a geC.a cheD.en er gy53.A.o nB.w it hC.inD.t o54.A.Pa r t icu la r lyB.Co n s t a n t lyC.Pr ev io u s ly D.,Ev en t u a lly55.A.p er fo r m a n cesr edu ct io nB.p r o cedu r esC.p er s u a s io nD.p56.A.go es a cr o s

13、sdo w nB.go es a b o u tC.go es t hr o u ghD.go es57.A.r efu s eB.ign o r eC.m eetD.n eglect58.A.p lea s edhu s ia s t icB.a n gr yC.dis a p p o in t edD.en t59.A.b u r denB.b r o t herC.a ddit io nD.t r o u b le60.A.u n co n dit io n a llyD.a m a z in glyB.co n dit io n a llyC.p a r t ly二、阅读理解(共4题)

14、1、As a b o y,Cha r lesRo b er t Da r w in(达尔文)co llect ed a n y t hin g t ha tca u ght hisHis fa t her w a s a do ct o r,s o Da r w in w a s s en t t o Edin b u r gh t o s t u dy m edicin e,a n d w a s p la n n ed t o fo llo w a m edica l ca r eer.Bu t Cha r les fo u n d t he lect u r es b o r in g.

15、Then his fa t her s en t him t o Ca m b r idge Un iv er s it y t o s t u dy t o b e a p r ies t.While a tCa m b r idge,Da r w in,s in t er es t in z o o lo gy a n d geo gr a p hy gr ew.La t er he go t a let t erfr o m Ro b er t Fit z Ro y w ho w a s p la n n in g t o m a k e a v o y a ge a r o u n d

16、 t he w o r ld o n a s hip,t he Bea gle.He w a n t ed a n a t u r a lis t t o j o in t he s hip,a n d Da r w in w a s r eco m m en ded(推荐)Tha t v o y a ge w a s t he s t a r t o f Da r w inJ s gr ea t life.As t he Bea gle s a iled a r o u n d t he w o r ld,Da r w in b ega n t o w o n der ho w life ha ddev elo p ed o n ea r t h.He b ega n t o o b s er v e ev er y t hin g.Aft er he w a s ho m e,he s et t o w o r k,getting his collection in order.His first great work The Zoology of the Beagle waswe



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