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1、2022年江西省九江市金安高级中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、选择题1.Frankly speaking,in many countries is called equality does not really meanequal rights for all people.A.which B.that C.what D.Where参考答案:C略2.i n the old downtown of Tokyo,Yasaka has a shop entirely to itemshandcrafted from bamboo.A.Locating,to devote B.To locate,dev

2、otingC.Located,devoting D.Located,devoted参考答案:D3.Jack is a great talker.Its high time that he something instead of just talking.A.will do B.has done C.do D.did参考答案:D略4.What the doctors really doubt is my mother will recover from the serious illness soon.A.when B.how C.whether D.why参考答案:C略5.1 have ha

3、d my bike_,and Im going to have somebody_my radio tomorrow.A.repair;to repairC.repaired;repairB.repairing;to be repairedD.to repair;repairing参考答案:c略6.this sentence a second time,the meaning will become clear to you.A.If reading B.When you read C.Reading D.Read参考答案:B7.As the UN news reported,a ship c

4、arrying food,medical help and other relief items _the port lately.A.have arrived B.has arrived C.is arriving D.arriving参考答案:B略8.-Ready to quit guessing,Sandy?No,no,I hold on!I think I to the answer.A.come B.have come C.came D.am coming参考答案:D9.It will be about 100 days the College Enhance Examination

5、 comes.A.when B.as C.before D.since参考答案:C10.一Fm going to New York this evening.Is there a flight to New York then?一There be a flight.But youd better call the booking office to make sure.A.must B.may C.would D.will参考答案:B11.The secret of her success may_ the fact that she knows when to study and when

6、toplay.A.result in B.lie in C.fill in D.take in参考答案:B12.The/new,/Japanese prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants the USA to promise Japandeclares war against China,the USA will give military a i d,p r o mi s e s to be impossible.A.if;which B.whether;itC.if;that D.when;it参考答案:A考查宾语从句和非限制性定语从句。Promise+宾语从句。日

7、本首相安倍晋三希望美国承诺如果日本宣布对中国的战争,美国将提供军事援助,这将是不可能的。W hich引导非限制性定语从句。promises to be impossible,此 处 promise译为 可望,可能,例:Itpromises to be fine this evening.今晚可望天晴。13.I cant remember how many years ago I first met him.A.it was when B.was it when C.was it thatD.it was that参考答案:D14.We had_nice dinner after the mee

8、ting with_ dishes of fish,meat,vegetables anddessert.A.a;不填 B.the;the C.a;the D.不填;the参考答案:C15.Are you sure the delegation will come to our school next week?.The head of it has just emailed me about the departure time of their flight.A.No wonder.B.You bet.C.Dont mention it.D.Definitely not.参考答案:BB试题

9、分析:W 查慵量交际。A意为“难怪Bjg为“当然”,C意为“没关系”;D jt为“当然不了二句意:一你确定代表团下周要来我们学校吗?一当然了!根据句意,可知选项B正确,故选B。16.The boy insisted that he_ the money and he_ at once.A.not steal;be set free B.hadnt stolen;be set freeC.didnt steal;should be set free D.hadn*t stolen;set free参考答案:B17.一Have you?一No.I had the wrong number.A.go

10、t in B.got away C.got off D.got through参考答案:D解析:考查动词短语的区别。get in”插话,收割“;get away”离开,走开”;get off9下车”;get through”接通电话,完成,到达,通过“,由此可知该题的答案为:D,意思 是“你接通电话了吗?”18.The earth wont be fit for us to live in we go on polluting it.A.even if B.if C.unless D.so参考答案:B二、翻译19.根据汉语句子意思,在从教材中挑选出的英文句子空白处填上恰当的单词,使句子通顺达意

11、。每空限填一词。(每空().5分,共 10分)(注意:请务必将答案填到答题卷相应位置!)76、不过,他描写的儿童贫穷状况引起了公众的注意;仅因为这一点,雾都孤儿就是一部很重要的作品。However,it brought the child to the of the,and this reason alone Oliver Twist is a very important novel.77.很多人因为缺少食物饱受营养不良和饥饿的折磨,但是他们的福利却没有得到伦敦纳税人的关注。Many people suffered from the effects of poor and even star

12、vationbecause of a of f ood,t he i r welfare was no concern tothe taxpayers of London.78.年轻人被鼓励参加像足球和篮球之类的运动队,因为这些运动可以教给他们“赢取胜利的精神”。Young people are to take part in sports such as football andb a s k e t b a l l,t h e s e games teach you to have the spirit”.79.我找到了一件非常适合我穿的裙子,又在毕业舞会那天特意地打理了头发。做这些事情花

13、了我两个小时,但我觉得很值。I found a dress that me,and had my hair doneon the day of the prom.It took me two hours but it was it.80.2003年,40岁的Jordan最终退役之前,他又一次效力于华盛顿奇才队。成百上千万的球迷们都敬仰他的运动能力,内在动机和自信心。He played again the Washington Wizards before finally fromsport in 2003 at the age of 40.of fans admire his athletic

14、 ability,and confidence.参考答案:76.poverty,attention,public,for 77.nutrition,lack,yet/but,of78.encouraged,team,since,winning 79.suited,perfectly,specially,worth 80.for,retiring,Millions,motivation略三、阅读理解20.An idea that started in Seattles public library has spread throughout America andbeyond.The conce

15、pt is simple:help to build a sense of community in a city by gettingeveryone to read the same book at the same time.In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit(追求)to be enjoyed by all,theprogram allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus,as well aspromoting reading as an e

16、xperience to be shared in families and schools.The idea camefrom Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched(发起)the If All of Seattle Read theSame Book“project in 1998.Her original program used author visits,study guides andbook discussion groups to bring people together with a book,but the idea has sinceexpanded to many other American cities,and even toHongkong.In Chicago,the mayor(市长)appeared on television to announce the choice of ToKill a Mockingbird as the first book in the One Book,One Chic


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