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1、2021年春学期人教版八年级英语下册期中考试卷(满分J 5 0分 时 间:1 2 0分钟)卷 I第一部分听力(30分)I.昕句子.选答语(5 分)请所下面五个句子,从期中所给的AB,C三帼图片中选出一幅与你所所句孑内容相讨的图片.每个句子债网遍.靖所下面五段对话,每段对话后TT一个小从也中所给的A、B、C 三个选嗅中选出取佳选项.每以财诉读两退.()6.Where was Tim when the girl called him?A-In ihe bedroom.B.In ihc kitchen.C.In the dining room.()7.How does Tom,mother&】?A.

2、Angry.11 Bored Q Sad.八年纵英语(人教皈)期中与试卷第1 页)8.Who helped the girl make a model spaceship?A.Her mother.R Her brother Q Her fathrn)9.Whats the girls advice for the boy?A.He can tell some stories to the sick kids.R H r can play games with the sick kids.G He can teach the*ick kidt to dance.)10.What would J

3、ohn like to have?A.Some medicine.K Some drink.C Some cakeQ I.听对话答问(1。分)请听下面两段长对信从息中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出*1隹 选 第.“X读三遍所第一段对话回齐第1 1 T 2小题.()11.W hit does ihc boy want?A,Some money.H.Some loym()2.When will he finish the work?N In fifty minutes.R In an hour.听第二段对话.回答第1 3-1 5小也.()13.What is the girl worried ab

4、out?A.Her exAnw.R Her homework.Q A computer.C In thirty minuterC Her father.()14.Can she cat well?A.She cats wc!L H Yc*.the can.C.No.sh een”.()15.Why shouldnt Mary drink coffee or tea?A.Because he cant relax.R Because she wont be able to sleep.Q IkoiujMp she urn thirsty.N.新独白,回答问10分)墙听下面一段发白,从题中所饴的A

5、.B,C三个选项中选出收任选项短文读三遍.)16.Where doc Jack come from?A.Canada.R Amenou)17.What docs Jack usually do in Namibia?A He helps the sick people in a 及 thei an C an/D.the)22.her surprise she felt better after having a rest.A.To K In C At D.On)23.Ijookl I found a wallet in the classroom.You should give it to i

6、ts.He must be upec about losing it.A.passenger 11 owner Q volunteer D.nurse)24.I could my bed and my clothesA fol山 wash 1 1.(old;do C makei fold D.makei do)2 5.-?-1 M&ucd with my 附rem&A.Whatwrong R What arc you doingG How are you D.Can I help you)26.Youd better l eave or trouble will come to you.A.l

7、ivtly R friendly C heavily)27.He was ill we lud to“nd for a doctor,A.toni to R enough to Q soi that)28.His parents dlow him a movie once a week.A.watch B.(o watch C watchingD.quicklyD.sucht thatD.watched)29.-Could you please the widow?h s cold outside.Sure,but I think youd better a coat.A.not openj

8、to put on B.not opening:put onC.not openi put on D.not to openi to put on()30.The doctors said that they would do what they could the sick man.A.save R(0 Mve C wved Q saving第三部分完形熄空(15分)阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的A.B,C,D四个选项中,选出俅填入空白处的昂佳选项.(共10小题,每小题15分)Do you often talk with your parents about your problems?Whe

9、n you talk to them*willthey believe wha?you wy.listen io you end 31 you?It has 32 to do with both you and your parents Some parents arc easy to talk toand they arc great lislcn e.33 some are hard to walk close ta As communication is atwo-way iUrcct.the 34 you talk can cause different results.So you

10、should follow the advicebelow.Be 35_ Tell your parents about what you ihink,fed.and want-dearly poewible.They will be more helpful if they 36 what you mean and what%really going on.Make your parenu believe you.1(youre 37 honest(诚实的),your parents willbelieve what you say.However if you hardly tell th

11、em the truth#it will be difficult for them八年级英语(人教版)期 中 考 试 令 第3页3to lielievc youTry not to 38.If you disagree with your parents,can you see things 39 yourparents side?If both you and your parents think for each other,you will be able to talk in a40 way.()31.A.give upaagree withadepend onD.take afte

12、r()32.A.anythingReverythingc.nothingD.something()33.A.butRorc.untilD.so()34.A.place.Rwayc.timeD.trouble()35.A.differentRcsyc.loudD.dear()36.A.controlaquestionc.understandD.change()37.A.alwaysRhardlycsometimesD.never()38,A.compareRargueacompeteIX explain()39.A.inRofc.fromD.with()40.第四部分A.friendly阕速理解

13、(40分)anormalalonelyD.similarI.阅读短文,根据城文内容从短文后各题所给的A、B.C,D四个选项巾,选出最佳速项.共15小题每小吃2分)Do teenagers in small villages do chores at honw?How about the teerugen in big ritiw?Here is a survey.We asked 4.000 teenagers in China several question义 Half of them comefrom big cities like Beijingt Shanghai and Guang

14、zhou.The others are from small villager Wemade a diagram of the rtMill of our survey.Ix tS have a look at it We found out that teenftgersfrom small village?!do rnore chores Own those from big ciiic*Maybe it is because they live aharder life.Our advice to parents in big cities is that parents should

15、give their children somechores to dd Ching chores teaches teenagers to take care of themselves()41.How many teenagers did they survey from small villages?Chores2000 teenagers in small villager2000 teenagers in big citiesTake Out the trash16001000*Sweep ihe floor1200850Make the bed1400750 ihe dishes1

16、100600Fold the clothes9001500A 1.000 R 2,000 Q 3.000 D.4,000)42,What did】,000 teenagers from ihe cities do?A,Making the l)L R Folding the doihes.C Taking out the trash.D.Doing the dishes.)43.How many teenagers sweep the floor and make the bed in big cities?A.750 B.850 C 1.600 D.2.000八年级英语(人教版)期 中 考 试 卷 第4页4()44.The number of teenagers_ in big cities is bigger than that in small villages.A.folding the clothes 11 doing the dishesC.taking out the trah D.nuking the bed()45.Why did they make the surv



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