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1、试卷代号:1 3 6 0国 家 开 放 大 学 2 0 2 1 年 秋 季 学 期 期 末 统 一 考 试高级商务英语阅读试题2 0 2 2年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌子上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees:This examination consists of t

2、hree sections.They are:Section One:Words(20 points,10 minutes)Section Two:Reading Comprehension(64 points,70 minutes)Section Three:Translation(16 points,10 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed forcompleting this examination is 90 minutes.S e c tion O n e:W ord sQ

3、ue stions 1-1 0.(2 0 points)M a tc h the E nglish word s on the le f t with the C hine se word s on the right.(2 points e a c h)1.mortga ge2.we ll-d e ve lope d3.f ina nc ia l me trica.财务指标b.批发商c.按揭贷款4.whole sa le rd.保护主义5.prote c tionism6.b re a kd owne.健全的f.应急资金7.e nf orc e me ntg.可辨认的8.e me rge n

4、c y f und9.shipme nt1 0.id e ntif ia b leL崩溃i.实施j.运送的货物S e c tion T w o:R e a d ing C ompre he nsion(6 4 points)P a rt 1 Q ue stions 1 1-1 7.(2 1 points)R e a d the f ollowing pa ssa ge a nd the n ma tc h the sta te me nts(1 1-1 7)to the le tte r(A,B,C(H*D).(3 points e a c h)A b rie f introd uc tion

5、 to inte rna tiona l tra d eAI nte rna tiona l tra d e a lso c a lle d f ore ign tra d e*or ove rse a s tra d e,in e sse nc e,is the f a ira nd d e lib e ra te e xc ha nge of c ommod ity a nd se rvic e a c ross na tiona l b ound a rie s.I t inc lud e simport a nd e xport tra d e ope ra tions.I t a r

6、ise s f or m a n y re a sons.M a nuf a c ture rs a nd d istrib utors se e k out prod uc ts a nd se rvic e s a s we ll a s c ompone ntsa nd f inishe d good s prod uc ts in f ore ign c ountrie s.T h e d if f e re nt d istrib utions of the world sre sourc e s d e te rmine the pa tte rns of world tra d

7、e.S o m e c ountrie s or re gions a re a b und a nt inna tura l re sourc e s;e lse whe re*re se rve s a re sc a rc e or none xiste nt.T h e world s ra w ma te ria lsa re une ve nly d istrib ute d*a nd b oth mod e rn ma nuf a c turing a nd a gric ulture re quire m a n yd if f e re nt re sourc e s.T h

8、us,to ob ta in the se through tra d ing is a n a b solute ne c e ssity.C lima tea nd te rra in a f f e c t the c ultiva tion of some a gric ultura l prod uc ts a na tion c a n prod uc e a nd tra d einte rna tiona lly.(1 3 6 0号)高级商务英语阅读试题第1页(共8页)BThe skilled workers and capital resources help determi

9、ne what a nation is able toproduce and trade with nations.The developed countries are rich in skilled work force andcapital resources,so they can concentrate on producing many technology-intensive productssuch as computers,aircrafts,etc.However,the developing countries lacking skilledworkers and cap

10、ital resources are limited to the manufacture of simple products.With the development of manufacturing and technology,there arose anothermotivation,i.e.economic benefit,for nations to trade.It was found that a country benefitsmore by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods th

11、at othercountries can make at lower costs than by producing everything it needs within its ownborder.CThis is often explained by the theory of comparative advantage*also called thecomparative cost theory,which was developed by David Ricardo,John Stuart Mill,andother economists in the nineteenth cent

12、ury.The theory emphasizes that different countriesor regions have different production possibilities.Trade between countries can be profitablefor all,even if one of the countries can produce every commodity more cheaply.As long asthere are minor,relative differences in the efficiency of producing a

13、commodity,even thepoor country can have a comparative advantage in producing it.Comparative advantage hasdirected countries to specialize in particular products and to mass-produce.DThere are still some other reasons for international trade.Some nations are unable toproduce enough products of a cert

14、ain item.Thus they have to import some to satisfy a largedomestic demand.Moreover,the preference for innovation or style also leads tointernational trade,which makes available a greater variety of products and offers a widerrange of consumer choice of a certain product.Finally,some nations of the wo

15、rld trade withothers mainly for political reasons.In those cases,more considerations are given to politicalobjectives rather than economic motivation.When dealing in international trade(exporting and importing)a merchant faces avariety of conditions which differ from those to which he has grown accu

16、stomed in thedomestic trade.The fact that the transactions are across national borders highlights thedifferences between domestic and international trade.Generally,there are certain differenceswhich justify the separate treatment of international trade and domestic trade.In particular*these differences include cultural problems,monetary conversion,and trade barriers.Foreign traders must be aware of these differences because they often bring about troubles ininternational trade.11.Economic benefi



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