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1、河南省安阳市2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编图表理解河南省安阳市2021年中考第一次模拟考试英语试卷ASteve went to the Public Library on March 24th.When he entered the library,he saw a noteon the wall.Service suggestionsWe need your suggestions to improve our service to you.Please help us by giving yoursuggestions on a piece of paper,and pu

2、t it in the librarys suggestion box You can get the paperfrom the service desk.You are also welcome to call us at 83606582 to make some suggestions.Thank you very much for your help.The Public LibraryAfter reading the notes,Steve went to return some books.Before leaving,he rememberedsomething that h

3、appened seven days ago and decided to make a suggestion.Date:March 24th.20211 .Library:The Public Library2.Suggestions:I saw a worker smoking among ihe shelves in the library.This happened on theafternoon of March 17lh,2021.I would like to suggest that something should be done to correctthe behavior

4、 o f the worker.3.You may leave your telephone number for our communicating with youName:Steve JacksonTel.No:8371433221.What did Steve do first when he went into the library?A.He read a note.B.He borrowed some books.C.He returned some books.D.He made some suggestions.22.1 n how many ways can Steve m

5、ake some suggestions?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.23.What did Steve see on March 17由.2021?A.A worker talking loudly with others.B.A worker smoking among the shelves.C.Someone writing his name on some books.D.Someone putting the books in the wrong place.24.From the passage,we know that SteveA.went to t

6、he Public Library a week agoB.often made suggestions for the Public LibraryC.will email his suggestions to the Public LibraryD.will receive a reply from the Public Library soon25.I f workers of the Public Library want to communicate with Steve,they can_to him.A.write a letter B.pay a visit C.give a

7、call D.send an email答案:2122232425ABBAC2020年河南省安阳市中考一模英语试题A21.World Book Day is on April 23th.People celebrate it in order to respect and thank themasters of literature,culture and science who have made great contributions to people.Every yearon this day,more than 100 countries around the world hold

8、various celebrations and book publicityactivities.Here are some books for the youth.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1.These books are for.A.young people【答案】AB.parentsC.teachersD.animals【解析】【详解】句意:这些书是给年轻人看的。考查名词辨析。young people年轻人;parents父母;teachers老师;animals动物。根据文中“Hereare some books for the youth.”可知,这些书是给年轻人看的。故选A。T

9、he Running Dream 3 1.5(online)Author:Wendelin Van Draanen,USSixteen-year-old Jessica Carlisle is a runner.She thinks her life is overwhen she loses a leg in a car accident.However,Jessica meets her mathteacher Rosa,who has to use a wheelchair because of an illness.They soonbecome friends.The friends

10、hip makes Jessica active and strong.Finally,Jessica is able to run again with a prosthetic leg.Dead End in Norvelt 37(in bookstores)Author:Jack Gantos,US1Jack Gantos is a 12-year-old boy.He lives in Norvelt,US.One day,hebreaks his fathers gun.As a punishment,he must stay at home.His motheronly lets

11、him leave home to help their elderly neighbor Miss Vblker writesome obituaries for the town newspaper.Each obituary is a story about agreat American who died.Through writing these obituaries,Jack learns ahistory of his country that schools dont teach.A Ball for Daisy 59(in bookstores)Author:Chris Ra

12、schka,USDaisy is a little dog.She loves a red ball very much.She plays with it and,变I!sleeps with it every day.But another dog destroys Daisys ball.Without theball,Daisy cant eat or sleep.One day,as Daisy walks in a park,the verysame dog appears and gives her a blue ball.The story teaches us how tor

13、eact to loss,and tells us never to lose hope(with 2 tapes).Uncle TomsCABIN Uncle Toms cabin Y45(in bookstores)Author:Harriet Beecher Stowe,USThe most famous novel in American history,Uncle Toms Cabin talkedabout the struggle between free states and slave states during the AmericanCivil War and is as

14、 powerful today as when it first came out 150 years ago.The Little Prince 30.5(online)Author:Antoine de Saint Exupery,FranceThe narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince andtheir friendship.The pilot likes to get along with children.He was forced toland in the Sahara

15、Desert due to an aircraft failure,where he met the littleprince.This experience with the little prince made the pilot sad and revivedhimself.The little prince visited many planets and finally came to the earthto try to find solutions to loneliness and pain(with 3 tapes).Q加411Word Bankprosthetic leg

16、假肢obituary 讣告22.We can know from the passage that.A.The Running Dream is the cheapestC.the books authors are all Americansbooks onlineB.there are only three books with tapesD.we can buy 2 kinds of the above23.Why does Jack Gantos need to stay at home?A.Because he doesnt like going to school.B.Because he is afraid to meet his neighbors.C.Because he has to write obituaries for the local newspaper.D.Because he is being punished for breaking his father gun.24.The books are about never losing hope”.A



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