Unit 4 My family 说课稿(第一课时) -三年级英语上册同步备课 译林版(三起)

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Unit 4 My family 说课稿(第一课时) -三年级英语上册同步备课 译林版(三起)_第1页
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Unit 4 My family 说课稿(第一课时) -三年级英语上册同步备课 译林版(三起)_第2页
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《Unit 4 My family 说课稿(第一课时) -三年级英语上册同步备课 译林版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 My family 说课稿(第一课时) -三年级英语上册同步备课 译林版(三起)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 My family 说课稿(第一课时)教学背景本课适用于三年级英语上册同步备课(译林版)。在学习本单元前,学生已经掌握了基本的英语语音和字母,了解了简单的英语问候语和日常用语。教材分析本单元主要介绍家庭成员的称呼和他们的相貌特征。本节课重点介绍英文脸部特征的表达和运用。本节课的教学目标包括:1. 能够听懂、口头表达和书写人物的名字和外貌特征。2. 了解日常中常用的英语语言结构和词汇。3. 通过游戏化的方式让学生积极参与课堂活动,提高学生的学习兴趣和积极性。教学重难点教学重点是让学生能够听懂和口头表达人物的名字和外貌特征。教学难点是让学生学会用英文表达身体特征,学生语言表达能力较弱

2、,也需要通过游戏等活动提高学习积极性。教学过程Step 1: 导入新课1. 与学生寒暄,引入新课。2. Show the pictures of family members. Ask students to look at the pictures and try to guess the names of each family member.3. Ask students to name as many members of their own family as they can. Write their answers on the board.Step 2: 展示外貌特征1. Sh

3、ow pictures of different faces, including happy, sad, and angry faces. Ask students to practice making these expressions.2. Show pictures of different body parts, such as eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, and ask students to name each part.3. Show pictures of family members and ask students to describe t

4、heir facial features, such as eyes, nose, and mouth.4. Practice the names of different facial features by playing a guessing game. Choose one student to stand at the front of the class with their back to the board. Draw a face on the board and ask the other students to describe the facial features.

5、The student at the front of the class has to guess who the face belongs to.Step 3: 学习家庭成员的称呼1. Review the names of family members and their facial features.2. Introduce the names of other family members, such as grandmother, grandfather, uncle, and aunt.3. Practice the new names by playing a memory

6、game. Place pictures of family members on the board and ask students to name them. Cover the pictures and ask the students to remember which family member is in each position.Step 4: 练习1. Ask students to work in pairs and describe the facial features of different family members.2. Play a game of cha

7、rades, where students act out different facial expressions and body language to express emotions and reactions.Step 5: 结束课堂1. Review the names of family members and their facial features.2. Ask students to draw a picture of their own family members and label each person with their name and a description of their facial features.教学评估1. 观察学生在游戏中的参与度和表现。2. 评估学生口头表达的能力。教学反思本节课通过引入图片和游戏化的方式增强了学生的参与和兴趣,同时也培养了学生的口头表达能力。但是对于特定学生口语表达能力较弱的情况,我需要通过加强练习和提供更多的个性化引导方式来帮助他们更好地学习掌握课程内容。


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