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1、2023年青海省教师招聘考试中学英语考前冲刺卷学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.The president of World Bank says he has a passion for China, _ he remembers starting as early as his childhood.A.where B.which C.what D.when2.We love peace, yet we are not the kindof people to yield _ any military threat.A.up B.to C.in D.at3.Can

2、you tell me _?A.who is that gentlemanB.that gentleman is whoC.who that gentleman isD.whom is that gentleman4.Even when _to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposing B.exposeD C.expose D.to expose5.If you don t like the red coat, takethe blue one.-Ok, but do

3、 you have _size inblue? This one is a bit tight for me.A.a bigger B.the bigger C.the big D.a biggest6.Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _ to a certain book or article that has some beatingon the subject being studied.A.comment B.reaction C.impression D.comprehension7. Letterboxes

4、 are much more _ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.A.common B.normal C.ordinary D.usual8.All the following works are written by Mark Twain except _.A.The Gilded A geB.Lrife On the MississippiC.Roughing itD.The A meFican9.I cant go cycling with you this weekend,for my

5、 bicycle needs_.A.to repair B.repairing C.repaired D.being repaired10.If_ for the job, youll be informed soon.A.to accept B.accept C.accepting D.accepted11.The local authorities realized the need to make?for elderly people in their housing programmes.A.preparation B.requirement C.specification D.pro

6、vision12.To air these predicaments is notanti-medical spleen-a churlish _ against medicine for its victories,but simply to face the growing reality of medical power not exactly without responsibilitybut with dissolving goal.A.reprisal B.revenge C.retribution D.rapprochements13.The old piano was Adam

7、.greatest_which his.A.riddle B.treasure C.debt D.Budget14. I should not have laughed if I _ you were serious.A.thought B.would think C.had thought D.have thought15.The chief manager is a determined man. You never find him in a_when he makes a decision.A.sudden B.dilemma C.hurry D.flash16.Hamlet is j

8、ust an _ characterin the novel.A.imaginative B.imagined C.imaginary D. imaginable17.The price of this skirt is_that one.A.three times much asB.three times as many asC.as three times much asD.three times as much as18.David has tried 3 times to repair the clock.He will try_time after having a rest.A.f

9、our B.fourth C.the fourth D.a fourth19.It is imperative that the government_more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A.attracts B.shall attract C.attract D.has to attract20.The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect _ has on the youth can not be ignored.A.that B.which C.it D.one21.M

10、ost of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it shopping and eatingA.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on D.comes to22.The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door _,_there for a while and then entered it.A.open; to standB.opening; stoodC.open; stood

11、D.opened; standing23.Every means_tried but without much result.A.has been B.have been C.are D.is24._ time going by, I began to realizewhat really matters in my life.A.While B.When C.As D.With25.There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _ a second chance to become more involved.A.had B

12、.will have C.would have had D.have had26.All things_, the planned trip will have to be called off.A.consideredB.be consideredC.consideringD.having considered27.Published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises isa novel written by _, a famous American writer.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark TwainD.William

13、Faulkner28.Is this the mobile phone that you want to _A.have repairedB.have it repairedC.have repaired itD.repaired29.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.A.other than B.rather than C.or rather D.or else30.The senior citizen would have beenkilled _ t

14、he timely arrival of the rescue team.A.except for B.but for C.besides D.except31.I am _grateful for the manykindnesses you have shown to my son.A.excessively B.much C.certainly D.exceedingly32.All the following sentences areconditional sentence except _.A.Given another chance, I11 make full useof itB.He will succeed if he only does his bestC.So sudden was the attack that we had notime to escapeD.Should you need my help again, just giveme a ring33.She is so kind to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to help



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