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1、单元第三课时作业课前预习热身学生在课前预习本课单词列表中的生词、词组并快速浏览绘本,然后完成以下任务。Zoom做了一个梦,让我们快来看看它做了什么样的梦吧。Lucy介绍她的周寒假生活,请你读一读并判断正(T)误(F)。Lucy went to Beijing with his parents over the winter holiday. They went there by train. It took them two days to get there. They stayed in Bejing for a week. They went to the Great Wall. It

2、is long and strong. Lucy took lots of pictures and bought some gifts for her friends. They had a lovely time.()1. Lucy went to Harbin over her winter holiday.()2. They went there by plane.()3. They stayed in Beijing for a month.()4. Lucy bought some gifts for her friends.()5. They were very happy.3、

3、你最近有和Zoom做过梦吗?请你和同伴们分享一下你们的梦境吧。Today is Sunday. It was sunny yesterday. I went camping with my friends. We went to a hill. We put up a tent near a river. We went boating there. We fished there. Jenny and Tony played with a ball near the river. After lunch, we climbed the hill. There were many flower

4、s and trees on the hill. They were beautiful. We felt tired but happy. We had a great day.1(1) Yesterday was _. ( )A. SundayB. SaturdayC. Friday(2) The tent is _. ( )A. B. C. 2根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(1) We played with a ball together near the river. ( )(2) We were happy yesterday. ( )(3) After breakfast

5、,we climbed the hill. ( )阅读对话,选择人物在假日里所做事情的图片。Tom: How was your summer holiday, Mary?Mary: It was great. I went to a big library and read a lot of books there. What about you, Mike?Mike: I went to the Great Wall with my family. Its was so cool.Tony: My holiday was funny, too. I went to Hainan and we

6、nt swimming every day.Peter: I went to Xinjiang with my uncle. I rode a horse there. That was so nice! What did you do, Tom?Tom: My parents were very busy at that time. So I stayed at home and ate hamburgers every day.Mary: So you look heavier than before!All: Hahahaha.A. B. C. D. E. 3Tony ( )4Mike ( )5Tom ( )6Peter ( )7Mary ( )参考答案:1 B C 2 T T F3E 4D 5A 6B 7C


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