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1、安徽省广德市城市介绍旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)展开长三角的地图,在太湖的西岸,有一座活力之城宣城广德,2165平方公里大地处处山清水秀,51万市民来自五湖四海,三次产业兴旺发达。大家好,很高兴邀请大家一同走进广德。 三省通衢 区位优越 广德市位于太湖西岸,与苏州、无锡、常州隔湖相望,是安徽省唯一一个既与江苏、又同浙江交界的县份,被誉为安徽东南门户和融入长三角的桥头堡。从广德出发,一个半小时可直达长三角所有一线城市和上海虹桥、南京禄口、芜宣等多座机场,商合杭高铁通达南北,G50沪渝高速承东启西,此生必驾的318国道穿境而过。特别是随着沪苏湖高铁、宁杭高铁二通道、合杭高速等重大交通

2、项目陆续开工建设,广德将成为长三角中心区更为重要的交通枢纽。热烈欢迎海内外看中长三角巨大的消费市场的有识之士布局广德、抢占高地。 山水竹乡 生态宜居 广德市拥有一百余万亩竹海,是中国竹子之乡、国家级生态县,森林覆盖率接近60%,黄山和天目山余脉在此相会。广德市的母亲河桐汭河,水质常年保持在类以上标准;108座小二型以上水库、5000余座塘坝星罗棋布。大气环境质量良好,连续两届被评为“中国天然氧吧”。特别值得一提的是,野生扬子鳄在此栖息繁衍,充分印证了广德良好的生态底色。广德市始终坚持生态立市战略,大力发展生态旅游、生态农业,着力将绿水青山变成金山银山。享有“洞中黄山”之美誉的太极洞、卢湖竹海度

3、假区、“竹乡画廊”旅游公路等景区和线路,每年吸引游客超过800万人次,并以年均20%以上的速度在增长。好山好水出好茶,广德立足良好的生态环境,精心培育了黄金芽,成为国家地理标志商标,是“中国黄金芽第一县”。广德人热爱生活、享受美食,被誉为“广德四绝”的笄山笋、沙河鳖、桐花鱼、横山鸡,是大自然赋予我们的上等食材,“广德木子菜”、“广德蛋炒饭”、“十里飘香”等美食为城市增添了烟火气。 活力广德 兴业乐土 广德是一座移民城市,具有开放包容、热情好客、务实创新的城市精神。我们正将这种精神,化作比学赶超、奋勇前行的巨大动力,聚力打造全国一流的营商环境,全力推动县域经济高质量发展。目前,我们已形成信息电子

4、、汽车零部件等四大百亿产业,规上工业企业超过450家、位居安徽省县域第二位;广德经开区成长为国家级绿色园区、长三角最具投资价值开发区;本土主板上市企业2家,后备梯队超10家。近年来,我们更是以优异成绩,首创首成全国文明城市,跻身全国综合实力百强县。展望未来,广德将锚定“锻造典范城”的使命担当,奋勇前行、再创辉煌,奋力争当长三角一体化高质量发展安徽县域排头兵! 各位朋友,广德是一座成就梦想的城市,欢迎每一个怀揣梦想的人走进广德。我在广德等着您!欢迎大家。Unfurling the map of the Yangtze River Delta, on the West Bank of Tai La

5、ke, is an energized city - Xuancheng Guangde, with 2165 square kilometers of beautiful mountains and clear rivers, 510 thousands citizens from all over the country, and three industries are well developed. Hello everyone I am Qian Hui, mayor of Guangde. I am glad to invite you to Guangde.The transpo

6、rtation hub superior locationGuangde is located on the West Bank of Tai Lake, on the opposite of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou across the lake. It is the sole county in Anhui that borders both Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and known as the gateway to Southeast of Anhui and the bridgehead into the Yangtze River

7、 Delta. Departure from Guangde, it takes one and a half hours to arrive first-tier cities in the Yangtze River Delta and airports such as Shanghai Hongqiao, Nanjing Lukou, Wuxuan, etc. Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou High-speed Railway connects north and south, the G50 Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway connects

8、 East and the west, and the national highway 318 passes through. In particular, with the construction of major transportation projects such as Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway, the second channel of Nanjing-Hangzhou high-speed railway and Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway, Guangde will beco

9、me a vital transportation hub in the central area of the Yangtze River Delta. Warmly welcome insightful people who perceived the huge consumer market in the Yangtze River Delta to seize the opportunity.Mountains, rivers and bamboo ecologically inhabitableGuangde owns more than 1 million mu of bamboo

10、-sea, and is the hometown of bamboo in China and national ecological county, with approximately 60% forest coverage rate, the mountain range of Huangshan and Tianmu Mountains meet here. Tongrui River, the mother river in Guangde, with water quality above type II; There are 108 small reservoirs and o

11、ver 5000 ponds all over the country. The atmospheric environment quality is good, and it has been rated as Chinas natural oxygen bar for two consecutive years. It is worth mentioning that wild Chinese alligators inhabit and breed here, which corroborate the good ecological background of Guangde. Gua

12、ngde has always stick to the strategy of developing an ecological city, eco-tourism and eco-agriculture, and striving for turning green mountains and clear waters into mountains of gold and silver. Taiji cave with reputation as Mount Huangshan , Luhu Bamboo Sea resort and bamboo Gallery tourist road

13、 attract more than 8 million tourists every year, and are increasing by over 20% annually. Good mountains and water and tea. Taking the advantages of good ecological environment, Guangde has carefully cultivated golden buds, which has become a national geographical trademark and is the first county

14、of golden buds in China. Guangde people enjoy life and delicious food. Jishan bamboo shoots, Shahe turtle, Tonghua fish and Hengshan chicken are known as the four wonders of Guangde, these are the best ingredients bestowed to us by nature. Guangde Muzi cuisine, Guangde egg fried rice, ten miles frag

15、rance and other food make the city livable.Vigorous Guangde place for prosperGuangde is an migrant city with an open and inclusive, hospitable, practical and innovative urban spirit. We are turning this spirit into a force to catch up and overtake, and move forward bravely. We are working together t

16、o create a first-class business environment and spare no effort to promote the high-quality development of county economy. Today, we have developed four ten billion yuan industries, including information electronics and auto parts, with more than 450 enterprises above standard size, ranking second among counties in Anhui Province; Guangde Economic Development Zone has become national



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