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1、英语重点词汇语法详解passionHe spoke with considerable passion about the importance of art and literature.他激动地谈起艺术和文学的重要性。【核心词汇】passionPassionis a very strong feeling about something or a strong belief in something. 强烈的感情; 强烈的信任Passionis strong sexual feelings toward someone. 强烈的情欲If youhave a passion forsomet

2、hing, you have a very strong interest in it and like it very much. 酷爱1. a very strong belief or feeling about something 强烈的情感,激情2. a very strong feeling of sexual love 情欲,肉欲,强烈的爱欲 desire【词组搭配】1. herpassion fora married man她对一名有妇之夫炽烈的爱2. hispassion forfootball他对足球的热爱3.fly into a passion: to suddenly

3、become very angry (literary)勃然大怒4. the expression of love andpassion爱与情欲的表白【例句拓展】1.He spokewith great passion.他激情洋溢地讲话。2. Shehad a passion forgardening.她对于园艺有一份热爱(酷爱)。3. His eyes were burningwithpassion.他的眼中欲火燃烧。4. The issue arouses strongpassions.那件事激起了人们强烈的情绪。5. Gardening was her greatpassion.她酷爱园

4、艺。A persons biggest bankruptcy is desperation,the greatest asset is hope。一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。assetn. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物【核心词汇】bankruptcyn. the state of being unable to pay your debts 破产,倒闭; 彻底失败;(勇气)完全丧失Bankruptcyis the state of being bankrupt. 破产 (状态)【例句拓展】1. When inflation rises, so doban

5、kruptcies.通货膨胀加剧,破产个案也会增加。2. Many established firms were facingbankruptcy.许多成熟的企业正面临倒闭。3. His misfortunes culminated ( vi. 到绝顶;达到高潮;达到顶点 ) in hisbankruptcy.他的厄运达到了顶点, 终于破产。【核心词汇】desperationn. the state of being desperate 绝望;拼命,不顾一切Desperationis the feeling that you have when you are in such a bad si

6、tuation that you will try anything to change it. 不顾一切【词组搭配】a look of desperation绝望的眼神in / out of desperation绝望中 出于绝望【例句拓展】1. She resorted to stealing foodout of desperation.她走投无路,只好偷东西吃。2.In desperation, we had to borrow the money.绝望之际,我们只得去借这笔钱。3. This feeling ofdesperationand helplessness was common to most of the refugees.这种不顾一切和无助的感觉在大多数难民中很常见。


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