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1、(2022年)吉林省四平市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Students should develop a good attitude tests()A.for B.with C.on D.towards2.Itwas_ofyounottoplaythepianowhileIwashavingasleep()A.considerate B.considerable C.considered D.considering3.The children looked up as the planes passed_()A.overall B

2、.overhead C.outward D.forward4.We consider()the machine should be adjusted each time it is usedA.that it necessaryB.necessary it thatC.it that necessaryD.it necessary that5.Dont forget to post the letter for me,()A.do you B.will you C.are you D.wont you6.Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment a

3、nd tried the door,()to find it lockedA.just B.only C.hence D.thus7.Send for a doctor quickly. The old man is badly hurt so he needs _ at once()A.a cooperation B.an operation C.a performance D.a promotion8.I wont lend you my computer you promise to take care of it()A.as B.while C.unless D.if9.A littl

4、e learning is a dangerous thing,the saying goes()A.like B.as C.with D.if10.That _ me of the days I spent in the countryside()A.reminded B.remembered C.memorized D.recalled二、完型填空(10题)11.63.()A.into B.by C.of D.with12.78.()A.dresses B.goods C.food D.looks13.()A.It B.That C.What D.Such14.27.()A.as B.un

5、til C.when D.while15.43.()A.confidence B.interest C.anxiety D.sorrow16.63()A.joy B.sadness C.courage D.pain17.51.()A.which B.what C.when D.where18.65.()A.such B.these C.some D.all the19.We have spoken of marriage as a formal contract. It should be noted, however, that this contract does not41the sam

6、e form in different societies. In Western societies, the42 of a man and a woman43 given the status of legal marriage by being registered by an official 44 by the state. In some African societies,45, marriage has nothing to do46 an official registration of this kind but is legalized by the formal47 o

7、f goods. Generally it is the bridegroom48 is required to make a 49 of goods to the brides kin, though sometimes a payment is also made by the bridegrooms50 to those of the bride.Among the Nuer(努尔人),51 living in Southern Sudan, the payment made to the brides kin,52 as bride price, is in the53 of catt

8、le. Once the54 of bride price is agreed55, and the formal payment is made, the marriage becomes a56 union and the offspring of the union become the acceptable57 of the husband. He keeps58 children59 the wife60 leaves him to live with other men41()A.make B.get C.take D.do20.3()A.hidden B.stubborn C.f

9、ocused D.sighted三、翻译(3题)21.她喜欢看书时听音乐22.There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching23.Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours四、词汇与语法(0题)24.How d

10、oes she manage to keep her _ when she eats so much()五、单选题(0题)25.Id like to work abroad to _ my horizons()A.expand B.open C.broaden D.extend六、单选题(0题)26.It _ for two weeks, and the whole area is flooded()A.had rained B.rains C.would rain D.has been raining参考答案1.D学生们应该对考试养成一种正确的态度。考点词语搭配【精析】Dattitude 通


12、Dit不仅可以做形式主语,代替主语从句,还可以作形式宾语,代替宾语从句,而将真正做宾语的从句放在句尾。故本题选D5.B别忘了帮我寄信,好吗?考点反意疑问句【精析】B祈使句的反意疑问句一般用will you。故选B6.B我非常激动地冲进公寓,试着开门,结果却发现门是锁着的。考点固定用法【精析】B only to do表示随后发生的动作是一个未曾预料到的令人懊恼的结果,作句子的结果状语,意为不料,竟然。故选B7.BB句意:快找医生。这个老人伤得太严重了,需要立刻做手术。词义辨析题。cooperation意为合作;operation意为手术;performance意为表演,执行;promotion意

13、为提升,晋升。故应选B8.C除非你答应好好保管我的电脑,不然我不会把它借给你。考点词义辨析【精析】Cas:因为,随着,当时;while:然而,当时;unless:除非,如果不;if:如果,是否。根据句意可知,选C9.B正如谚语所说:一知半解,害人不浅。考点固定用法【精析】B as the saying goes 为固定用法,意为正如谚语所说,俗话说10.A【翻译】那使我想起了我在乡下度过的时光。 考点词语搭配 A remind sb.of sth.意为“使某人想起某事”,为固定搭配。11.A考点词语搭配题【精析】A本句意为他所需要的就是适应,be fitted into为固定搭配,意为使适应。

14、故选A。注意,fit with意为适合,符合12.A考点逻辑推理题【精析】A根据后半分句女人在找到她想试穿的衣服之前可能会花费一个小时在各个衣架上可推知,此处要表达的是女人面对满屋子的衣服。故选A13.A考点语法结构题【精析】A本句意为:为你的申请信写一个良好的结束语也是很重要的。此处要用it作形式主语,构成it is important to do sth. 结构,真正的主语是后面的不定式14.B考点词语搭配题【精析】Bnotuntil为固定搭配,意为直到才,符合语境。此处表达的是许多老人直到75岁后才感觉到身体和精神上的衰弱。故选B15.B考点词义辨析题【精析】B句意:他们对新玩具的兴趣很

15、快就消失了。confidence:自信;interest:兴趣;anxiety:焦虑;sorrow:悲伤。故选B16.A17.A考点语法结构题【精析】A此处考查的是定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,先行词是railway,且关系词在从句中作主语,所以应用that或which引导。故选A18.AA逻辑推理题。根据上下文可知,此处表达的意思是你很快就会熟悉他们所说的这些东西。such:这样的,如此的,此类,符合题意。故选A19.C考点词语搭配题【精析】Ctake the same form为固定搭配,意为采取同样的形式。故选C20.A考点逻辑推理题【精析】Ahidden:躲藏的;stubborn:顽固的;focused:注意力集中的;sighted:看得见的。从下文可知,那个女孩由于做化疗头发都掉了,所以她试图躲避别人的目光。故选A21.She


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