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1、(2021年)黑龙江省大兴安岭地区统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Each of the hard-working students _ to go to college.So do we()A.hope B.hoping C.hoped D.hopes2.These shops normally in old antique items, not in modern ones()A.major B.pull C.specialize D.get3.On no account _ ever leave the baby at hom

2、e alone()A.should you B.you should C.did you D.you can4.I, _ your good friend, will try my best to help you out()A.who is B.who am C.that is D.which am5.We moved to London _ we could visit our friends more often()A.even if B.so that C.in case D.as if6.Nobody was _ in the office when the manager sudd

3、enly had a heart attack()A.available B.approachable C.attainable D.adaptable7.Be on guard against thieves on the bus and put your money and phone its safe()A.when B.where C.if D.that8.()before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner partyA.Had they arrivedB.Were they to ar

4、riveC.Were they arrivingD.Would they arrive9.Poor educational performance is sometimesto emotional disturbance()A.connected B.related C.associated D.joined10.I()until he told me toA.left B.didnt leave C.hadnt left D.would leave二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.Therefore B.However C.Then D.Hence12.Everyone wants to

5、be healthy and happy. _, illness or accidents may occur without any _. Frequently the person who is _ can be cared for at home if there is someone _ of looking after him under the doctors _. Sometimes arrangements can be _ for a visiting nurse to give the necessary _ once a day, or often, if necessa

6、ry. The responsible one in the home _ on with the rest of the care during the _ between the nurses visit.The rapid diagnosis(诊断) and immediate treatment _ the spot of an accident or sudden illness, _ awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite _ from the home nursing.When illn

7、ess does come, _ family is affected. Many adjustments have to be made _ the family routine neednt be _ completely. Often it can be rearranged with home duties simplified to save time and energy, thus reducing _ on the family.The _ responsibility for give nursing care is usually _ by one person, freq

8、uently the mother, _, in order that she may have some much needed rest, or _ she herself is ill, other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness occurs()A.Occasionally B.Unfortunately C.Actually D.Naturally13._()A.searched B.travelled C.ran D.smelt14.50()A.kin B.mother C.father D.

9、brother15.69.()A.copy B.translation C.cover D.summary16.72.()A.not long ago B.in the future C.even now D.before long17.60()A.subsequently B.proudly C.happily D.sorrowfully18.76.()A.almost B.even C.often D.rather19.75.()A.the other B.other C.others D.another20.47.()A.useful B.brave C.nervous D.terrib

10、le三、翻译(3题)21.Prices vary with the seasons22.问题越难,我就越不可能回答得出来23.Things like earning a masters degree dont make people happy over an extended period of time四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Ladies and gentlemen! Its my pleasure Mr.Li, our new manager to you all()五、单选题(0题)25.Susan is always a shy girl and feels in the pre

11、sence of strangers()A.embarrassed B.impatient C.braveness D.tiresome六、单选题(0题)26.It was not until December 31_we finally got a letter from him()A.that B.when C.which D.then参考答案1.D2.C这些商店通常从事古董的买卖,而非现代品。考点词语搭配【精析】Cspecialize in为固定搭配,意为从事,专攻。major in:专业为(某科目);pull:拉;get:得到3.A你决不应该把婴儿一个人留在家里。考点倒装句【精析】Ao

12、n no account意为决不,位于句首时句子应部分倒装,即将谓语中的助动词、情态动词或be动词提至主语之前。根据句意可知,这里叙述的是一般情况,所以应将情态动词should提至主语之前。故选A4.BB句意:我,作为你的好朋友,会尽全力帮你走出困境。定语从句题。一般来说,定语从句中的谓语形式应与先行词保持一致,本句中先行词是I,所以后面应用who am;而C项不能引导非限制性定语从句,D项的先行词不能是人,故选B项5.B为了能更经常地拜访朋友,我们搬到了伦敦。考点状语从句【精析】Bso that可引导目的状语从句,意为以便,为了,从句中常用情态动词can, could, may, might

13、等。even if:即使,纵然;in case:如果,万一;as if:好像,似乎。根据句意可知,选B6.A当经理心脏病突发时,这个办公室里一个人也没有。考点词义辨析【精析】Aavailable:可找到的,可用的,有空的;approachable:平易近人的,可接近的;attainable:可达到的;adaptable:能适应的。根据句意可知,选A7.B在公交车上要小心小偷,把你的钱和手机放到安全的地方。考点状语从句【精析】B分析句子结构可知,空处引导一个地点状语从句,所以应用where(在的地方)引导。when:当时,常用来引导时间状语从句;if:如果,引导条件状语从句;that不能引导状语

14、从句,这三项均不符合题意。故选B8.B如果他们在后天我们离开之前赶到,我们还可以举行一次不错的聚餐。本题考查虚拟语气。If引导的条件状语从句中,如果谓语包含were, should或had,可以省略if,并把were,should或had提前至句首。根据从句中the day after tomorrow可知应用表将来的were to do结构,所以本题答案为B9.B糟糕的学习成绩有时和情绪失常有关系。考点词语搭配【精析】B connect, associate常和with 搭配使用,意为与联系;jointo:连接;be related to:与有联系、关系。根据句意和搭配可知,选B10.B直到他让我离开,我才离开的。考点动词时态和词语搭配【精析】B根据句意和题干中的until一词可知,此处考查的是notuntil结构,意为直到才。因为until后面的句子用的是一般过去时,所以前面也应用一般过去时。故选B11.B考点逻辑推理题therefore:因此;however:然而;then:那么;hence:因此。根据上下文可知,人类最多可以活到120岁,但110岁可能是人们希望能活的最长的年龄。前后两句话为转折关系,所以应选B12.B词义辨析题。上一句说:人人都想健康、快乐。此句却是:疾病和事故可能发生。前后



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