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1、(2023年)陕西省商洛市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.He apologized having to leave so early()A.because of B.with C.owing to D.for2.We are sometimes()of selfishness in our lives, though we are mostly generous in personalityA.miserable B.greedy C.guilty D.sorry3.Many students thought about the

2、third question for quite a while and had great difficulty answering it. Obviously, it was _ all()A.more confusing thanB.as confusing asC.the most confused ofD.the most confusing of4.No one really knows who composed this piece of music, but it has been _ to Bach()A.identified B.associated C.referred

3、D.attributed5.She pretended_indifferent but her facial expression betrayed her()A.to be B.being C.be D.been6.Almost everyone of us could see her anxiety from the on her face()A.appearance B.sight C.view D.expression7.No sooner had the ship pulled away from to dock it had to return to pick up more pa

4、ssengers()A.when B.than C.then D.that8.You()wear your glasses, for the words are rather smallA.had better B.had better to C.would rather D.would rather to9.Since Dick was busy, he rarely had time to go to the cinema; _()A.Jane did tooB.Jane didnt as wellC.so did JaneD.nor did Jane10.In my opinion, t

5、his is a(n) different matter()A.entirely B.merely C.briefly D.fully二、完型填空(10题)11.42.()A.knowing B.know C.known D.to know12.Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn. They have51 that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we52 before. Y

6、ou can help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn.From the53beginning, babies try to imitate(模仿) the54they hear us make. They read the55on our faces and our movements. That is 56 it is so important to talk, sing, and smile to your child. Hearing you talk is your babys first57toward be

7、coming a reader, because it 58her to love language and to learn words.As your child grows older,59talking with her. Ask her about the things she does. Ask her about the events and people in the story you60together. Let her know you are carefully61 what she says. By keeping her in62 and listening, yo

8、u are 63encouraging your child to think as she speaks.64, you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to65 learning()A.discovered B.heard C.watched D.written13.51.()A.in fact B.on the contrary C.in turn D.at ease14.65.()A.when B.until C.after D.while15.()A.not one B.not any C.none

9、 one D.no any16.43.()A.extra B.spare C.special D.specific17.53.()A.which B.what C.that D.who18.47.()A.useful B.brave C.nervous D.terrible19.61()A.see B.seeing C.to see D.to seeing20.I once went to a town in the north of England on business. It was about 7:30 in the evening when I reached the hotel.

10、The manageress, a strict old lady of about 60, showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was, she said there was only one sitting at 6:30, and I had51it. Never mind, I said.Im not very hungry. Ill just have a drink in the bar(酒吧) and a sandwich.Bar! she 52 her voice. This is a respecta

11、ble hotel, young man. If you want beer, you must go somewhere else. She spoke53 a glass of beer was a dangerous drug. I went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I 54. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door, but nothing happened. The 55soun

12、d was the church clock opposite, which suddenly struck the half-hour with such force that it made me56. Finally a window opened upstairs. The old lady57 and asked me what was going. I explained 58I was and she let me in after ten minutes wait. She was in her nightdress. She told me seriously that gu

13、ests were59to be back in the hotel by 11 oclock.I went to bed but could not sleep. Every quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noise. Just before dawn, I finally60. When I arrived at breakfast, everyone else had nearly61and there was not enough cof

14、fee to go round.Did you62 well, young man? the old lady asked.63, I dont think I could go through another night in that room, I replied. I hardly slept at all.Thats because you were64 all night drinking!she said angrily, putting65 to the conversation()A.had B.passed C.missed D.caught三、翻译(3题)21.令我们惊讶

15、的是,结果比我们预计的要好得多22.Tom is out of work not because of his old age but because of his laziness23.没有调查,就没有发言权四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Of more than three hundred people in the airplane that crashed last week, only five _ miraculously()五、单选题(0题)25.The HR department is a critical part of employeeswell-being in any business, _ small it is()A.no matter howB.no matter whatC.no matter whereD.no matter which六、单选题(0题)26.Many thousands have benefited()the new medical systemA.on B.in C.to D.from



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