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1、(2022年)河南省新乡市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.You had better _ that fellow. I dont trust him()A.look down uponB.keep an eye onC.get the better ofD.do away with2.The fact has worried many scientists()the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these yearsA.what B.which C.that D.though3.My m

2、obile phone isnt working. It()A.needs being repairedB.needs repairingC.needs to repairD.needs repaired4.When I go to heat the milk, please the baby()A.keep an eye onB.set foot onC.make a guess atD.look forward to5.A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught()of the heroA.vision B.view C.sigh

3、t D.glance6.I enjoyed the party. Still,Id rather _ to the theater()A.to be going B.go C.to go D.went7.of the land in that district covered with thick snow all the year round()A.Three fifth; areB.Three fifths; isC.Third fifths; areD.Third five; are8.I cannot spare any time to read it()A.However amusi

4、ng the story isB.However the story is amusingC.No matter amusing the story isD.No matter how the story is amusing9.Its reported that by the end of this year the output of cars in the factory by about 15%()A.will have risenB.will be risingC.has risenD.has been rising10._at the door before you enter t

5、he room, please()A.Knocking B.Knock C.Knocked D.To knock二、完型填空(10题)11._()A.mistakes B.manners C.speech D.action12.57.()A.giving B.wearing C.taking D.forcing13.()A.experiment B.operation C.treatment D.movement14.59()A.refers to B.makes up C.consists of D.focuses on15.46.()A.anticipates B.accepts C.in

6、volves D.indicates16.60.()A.send B.get C.fetch D.select17.It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their61. This was the beginning of another62 day in New York City.63this day was to be different.Waiting64 the crowded streets, on top

7、of a 65 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to66 a tightrope(绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.Philippe took his first67 with great care. The wire held. Now he was68 he could do it. 69only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a 70 of

8、131 feet.Soon the rush-hour71 began to notice. What a72! There, 1350 feet above the street, a73 figure was walking on air.Philippe made seven74 , back and forth(来回). He wasnt satisfied with just75. At times, he would turn, sit down, and 76 go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing77 to lie down

9、on the thin thread. And thousands of78 watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.After the forty-five-minute79, Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked 80he did it. Philippe shrugged(耸肩) and said, When I see two tall buildings, I walk61.()A.jobs B.homes C.buses D.offices18.59.()A

10、.attraction B.decision C.temptation D.dilemma19.7()A.lacks B.adds C.makes D.brings20.71.()A.well B.strange C.nice D.funny三、翻译(3题)21.Primary school and high school students should be mobilized to learn popular science knowledge22.杰克自己虽不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时,他从不犹豫23.由于那天晚上被要求加班,约翰错过了一场精彩的电影()四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Mary

11、 _ her bag at first sight by seeing its color()五、单选题(0题)25.The government will provide temporary for up to three thousand homeless people()A.description B.impression C.reputation D.accommodation六、单选题(0题)26.The girl immediately shut the window to()the rainA.keep out B.keep down C.keep up D.keep back参

12、考答案1.B句意:你最好留心那个家伙,我不信任他。本题考查短语辨析。had better后面跟动词原形,意思是最好做;look down upon:轻视,看不起;keep an eye on:留心,在意;get the better of:打败,战胜;do away with:废除,除去。所以B符合句意2.C近年来地球变得越来越暖和,这一事实使得许多科学家担心。考点名词性从句【精析】C 分析句子结构可知,本句为同位语从句,先行词是fact,所以应用在从句中不担当语法成分的that来引导,that引导的从句是对fact(事实,真相)具体内容的解释说明。故选C3.B我的手机坏了,需要修理。考点非谓

13、语动词【精析】Brequire, need, want等表示需要,且主语为表示物的名词或代词时,动词后应接不定式的被动式或动名词的主动形式,表示被动意义。故选B4.A我去热牛奶的时候,请照看一下小孩。考点词义辨析【精析】Akeep an eye on:照顾,留意;set foot on:踏上,登上;make a guess at:猜测;look forward to:期待,盼望。根据句意可知,选A5.C当他们看到英雄时,人群中爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。考点词语搭配【精析】Ccatch sight of为固定搭配,意为看到,发现。故选C6.B我喜欢这个聚会,尽管如此,我更想去看戏。考点固定搭配【精

14、析】B would rather+do sth.是固定搭配,表示更想做某事,宁愿做某事7.B那个地区五分之三的土地终年被厚厚的积雪覆盖着。考点数词的用法和主谓一致【精析】B分数词由基数词和序数词构成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1时,作分母的序数词要用复数形式。因此,第一个空应用Three fifths。分数/百分数+of+名词作主语时,谓语动词应与of后面名词的数保持一致。land在此处意为土地,是不可数名词,所以空处应用单数形式。故选B8.A不管这个故事多么有趣,我都抽不出时间来看。考点状语从句【精析】Ano matter how 和however 都有无论如何的意思,且都可以引

15、导让步状语从句。其基本结构为no matter how/however+形容词/副词+主语+谓语,四个选项中只有A项符合该结构。故选A9.A据报道,到今年年底,这家工厂的汽车产量将增长15%左右。考点动词时态【精析】A由句中的时间状语by the end of this year可知,本句应用将来完成时,表示到将来某一时刻以前已经完成的动作。故选A10.B翻译进入房间之前请先敲门。考点祈使句【精析】B祈使句表示请求、命令、要求、建议等语气,一般没有主语,结尾常加please,谓语动词用原形,本句表示命令的语气11.C本题考查对句意的理解。mistake错误;manners行为;speech讲话;action行为。分析句意,鹦鹉只会模仿人的语言,故C正确12.B考点词语搭配题【精析】Bgive:给;wear:面



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