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1、(2023年)吉林省四平市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.According to the air traffic rules, you switch off your mobile phone before boarding()A.may B.can C.would D.should2.()the price, it is a thousand times worth itA.Whatever B.However C.Whichever D.Wherever3.The football player is hoping toto a

2、nother team soon()A.transfer B.transport C.transplant D.transact4.When and where to hold the meeting not been decided yet()A.will B.might C.has D.have5.You will be able to catch the first bus to the town if youat 6 oclock()A.get up B.will get up C.are getting up D.got up6.a change of weather, please

3、 take the coat with you()A.Because of B.In spite of C.In case of D.But for7.We _ three major snowstorms so far this winter()A.had B.have C.have had D.had had8.English()in a new way at my college in the past few yearsA.has been teachingB.was being taughtC.has been taughtD.had been taught9.I not only

4、spoke English very carefully()very clearly as wellA.or B.but C.and D.than10.As a Chinese proverb goes, a heavy snow _ a good harvest year()A.disposes B.exposes C.promises D.permits二、完型填空(10题)11.71.()A.distinction B.fame C.popularity D.interest12.More and more students want to study in hot majors. 41

5、 a result, many students want to 42 their interests and study in these 43 such as foreign languages, international business and law, etc.Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, 44 maths, physics and biology, and art majors, 45 history, Chinese and philosophy. 46 students can study in thes

6、e hot majors, because the number of these hot majors 47 limited.If one 48 interest in his work or study, 49 can he do well? I 50 this from one of my classmates.He is 51 the countryside. His parents are farmers. Though he 52 biology, yet he chose international business. He 53 to live a life which is

7、different 54 of his parents.In the end, he found he was 55 in doing business. He found all the subjects to be 56. 57 this wouldnt have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests.Choosing a major in university 58 necessarily decide ones whole life. Majors 59 are hot today may

8、not be hot tomorrow. Choosing your major according to your own 60 is the best way to success()A.Being B.For C.Having D.As13.()A.Like B.As C.With D.By14.25.()A.broad B.passing C.different D.main15.55.()A.Unfortunately B.Unlikely C.Unconsciously D.Especially16.60.()A.wouldnt have been B.havent been C.

9、hadnt been D.have been17.12)()A.voices B.sounds C.pronunciation D.gestures18.35.()A.agreement B.friendship C.treatment D.decision19.59.()A.thought B.heard C.learned D.seen20.65.()A.such B.these C.some D.all the三、翻译(3题)21.When Mrs. Brown was sick last week, her three daughters looked after her in tur

10、n22.这份工作比他想的要危险得多23.()如果这些新的付款方式更便于消费者付款,是否对罪犯也更方便呢?A. If the new methods of payment are more accessible to consumers, whether they are accessible to criminals?B. If these new payment methods make it more convenient for consumers to pay, could they make it more convenient for criminals also?C. If th

11、e new payment methods make it easier for consumers to pay, could they make it easier for criminals too?D. If these new payment method are easier for consumers to pay, whether they are more convenient?四、词汇与语法(0题)24._ fortune and social status, she was actually an ordinary-looking woman()五、单选题(0题)25.E

12、ven if he()here, he would not be able to help usA.is B.were C.has been D.will be六、单选题(0题)26.A news report is usually very short,()when it is about something very importantA.besides B.except C.apart from D.except that参考答案1.D根据航空守则,你应该在登机之前关掉手机。考点情态动词【精析】Dmay:可能;can:可以;would:将要;should:应该。此处表示根据交通规则应尽的

13、责任和义务,应用should2.A不管价格是多少,都是十分值得的。考点状语从句【精析】A本句为让步状语从句,从句中的the price后省略了be动词,空处的词充当表语。whatever:无论什么;however:无论怎样;whichever:无论哪个;wherever:无论哪里。 根据句意可知,选A3.A这名足球运动员一直希望能尽快地调到另一个队。考点词义辨析【精析】Atransfer:转移,转职,调动,transfer to意为转移到,调往;transport:运输,交通;transplant:移植,迁移;transact:交易,办理。根据句意可知,选A4.C还没有决定会议在何时、何地举行

14、。考点主谓一致和动词时态【精析】C句中When and where to hold the meeting指的是同一件事情,且是句子的主语,因此谓语动词应用单数形式。另外,根据后面的yet可知,本句应用现在完成时,所以应用has。故选C5.A如果6点起床的话,你就可以赶上去城镇的首班车。考点动词时态【精析】A 分析句子结构可知,句中包含了一个if引导的条件状语从句。根据主句中的will be able to可知,主句为一般将来时,所以从句应遵循主将从现的原则,用一般现在时表示将来。故选A6.C以防天气变化,请随身带件外套吧。考点词义辨析【精析】Cbecause of:因为,由于;in spit

15、e of:尽管,不管;in case of:万一,如果发生,以防;but for:要不是,如果没有。根据句意可知,选C7.C到目前为止,今年冬天我们已经遭遇了三场大的暴风雪。考点动词时态【精析】C根据句子的时间状语so far(到目前为止,迄今为止)可知,本句应用现在完成时,表示从过去开始持续到现在并且有可能继续延续下去的动作或情况。故选C8.C在过去的几年里,我所在的学校已经用一种新方法教英语了。考点动词时态和语态【精析】Cin the past few years一般与现在完成时连用;因为English与teach为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用现在完成时的被动语态。故选C9.B我讲英语不仅非常认真而且还很清楚。考点固定用法【精析】Bnot onlybut (also)为固定用法,意为不仅而且,also可以省略。故选B10.C中国有一条谚语说道:瑞雪兆丰年。考点词义辨析【精析】C dispose:去掉; expose:暴露;



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