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1、备考2023年四川省眉山市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.It was because it rained heavily yesterday _ he could not come to the evening school on time()A.that B.so that C.so D.when2.We cantone to change the habits in a short time()A.hope B.wait C.expect D.imagine3._ helping those who are unwilling

2、to help themselves()A.What sense is it aboutB.Whats the point ofC.Whats the sense withD.What point is it in4.In his opinion, success in life mainly _ on how we get along with other people()A.keeps B.depends C.insists D.spends5.The robber had escaped and was nowhere to be found when the police _()A.a

3、rrived B.had arrived C.arrive D.have arrived6.She is one of the top students in her class she studies very hard()A.because B.so C.unless D.though7._, we decided to leave at once, as we didnt want to risk missing the bus()A.As it being pretty lateB.It being pretty lateC.It was being pretty lateD.Bein

4、g pretty late8._ forget the days when we lived in the countryside()A.Never I shallB.Never shall IC.I never shallD.Never do I shall9.I didnt know what to do, but then an idea to me suddenly()A.happened B.entered C.hit D.occurred10.Id like to()my parents greetings to you and your familyA.confront B.di

5、splay C.consult D.convey二、完型填空(10题)11.42.()A.brave B.real C.hard D.certain12.87.()A.as many as B.as much as C.so many as D.as more as13.()A.find B.lose C.declare D.transform14.22.()A.simple B.facial C.single D.usual15.19.()A.Whatever B.Whichever C.Whenever D.Wherever16.67.()A.act B.landing C.step D.

6、trip17.86.()A.cloth B.clothes C.clothing D.dressing18.The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes51zero in January, 52 and March. But the northeastern and north central regions of the country53financial and industrial cent

7、ers, and they are heavily polluted.In recent years, people in these regions have begun to take vacations 54 these cold winter months. They go to southern parts of the country 55it is warmer. Many go to Florida where the weather is56. Others go to the southwestern states of Arizona, New Mexico and Te

8、xas where they57 dry desert climates.It has become58 nowadays for old people to move south to these places 59they retire. Typically these people sell their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a new life60senior citizens.Their children likely have homes61 and many of them are mov

9、ing south62 communities where they were63. The southern and southwestern parts of the country are now growing64any other part. Business and industry65 many offices and factories in the south. California is already the most popular state in the country()A.below B.above C.near D.over19.Our airplane wa

10、s just besides the airport building. It did not look too strong to me, but I decided not to think about such things. We saw the baggage going out _ it on trolleys and being loaded from _ the aircraft. Next, three men and three girls, all in uniform, went over to the plane and _ it. Over the loudspea

11、kers we were _ the plane was ready to leave and were asked to walk out to it. Everybody moved quickly in order to _ the seats they wanted. I was _ to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked _ inside than it had from outside. I fastened my seat belt _ we took off and tried to forget my nervous

12、ness.After an hours flying I _ black clouds ahead through my window. An electric sign flashed _: Fasten your seat belts, please,and one of the hostesses made a similar request over the loudspeakers. She told us we were about to fly into a storm but _ cheerfully there was nothing to worry about. Sudd

13、enly, the plane _ all over, dropped about twenty feet and seemed to hang on one _. Then it rose twenty feet and there was a great flash of lightning. The three girls did their best to _ pills for airsickness and comfort the passengers. Soon the sky became light again. The pilot had _ to get above th

14、e storm()A.at B.over C.to D.above20.I was on a bus one March evening. The driver didnt _ to start the bus soon because it was not yet _. A middle-aged woman got on. Tired and sad, she told her story tearfully, not to anyone _ particular. On her way to the station, half of her _ was stolen. The other

15、 half was hidden under her blouse, so she fortunately still had some money _. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked unhappy.When all the seats were _, the driver started the engine. The conductor began to collect fares. When she came to an old man in worn-out clothes, he explained that he had _ all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. _ he


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