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1、山东省临沂市齐鲁博苑学校高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The number of people who visit the mainland from Taiwan is _ the increase.Aon BinCat Dof参考答案:A句意:从台湾来大陆参观的人数不断增加。on the increase“在增加”。2. The _ boy was last seen _ near the gate of the park.A. missed, playing B. missing, playC. losing, to be playing D. lost, playing

2、参考答案:D3. This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.A. would B. should C. could D. might参考答案:B4. I have never heard of someone else who sings _ than Judy. She is a good student of music.A. good B. well C. better D. best参考答案:C5. Why do

3、es she always ask you for help?There is no one else _,is there?A. who to turn to B. she can turn toC. for whom to turn D. for her to turn参考答案:B试题分析:先行词是no one else,定语从句she can tum to前省略了作宾语的关系代词whom或who。值得指出的是,本句还可以写成to whom she can turn。6. Some of my workmates prefer to send to our QQ group _ news

4、they got. A. whatever B. however C. whichever D. whenever参考答案:A7. It was Old Tom, the killer whale _ saved James. A. that B. which C. what D. when参考答案:A8. In fact, Im not used _ to like that. Neither am I.A. to being spoken B. to be spoken C. to speak D. to speaking参考答案:A9. The police _ Tom of steal

5、ing and the accused was afraid to meet the accuser.Aaccused Bcharged Crobbed Dinformed参考答案:A10. Suddenly, a tough-looking guy seized the girl and took her away, _into the woods.A disappeared B disappearing C to disappear D having disappeared 参考答案:B考查分词作状语。突然,一个可怕的家伙抓住那个女孩离开,消失在树林里。分词作状语在此处做伴随,故用B。11

6、. Time can be a for loneliness, sadness, and fear.A. blame B. cure C. recover D. hope参考答案:B12. The teacher _ the boy of cheating in the exam, which he didnt deny.A. caught B. criticized C. accused D. charged参考答案:C13. The yong man isisted that he nothong wrong and free immediately.A. did; set B. had

7、done; should be set C. do; be set D. had done; must be set参考答案:B14. Having worked for as long as ten hours, the young man lay on the ground, _.A. tiredly and hungrily B. tired and hungerC. tired and hungry D. tiring and hungry参考答案:C略15. I had to _ my voice to make myself heard over the noise.A. rise

8、B. raiseC. ariseD. arouse参考答案:B【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不得不提高嗓门使自己的声音盖过喧闹声。A. rise升起;B. raise提高;C. arise出现;D. arouse唤醒。raise my voice提高声音,故选B。16. - Why was Fred forced to leave school?- Because he was _ of cheating in the English exam.A. blamed B. accused C. charged D. caught参考答案:B17. An increase in the pri

9、ce of drugs has _ the rising cost of medical care.A. contributed to B. brought up C. burst into D. resulted from参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. A fear of heights is a common feeling that is easy to understand. According to many psychologists, a fear of heights is one of the only two natural fears the other is the

10、fear of loud noises. _16_ If you are not afraid, you could walk too close to the edge and fall off. Having a fear of heights is good because it protects us from real danger._17_ They experience a intense fear even inside a safe environment such as a skyscraper, which is not an appropriate response a

11、nd it is not helpful. _18_ “As long as I can remember, I have had a powerful fear of heights. It can completely ruin a vacation. For example, when I was with friends in Paris, I became terrified while going up to the Eiffel Tower. I was almost crying and I felt embarrassed for the rest of the vacati

12、on,”Adams said.Fortunately, having an irrational fear of heights can be corrected. _19_ The most effective way seems to be getting the people to acknowledge their fears, for example, by encouraging them to go to the top of tall buildings, hike up steep mountains, or stand on a high bridge._20_ When

13、faced with a threatening situation, taking slow, deep breaths can help slow the heart rate and increase the oxygen flowing to muscles to keep from tensing up. If possible, a few minutes of meditation (深思) may be effective in relieving some tension.It is important to remember that an inappropriate fe

14、ar of heights is not unusual and can be treated.A. Another way to overcome a fear of heights is to learn to control the physical symptoms.B. However, some people have an irrational (非理性的) and unhealthy fear of heights.C. One way to defeat your fear of heights is to do an activity that involves nothing but heights.D. There are a number of ways that can be achieved.E. John Adams, an English teacher, has an irrati



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