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1、黑龙江省伊春市宜春大段中学高二英语知识点试题含解析一、 选择题1. The course about Chinese food attracts over 100 students per year, _ up to half are from overseas.Ain which Bof whom C with which D for whom参考答案:B2. Peters handwriting is really too bad to read; I can hardly _ what exactly hes trying to say.A. give out B. leave out

2、C. make out D. bring out 参考答案:C3. When you finish your report, you should _where you got your data by attaching a list of websites you got your information from.A. postpone B. address C. applaud D. acknowledge参考答案:D4. The coasted areas have mild winters, but _ the central plains become extremely col

3、d.A by contrast B with contrast C contrast D contrasting参考答案:A5. Every minute is made full use of _ our lessons. A. to study B. studying C. studied D. study参考答案:A略6. Many of them turn a deaf ear to his advice, they had known it to be useless.A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that参考答案:A7. Sar

4、ah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who参考答案:C8. Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, _ those in the south are ly poor. A. as B. unless C. when D. while 参考答案:D9. The old lady helped me a lot when I was in trouble. I do wish

5、I could do something _for her one day.A. in return B. in common C. in theory D. in turn参考答案:A10. Its _ most beautiful furniture , by which I was struck at the first sight and I determined to take _ possession of it some day . A. the ; /B. / ; / C. a ; the D. a ; /参考答案:B11. It was _he did _disappoint

6、ed us. A. what, what B. that, that C. what, that D. that, what 参考答案:C 12. -Why dont we go to the new Sichuan restaurant for a meal?-_ A. Great! I have been expecting that B.Sorry, but I forget it C. No, I wont go for it D.Its not my pleasure参考答案:A13. _ in her new novel, the young writer kept writing

7、 for hours in her room.A. Having deeply absorbed B. Deeply absorbingC. Deeply having been absorbed D. Deeply absorbed参考答案:D14. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door, _ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading参考答案:D略15. But for the help of my Engl

8、ish teacher, I the first prize in the English Writing Competition.Awould not win Bwould not have wonCwould win Dwould have won参考答案:B16. To my surprise, my American friend spoke Chinese well and I _the speech for him. So I left him for home immediately. A. neednt have translated B. didnt need to tran

9、slateC. mustnt have translated D. couldnt have translated参考答案:B17. She finds her new jobs very _ but she will never give it up.A. interesting B. regretful C. satisfying. D. stressful参考答案:D二、 新的题型18. Do you have a dream? We all do. Right? 36 Its never too late. You want to be devoted to your dream, a

10、nd you want to be you and do something that will reflect you. 37 The cold, hard truth is that time is not on your side. Heres the good news, though. 38 Here are some tips on respecting your dream. 1. Stop wasting your time. 39 To get ahead with your dream, choose one thing that you really love. Let

11、your choice of that one thing you really, really value be based on your formal education, experience from your current and former jobs, or even informal education. From this choice, you can develop a talent - your dream. 2. Become an authority. Being an authority means being different or standing ou

12、t from the crowd. 40 Make your own rules and follow them curiously. Give yourself permission to listen to others ideas, and only follow whats in your favor. Figure things out by learning and using personal experiences. Prove yourself through your work and make it happen. 3. Start now. Make the best

13、of the time you have now and start. Set your own schedule and structured routine, and stick to it. Starting now saves your future from regret. Find time every day to move toward your goal. A. Have you ever put your efforts into making your dream come true?B. But you keep putting it off because you t

14、hink youll have time in the future to do it. C. If so, dont regret not chasing it. D. Be brave and tell yourself you can be one.E. You can start chasing your dream while you still have time.F. Why are you trading your life by doing something that doesnt suit you?G. Share your dream with your friends and listen to their advice. 参考答案:36C 37B 38E 39F 40D三


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