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1、山东省烟台市开发区第五初级中学高二英语知识点试题含解析一、 选择题1. “Run away from Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou” has been a slogan for some of Chinas younger generation_ are under unbearable economic pressure to survive in cities.A. whoB. whichC. whoseD. for whom参考答案:A2. It took her ten years to _ her publishing business.A. ta

2、ke up B. put up C. build up D. bring up参考答案:C3. _ is known to us all that the 2010 World Expo took place in Shanghai. A. It B. As C. Which D. What参考答案:A略4. -What do you think of my suggestion about introducing new technology?-Can we talk about it _dinner? A. as B. over C. beyond D. with参考答案:B5. I am

3、 tired _ the partner I have been working with; he is too hard a person_.A. with; to get along with B. from;to be got along withC. of; to get along with D. of; getting along with参考答案:C6. It still remains a question _ human beings can exist on Mars since theres no oxygen there. A. thatB. whyC. whatD.

4、whether参考答案:D7. The bank is reported in local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday. A. robbed B. to have been robbed C. to be robbed D. having been robbed参考答案:B8. _all the required papers. he didnt answer the questions fluently in class.A. Having not read B.Not having read C.Not read D.Not to rea

5、d参考答案:B9. The young driver drove _ speed that I got _ . . A. with very great ; frightened B. at such a high ; frightenedC. at so a high ; frightened D. with so high a ; frightening参考答案:B10. I am confident about Alibabas future success but some remain about possible risks, including its product quali

6、ty.A. curious B. cautiousC. particular D. sensitive参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. curious好奇的;B. cautious谨慎的;C. particular特别的; D. sensitive敏感的。句意:我对阿里巴巴未来的成功充满信心,但一些人仍对可能的风险持谨慎态度,包括产品质量。be cautious about表示“谨慎对待、担忧”,故B项正确。11. The scientist _ the experiment for half a year, but he _ yet. A. made; didnt succeed

7、 B. made; hasnt succeeded C. was making; didnt succeed D. has been making; hasnt succeeded 参考答案:D略12. He is very good at carpentering, though _.A. is very youngB. very young C. he very young D. he was very young参考答案:B13. Did you watch the basketball finals yesterday?Yes,but I would rather that.A.not

8、 doingB.not have doneC.not doD.hadnt done参考答案:B提示:would rather not have done.宁愿没有做某事,而实际已经做了。14. Children should learn to solve problems_.Aof their own Bto their ownCin their own Don their own参考答案:D15. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.

9、 A. set out B. took over C. set up D. took up参考答案:D16. _ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants (变异体) of genes in human bodies.ABeing exposed BHaving exposedCExposed DAfter being exposed参考答案:A17. What shall we do tonight then? _ whatever you want.A. Help yourself.B. Its a

10、deal.C. Its up to you.D. No problem.参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Last month, I visited China, _61_ I always wanted to see. I have been learning the culture and the language _62_ I was young.The first four days of the ten-day trip _63_(spend) in Beijing. We saw the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City, sho

11、pped at markets, and _64_(eat) at different restaurants. Wow! Im here in the place I only heard _65_(story) about and saw pictures of!I spent the next six days in Xian. _66_(compare) to Beijing, I found more of the daily life in China because I stayed with a Chinese friend, who welcomed me home with

12、 open arms and so did his family. It was _67_ amazing experience to dip into the culture. Xian really gave me a chance _68_(meet) new people and figure out what their lives were like on a day-to-day basis. I was able to practice and improve my Chinese more than ever. Besides new vocabulary, my _69_(

13、able) to communicate improved a lot.Going across the world to a place _70_(complete) different from mine was eye-opening and inspiring. It gave me a new view on my life, which I will constantly use to compare to my daily life back home.参考答案:61. which 62. since 63. were spent 64. ate 65. stories 66.

14、Compared 67. an 68. to meet 69. ability 70. completely本文为记叙文。作者在文中叙述了来到了一直想看的中国,在中国的北京和西安的所见所闻。作者认为在中国学会了更多的词汇,认识了更多的人,更了解中国,这种经历令人大开眼界和鼓舞人心。【61题详解】考查非限制性定语从句。句意:上个月,我去了中国,这是我一直想看的中国。分析句子可知,本句是定语从句。其中的China是先行词在非限制性定语从句中作see的宾语,因此要用关系代词which。故填which。【62题详解】考查连词。句意:我从小时就开始学习中国的文化和语言。分析句子可知,此句中缺少连词,根据语境和句子的结


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