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1、上海市浦江高级中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -David has made great progress recently.-_, and_ .A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have youC. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have参考答案:B2. Ms. Barbara showed _ patience, kindness and gentleness to us, though many of us were very naughty and troubles

2、ome. A. extreme B. determined C. generous D. frequent参考答案:A3. - Whats your plan for this winter vacation? - Ill take an express train to Dalian for my holiday _ school ends Awhile Buntil Cimmediately Dunless参考答案:C4. Guess what? Tom has failed in the exam _ second time. How come? He is _ second to no

3、ne in English in our class.A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. the; the参考答案:C略5. Companies in Zhongguancun all have their own characteristics, but they all share _ spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made Zhongguancun_-success. A the; the B. the; a C. / ; a D. /; /参考答案:B6. The roof fell _ t

4、he PLA men had time to rescue the child trapped in the house.A. until B. unless C. before D. because参考答案:C略7. To the great disappointment of the poor workers, a great part of their wages were _ by the boss for no good reason.Akept away Bkept off Ckept up Dkept back参考答案:D31. The manager in the corpor

5、ation _ me the news that I had been employed.A. told B. informed C. announced D. noticed参考答案:A略9. Guess what? I happened to meet Fernando the other dayIf my memory serves me correctly, you _ each other for agesAdont see Bdidnt see Chavent seen Dhadnt seen参考答案:D10. Rod is determined to get a seat for

6、 the concert even if it means _in a queue all night. A. to stand B. stood C. standing D. to be stood参考答案:C11. This is a simple idea, _ is hard to put into practice.A. one that B. that C. it D. one 参考答案:A12. .Marys mobile phone looked just the same as Janes,but it cost _hers.A. as much twice as B.muc

7、h as twice asC.twice as much as D.as twice much as参考答案:C13. _ a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is.A. Why B. When C. Whether D. How参考答案:D14. Proudly reading his poem, David glanced around the room, only _ none of his classmates was listening to him. A. found B. finding C

8、. find D. to find参考答案:D15. Some young people always take it for granted that only if we have enough money _ a happy lifeAwe can live Bwe will live Cdo we live Dcan we live参考答案:D16. - _, I can make it home by 8:30 when the football game will be on TV. - Well, it depends on how efficiently you work. A

9、. Apparently B. Fortunately C. Hopefully D. Fortunately参考答案:C17. What makes online shopping so popular is it shortens the distance between manufacturersand consumersA .how B. that Cwhether Dwhy参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. The Silk Road was a historical network of trade routes that connected China and the Medite

10、rranean Sea,allowing cultural and economic interaction between the East and the West. Begun in the 2nd Century B C” the Silk Road carried goods,ideas, and even illness for thousands of miles between great civilizations for more than a thousand years. _16_ It was the creation of Germanys Ferdinand vo

11、n Richthofen, who traveled to China several times in the second half of the 19th Century.Chinas powerful Han Dynasty began expanding its trade routes towards the West in the years around 100 B.C. _17_ Some shipments made it through to Europe and to northern and eastern Africa, through the port of Al

12、exandria.As its name suggests, the Silk Road was home to large amount of silk, which made its way from China to the Mediterranean and,to Rome. It wasnt only silk,however, that was carried along the Silk Road _18_ Chinese traders brought delicate porcelain plates and thin but durable paper money. Rom

13、ans brought delicately carved pottery (陶器)and jewelry to China._19_ Merchants carried shipments from major center, and then others carried the foods farther on the route. Many merchants traveled in groups, called carvans (商队). Many carvans and individual merchants traveled with bodyguards because theft along the routes was not uncommon.Several cities along the Silk Road became major trading centers. Some of the more famous of these were Alexandria,Karakorum, Antioch,Constantinople, and Persepolis. Local taxes p


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