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1、北京世青中学2022年高一英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Wearing a red skirt, Alice was easily _ in the crowd when I met her at the railway station.A. remembered B. reminded C. spotted D. watched参考答案:C2. We arranged to meet at 8:00, but she never _.A. turned down B. turned off C. turned over D. turned up参考答案:D略3. It is the c

2、ountry _I studied English _ I am going to visit next week. A. in which; which B. where; that C. that; that D. which; that参考答案:B4. -Excuse me, how is the new program going?-Terrific! Everything is going smoothly _ we expected. A. where B. when C. as D. why参考答案:C5. The great day he looked forward to _

3、 at last. A. coming B. come C. came D. having come参考答案:C略6. What fine weather today!_. Lets go swimming together. ASo it is BSo is itCSo does it DSo it does参考答案:A解析考查倒装句式。句意:今天天气好!是的,的确是这样,让我们去游泳吧。此处前后主语均为天气,故推知答案。7. _ she has lived in Beijing for several years, Chinese men are still a closed book t

4、o Cathie Watson. A. Unless B. While C. Before D. Since参考答案:B8. To enjoy the scenery,Jimmy would rather spend long hours on the train_travel by plane.AasBto CthanDwhile参考答案:C9. - Tom has passed the College Entrance Exam with good grade.- So his parents are very proud of his . A. idea B. dream C. succ

5、ess 参考答案:C10. Kate hasnt been seen for four days and there is growing _ for her safety.A. power B. item C. concern D. series 参考答案:C11. Mr. Smith _ a new book last night, but I dont know whether he has finished it yet. A. wrote B. had written C. was writing D. would write参考答案:C12. Ill never forget th

6、e day _ I was born A.when B.that C.on which D.both A and C参考答案:D13. Mum is coming. What present _ for your birthday?A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she gotC. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got参考答案:C14. Your suggestion deserves _. Please choose the WRONG answer. A. con

7、sideringB. to be consideredC. being consideredD. consideration参考答案:C15. He was greatly _ at the news that his father was seriously ill. A. angry B. eager C. upset D. sad参考答案:C16. The steak in the restaurant was terrible. How I wish I rice!A. would order B. orderedC. order D. had ordered参考答案:D【详解】考查虚

8、拟语气。句意:这家餐馆里的牛排糟透了,我多么希望我点的是米饭啊!根据“The steak in the restaurant was terrible.”判断此处表示与过去事实相反的假设,所以应该用had+ 过去分词的形式,故D项正确。【点睛】wish后的宾语从句中,常表示不可能实现的愿望,表示与现在事实相反时,从句谓语用动词过去式(be用were);表示与过去事实相反时,从句谓语用had+过去分词;表示与将来事实相反时,从句谓语用could/would/should+动词原形。本题根据“The steak in the restaurant was terrible.”判断此处表示与过去事实

9、相反的假设,所以应该用had+ 过去分词的形式。17. At _ present we are going through a hard time, but Im sure _ things will get better in the near future.A. the; the B. the; 不填 C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填参考答案:D略二、 新的题型18. 根据短文内容,从以下AF选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余项。 A. To be seen and noticed by the leadersB. Learn and use new skil

10、lsC. Do what you should doD. Get useful information and adviceE. Look for someone to guide youF. Keep it in mind: work hard56. _Keep in mind that those who play a lot and hard can loose but those who play smart will always win the day. These tips when employed well will be your tickets to the top. T

11、he first thing you need to do is look at your performance. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing? When you know what is expected, you will acquire a momentum that will lead you to the right direction. Otherwise, there is no need to do yourself and others when you are not delivering the rig

12、ht results.57. _The other tip that will make you stand out from the rest is hard work. You need to do extra and ask for more. The workload might be overwhelming but promotion only comes to those who are excellent or do things that are out of the ordinary or beyond expectation. You must employ extrem

13、e dedication to make sure that even as you ask for more, you do not compromise on the quality of work you deliver.58. _Another tip for promotion(晋升) is that the workplace is to have a presence. You must be seen at work not just by your colleagues(同事) but by leaders in your line of work. Take advanta

14、ge of every chance to interact and know that people on top keep a keen eye looking out for those who stand out.59. _Do not be shy to accept new skills and look for more. Promotions only come to those who know that this is a dynamic world that smiles on those who are willing to use new skills. Devote yourself to doing things th


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