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1、浙江省衢州市林山中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Is that our math teacher? It be him. He has gone to London.AcanBmayCmustntDcant参考答案:D2. The shopkeeper told Lily .A. that we would help them B. that we can help themC. that we help them D. that would we help them参考答案:A3. _is certain _ the Normans conquered England in

2、 1066 and then English changed. A. That; that B. It; what C. That; what D. It; that参考答案:D略4. The cow _ by the fire rushed out into the street. A. frightening B. frightened C. was frightened D. be frightened 参考答案:B5. Estimates of the amount of oil spilled into the Gulf during the war _, but a reasona

3、ble guess of around 4 million barrels is about twice the “_” annual pollution from oil wells and tankers. A. change, naturalB. range, standardC. vary, normalD. adjust, regular参考答案:C6. The population in Japan not very large. But it is reported thatabout twenty-five percent of the population old peopl

4、e. A. is; isB. are; areC. is; areD. are; is参考答案:C7. With the launch of the Shenzhou VII spaceship last week, more and more Chinese people of one day living on the moon.A. have dreamedB. dreamC. are dreamingD. are dreamed参考答案:C8. Is there anything wrong with my heart, doctor?Not too bad. But I advise

5、 you_ anymore.A. to not smokeB. not smokingC. smoking notD. not to smoke参考答案:D【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:医生,我的心脏有什么问题吗?不太坏。但是我劝你不要再抽烟了。短语advise sb. not to do sth.“建议某人不要做某事”,用不定式作宾语补足语。故选D。9. -Why didnt you invite John lo your birthday party?-Well, you know hes .A. a piece of cakeB. an early birdC. a lucky dogD

6、. a wet blanket参考答案:D10. Can you give some advice on what I said just now? Sorry. My mind _. A. is wanderingB. was wanderingC. has wanderedD. had wandered参考答案:B11. It suddenly _ her that she had left her schoolbag in the canteen.A. occurredB. hitC. strikedD. inspired参考答案:B【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:她突然想起她把书包落在

7、食堂了。A. occurred发生;B. hit打,击;C. striked敲;D. inspired 鼓舞。固定句式“It hits/strikes/occurs to sb that +从句”,表示“某人突然想起某事”,根据句意故选B。12. The professor said that he was interested only in research; he didnt _ others comments.A. care about B. come about C. bring about D. get about参考答案:A13. 80% of the new English d

8、ictionaries _ in the past ten years. A. have been sold out B. are being sold out C. was sold out D. had been sold out参考答案:A略14. Dont trust him. He doesnt_. A. break his word B. keep his word C. waste her word D. eat her word参考答案:B15. _ gets homes first is to cook the supper.A. Who B. Whom C. Those w

9、ho D. Whoever参考答案:D16. -Coach, can I continue with the training? - Sorry, you cant _ you havent recovered from the knee injury. A. until B. before C. as D. unless参考答案:C17. Professor Zhang made us _ to the museum and look for some useful informationAgoing Bgone Cto go Dgo参考答案:D二、 新的题型18. How to Stay

10、Out of TroubleSometimes it may seem like youre always getting into trouble with your teachers or your parents. _16_ The best thing to do is to stop trouble before it starts. Its always possible to turn over a new leaf.1. _17_ Joining a sports team is a great way to stay out of trouble. Whether youre

11、 playing soccer or baseball, team sports are a great way to find something to do rather than get into trouble.2. Join a club. If sports arent your thing, you can always join a club. You can join an art club, chess club, French club, cooking club and so on. _18_ Therefore, you wont have time to annoy

12、 your teachers or parents.3. Go volunteering. _19_ If youre too young to do it on your own, go with a parent to a volunteering event. You can help people learn to read, clean up a local park, or work in a soup kitchen. Find something that is meaningful to you and commit to it at least once a week.4.

13、 Read as much as you can. Reading can help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. _20_ Getting truly interested in stories can help you forget the hours passing by. Reading for just 20 minutes before bedtime every night can help you develop an addicting lifelong habit.A. Join a sports team.B. Play soccer or baseball.C. Then you can have a good time with your friends.D. Volunteering is another great way to stay out of trouble.E. These clubs can help you focus on something you care about.F. Whats more, if youre reading, then youre



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