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1、河北省邢台市巨鹿县小吕寨镇中学2022年高三英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Im looking for a nearby place for my holiday. Any good ideas? How about the Moon Lake? It is _ easy reach of the city.A. byB. beyondC. withinD. from参考答案:C2. _sufficient historical and legal grounds, Chinas position on the South China Sea has been consistent an

2、d clear.A.Associated with B.Based on C.Centered around D.Assessed by参考答案:B【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。句意:以充足的历史和法律为根基,中国在中国南海的位置已经是一贯和明确的。associated with和有联系;based on以为基础;centered around围绕;assessed by被评估。故判断选B。3. The army received a command that they _ to the front immediately. A. would march B. must march C. sh

3、ould march D. were marching 参考答案:C4. I dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or speak ill of me behind. A. that B. them C. those D. it参考答案:D略5. We should look up to him as a shinning example of _ to dutyAdevotion Bprivilege Cresponsibility Dburden参考答案:Adevotion奉献;privilege特权;responsibility责任;b

4、urden负担。根据句意,并结合各选项的意思,可知选A。句意:我们应该尊重他,把他当作为一个忠于职守的好例子。6. Its hot in the shopping mall, because the air-conditioning system _. A. broke up B. broke down C. broke in D. broke out 参考答案:B略7. -What kind of apartment do you want to rent? A large one, Mr. Smith? -Er, it _ be a large one, as my family is n

5、ot large. A. wouldnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. cant参考答案:C略8. If _, we can meet at half past seven tomorrow evening to discuss the matter. A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient for you D. it will be convenient for you参考答案:C9. Do you have to declare, sir?Oh , yes, two iPho

6、ne 4s.Aanything Beverything Csomething Dnothing参考答案:A10. With help of my teacher, I have made great progress in English learning.A. the; 不填B. the; theC. a; aD. 不填;不填参考答案:A略11. David is animal fur, so he wont visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house. A. curious about B. allergic to C. satisfied

7、 withD. fond of参考答案:B略12. The bridge, which _ 1688, need repairing.A. was dated from B. dated fromC. dating from D. dates from参考答案:D【详解】考查时态及固定短语。动词短语date from从开始有,追溯到;该短语通常用在一般现在时中,没有被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。句意:追溯到1688年的这座桥梁需要未修复了。本句中非限制性定语从句which dates from 1688做定语修饰先行词the bridge,相当于现在分词短语dating from 1688.故

8、D项正确。13. Are you still busy? Yes, I_ my work, and it wont take long.A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish参考答案:B略14. -Im applying for Toronto University- AAll right BGood luckCCertainly DCongratulations参考答案:B15. - Shall we go to the art exhibition at 8 o

9、clock? - Great ! _. See you soon.A. Ive got that B. Its up to you C. Have a good time D. Thats settled参考答案:D16. -What do you think made Jack so cxcited? -_first prize in the national English Speaking Competition. AAs he won BWon C. Winning D.Because of winning参考答案:C17. Ill come to see your performan

10、ce at 9:00 tomorrow evening. Im sorry, but by then my performance _ and I _ reporters in the meeting room. A. will have ended; will be meetingB. will end; will meet C. will be ended; am going to meetD. is to end; will meet参考答案:A略二、 新的题型18. The “Chong Yang Festival” is celebrated on the ninth day of

11、the ninth lunar month, which is also known as the Double Ninth Festival. _16_Climbing MountainsPeople like to climb mountains on this festival, so Double Ninth Festival is also called “Mountain-climbing Festival”.The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightsee

12、ing. _17_. It is really refreshing to climb mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature at this bright and clear time in autumn.Climbing mounting also indicates “climbing to a higher position”. Another reason why climbing mountains are valued by people, especially by the elderly is that it has a meanin

13、g of “climbing to ligneous life”. Climbing mountains on Double Ninth Festival was already popular in the Tang Dynasty._18_Drinking Chrysanthemum Flower(菊花) WineThe chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing. In ancient times, people usually picked fresh chrysanthemum flowers and leaves on the 9th of the 9th lunar month, and brewed the mixture of them and grains into the wine. _19_. The wine is said to have wholesome effects on sha



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