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1、广东省汕尾市玉燕中学2022年高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Its nearly seven oclock. Jack _ be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can参考答案:C2. When it comes to on living expenses, the family always become silent.A. cut downB. cuts downC. cutting down D. have cut down参考答案:C3. The paper _ bamboo is made is especi

2、ally fine. A. which B. into which C. of which D. from which参考答案:B解析:短语be made of和be made from的主语应是制成品,be made into的主语是原材料。定语从句中的主语bamboo是原材料,故选B。4. We are at your service. Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems. A. avoidB. hesitateC. desireD. seek参考答案:32. 选B。考查动词辨析。句意:我们很乐意帮助你。如果还有什么问

3、题尽管找我们帮忙。hesitate犹豫,踌躇, hesitate to do sth. 做某事犹豫不决;avoid避免,避开;desire渴望,希望;seek寻求,试图。【解析】5. Whats the matter with you?After the long walk, my legs .A. gave out B. gave off C. gave in D. gave up参考答案:A6. When you are home, give a call to let me know you _ safelyA. are arriving B have arrivedC had arri

4、ved D will arrive参考答案:B7. When I was a child, my grandmother _ me interesting stories. A. used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to told参考答案:A8. The teacher said that the sun _ in the east and _ in the west.A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. raises; sets D. raised; set 参考答案:B 9. -After _ series of u

5、nsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed _driving test A/;the B a; theC the; aD /;a参考答案:B略10. How about your new school? I couldnt feel _ about it. All my teachers are very kind and helpful.A.better B. worse C. best D. worst参考答案:A11. is a free site _ visitors can not just find jobs, buy or sell t

6、hings but also make friends. A. that B. which C. where D. what 参考答案:C12. How about Thursday morning? Say, 10 oclock? OK. Ill be expecting you then. A. Is that right?B. Thats settled.C. How are you doing?D. Absolutely!参考答案:B13. -I passed the college entrance examination.-Congratulations! You_.A.could

7、 have studied hard B. must have studied hard C. should have studied hard D. might have studied hard 参考答案:B14. I should like to choose a person, a clever, handsome, rich and _, an honest one.A. at all B. after all C. in all D. above all 参考答案:D 解析:at all表示语气的强调“到底”,after all“毕竟”,in all“总共”,above all“尤

8、其是;最重要的是”。15. My family are considering _ a computer, which is considered _a great help in our work and study.A. to buy; to be B. buying; being C. to buy; being D. buying; to be参考答案:D16. He is eager to try something he has never tried before.- Oh, I see. Thats _ he differs from others.A. when B. whe

9、re C. how D. what参考答案:B17. _ a piece of ice outside in such hot weather, and youll soon find it melt.A. To put B. Put C. Putting D. Having put参考答案:B略二、 新的题型18. Habits to Make You a Happy PersonHabits remain the same even if everything around us is changing fast. _11_ So they are beneficial to our ac

10、hievements.However, positive habits are hard to develop. People fail and make mistakes when making changes and trying new things. _12_ Thats just life and nothing to feel upset about. What you are supposed to do next is trying again, and develop the positive habits gradually. Here are three little h

11、abits that can make a big difference in your life._13_ How you take care of yourself will make a difference in the quality of your life. The tiny habits of caring for your body and spirit will give you the energy to achieve your goals-plus increase your well-being.Dont forget to forgive others. Forg

12、iving takes you one step closer to your happiness. Make a habit of not holding hatred(仇恨). It does nothing but hurts your own happiness and success. _14_ Instead, you will be more likely to get relief and succeed.Encourage yourself to be curious(好奇的). There is no stage in life when we cant be learni

13、ng something valuable. _15_. And as long as you follow your heart and your curiosity, you wont miss out on learning. The habit of being curious means you will always benefit from life.A. Try to be healthy.B. Never forget to take notes.C. Trying things again will bring you happiness.D. Forgiving your

14、self doesnt mean you are a loser.E. As long as you live, there will be something to learn.F. They will probably not succeed the first time they do it.G. Good habits can bring us happiness and help us to achieve our goals.参考答案:11. G 12. F 13. A 14. D 15. E这是一篇说明文。主要说明了三点能够使你成为一个快乐的人的良好习惯。包括:保持健康;原谅他人以及时刻保持好学和好奇心。【11题详解】本句位于段落中间,有承上启下的作用。上文提到了“即使我们周围的一切都在快速变化,习惯保持不变”,而下文



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