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1、江苏省常州市第二职业中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Students _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A. shall B. may C. need D. can参考答案:A略2. Luck always favours those _are well prepared. A. who B. which C. whom D. when参考答案:A3. When asked how he came up with the excellent idea, he said one of hi

2、s childhood experiences was the original _ to begin his story. A. application B. inspiration C. creation D. evaluation参考答案:B4. -How about the problem? -Dont worry. Its on the way to _.A. solve B. solving C. be resolved D. being solved参考答案:D5. With many years of working experience, Jack is _ for the

3、job.A. required B. qualified C. substituted D. distributedKs5u参考答案:B6. -I failed again. I wish I _harder.-But you _.A. had worked; hadnt B. worked; dont C. had worked; didnt D. worked; didnt参考答案:C7. Its extremely boring to have vacations that last for roughly one week and consist of hurrying from on

4、e place to another., traveling means more than that.A.You can say that againB.You cant be seriousC.I really envy youD.It depends参考答案:A那种持续大概一周,总是奔波于景点之间的旅游是极其无聊的。你说得对。旅行不应该只是这样。You can say that again 在交际用语中用于对他人的观点表达赞同,意为你说得对/好。8. 一What do you think of the concert? I really enjoy itI didnt expect it

5、 was wonderful Aas Bmore Cmost Dvery参考答案:A 9. Most volunteers are from universities, _ it is not uncommon to see middle and primary school students too.A. though B. however C. since D. even if参考答案:A10. Sorry, Cathy, I didnt know that you were badly short of money then. But you me for help. A. must h

6、ave asked B. could have asked C. would have asked D. may have asked 参考答案:B11. Never put your fortune _ luck. A. at the mercy of B. in honor of C. in charge of D. in memory of参考答案:A12. _ made the school proud was_ more than 90%of the students had been admitted to keyuniversity. A. What; because B. Wh

7、at; that C. That; what D. That; because参考答案:B13. My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web _ studying my favorite subjects.A. as well as B. instead of C. less than D. rather than参考答案:A14. -What do you think of his words? -What he said sounds _.A. wonderfully B. friendly C. nicely D.

8、 pleasant参考答案:B略15. The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _ some European partnersAwould meet Bis meeting Cmeets Dhad met参考答案:D【知识点】动词的时态与语态解析:不定式动作to have arrived说明发生在过去,定语从句met发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时。句意:据说经理已经从巴黎回来了,在那里会见了一些欧洲生意伙伴。16. Did you hear about the air crash? I feel so luc

9、ky! YesIf you _ that flight, I _ speaking to you nowAwere taking; wouldnt be Btook; wouldnt have beenChad taken; wouldnt be Dhad taken; wouldnt have been参考答案:C略17. One of the most effective ways to reduce is to talk about feeling with someone you trust.A. production B. stress C. energy D. power参考答案:

10、B试题分析:句意:一种最有效的减压方法就是和你觉得信任的人谈谈你的想法。A. production意为产品, B. stress意为压力, C. energy意为能源, D. power意为力量。此题考查的是4个名词的词义辨析,需要正确理解该句的语义。根据常识可以知道,和别人谈心应该来说是减压。所以答案是B. stress意为压力考点:考查名词二、 新的题型18. With a mobile phone we can contact each other, shop and work in a speedy way that gives us more free time._8_(drive)

11、 by the digital revolution, nearly everyone uses mobile phones, as they allow us to complete modern tasks _9_(convenient). However, we should not overlook the drawbacks. Using them will cause obesity and poor eyesight, less face-to-face community . _10_we really should do is to turn off the phone an

12、d step out into the country with the family, to enjoy the scenery and get some exercise with the people we love.参考答案:8. Driven 9. conveniently 10. What【分析】这是一篇说明文。在数字革命的推动下,几乎每个人都使用手机,因为手机让我们可以方便地完成现代任务。然而,我们不应该忽视缺点。使用它们会导致肥胖和视力差,面对面的交流更少。我们真正应该做的是关掉电话,和家人一起去乡下,欣赏风景,和我们爱的人一起锻炼。【8题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在数字革命




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