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1、江苏省常州市市第四高级中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题35. The sight of the ruined temple _ him of the time when he was trapped but_ to escape from it through a narrow opening in the quake.A. called up; was able to B. informed; tried C. reminded; succeeded D. reminded; managed参考答案:D略2. Most of the old are somewhat cut off f

2、rom the fast developing world and thats why they are so easily _ by the cheaters.A. taken in B. taken up C. taken on D. taken off参考答案:A3. Is it cold? Yes, a little, but quite warm January. A. in B. on C. for D. by参考答案:C4. The Smiths have invited us to join their picnic and I decide to give them a pr

3、esent._ ! Whats it?A. You dont sayB. With pleasureC. Not likelyD. I beg to differ参考答案:A考查情景交际。A. You dont say这是英美人士的一句口头禅,相当于我们的“是吗?”“真的吗?”,不是“不要说”,如果是表示“不要说”的话,英美人士会说:you dont say so。B. With pleasure乐意地;C. Not likely不大可能;D. I beg to differ恕不同意。上句:史密斯夫妇邀请我们参加他们的野餐,我决定给他们一份礼物。下句:真的吗?是什么啊?故选A。5. (原创)W

4、heres Principal Liu? I couldnt find him anywhere. He _ have gone farhis phone is still on the desk.A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt 参考答案:【答案】【解析】6. Im _ crazy about snacks, and especially I have a real sweet tooth. A. eventually B. desperately C. hardly D. illegally 参考答案:B7. Find ways to prai

5、se your children often, _ youll find they will open their hearts to you.A. till B. or C. and D. but参考答案:C8. _ the road is so slippery after the heavy snow, why not stay at home?A. Due to B. As long as C. Now that D. Even if参考答案:C【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:既然大雪过后路很滑,为什么不待在家里呢? A. Due to由于; B. As long as 只要;C. N

6、ow that既然;D. Even if即使,根据题意,故选C。9. It was _back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go参考答案:A10. John is not good at music, but when _ comes to English, he is the best in the cla

7、ss.A. he B. this C. it D. that参考答案:C略11. When the manager entered, the girl didnt even look up from her books. He got angry for being _ like this.A. passed by B. gone by C. put down D. taken out参考答案:A12. What surprised me was not what he said but _he said it.Athe way Bin the way that Cin the way Dth

8、e way which 参考答案:A13. Im going to London next Monday. What a _! So am I.A. conclusion B. consequence C. coincidence D. celebration参考答案:C14. If you have a job,_ yourself to it and finally youll succeed.A. do devote B. dont devoteC. devoting D. not devoting参考答案:A本句为“祈使句and陈述句”句型;do是对谓语动词devote的强调。15.

9、“Tokyo seeking international support over the Diaoyu Islands will be _,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said on Tuesday.A. in vainB. in silenceC. in ruinsD. in chorus参考答案:A考查介词短语。A. in vain徒劳;B. in silence沉默;C. in ruins成为废墟;D. in chorus一致。句意:“在钓鱼岛问题上寻求国际支持的东京将是徒劳的。”中国外交部发言人陆慷在周二说到。A项符合语境

10、。16. All the candidates are excellent, but I like the last one _ his experience is just what we need at the moment.A. in briefB. in particularC. in practiceD. in total参考答案:B【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:所有的候选人都很优秀,但我特别喜欢最后一位他的经验正是我们目前所需要的。A. in brief简言之;B. in particular尤其,特别地;C. in practice在实践中,实际上;D. in total总

11、共。根据but I like可知,尤其喜欢最后一位,故选B项。17. _ his drunk driving, he was _ from driving for two years. A. Thanks to; stopped B. Due to; kept C. Owing to; banned D. Because of; forbidden 参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Christopher Reeve was born in September, 1952.He was in his first school play _61_ he was eight and he star

12、ted to act in TV shows and films while he was still in college.He made many _62_ (success) films and TV shows but he is most famous _63_ his Superman films._64_ (lucky), disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and _65_(break) his back.The doctors did not expect him to live. _66_, he made a

13、mazing progress.At first, he couldnt breathe without a machine, but he learnt to breathe on _67_ own.He would never walk again but he started _68_ new life with great courage.The second year after his accident, Christopher returned to film making.He also raised a lot of money _69_ (promote) medical

14、research into back injuries.He made speeches all over the USA about his experiences.This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people _70_ (live) with all kinds of problems.参考答案:61. when 62. successful 63. for 64. Unluckily 65. broke 66. However 67. his 68. a 69. to promote 70. to live本文为记叙文。Christopher Reeve出生于1952年9


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