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1、广西壮族自治区梧州市藤县第四中学2022-2023学年高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him there was _ kind of transport nearby. A. find; not such B. to find; no such C. on finding; no such D. in finding; not such 参考答案:C2. We all believe that _ 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be _ success.

2、 A. a; a B. the; / C. the; a D. /; a参考答案:C略3. -Do you understand the _ on the bottle of medicine?-No. I know little Japanese. Thats why I asked how to take the medicine.A. expression B. instruction C. instructions D. description参考答案:C4. You should be _ of yourself for telling such lies to your teach

3、er.A. annoyed B. ashamedC. embarrassedD. worried参考答案:B略5. Lets wait here for her; I m sure shell _ before long.A. turn up B. turn off C. turn down D. turn out参考答案:A6. He kept a little notebook, in which _ the names and addresses of his fiends.A. wrote B. was writing C. were written D. was written参考答

4、案:C7. The happy news quickly _ through the whole village.A. was spreadB. were spreadingC. spreadD. had been spread参考答案:C8. -Ive never found a better job.-_.A. I dont think so B. Too bad C. congratulations. D. Dont worry参考答案:C9. What disappointed us is not what he did in class but _ he did it. A. in

5、the way B. the way how C. the way D. in the way in which参考答案:C10. It is reported that many a new house at present in the disaster area()Aare being builtBwere being builtCwas being builtDis being built参考答案:D句意为:据报道,在受灾地区,目前有许多房子正在被建筑本题考查时态语态以及主谓一致由时间状语at present可知此处动词表示的动作正在进行,主语与所填词是被动关系,所以用现在进行时的被动

6、语态;many a+名词单数做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,由此可知本题选Dmany a+单数可数名词形式上为单数,但意义上为复数(意为许多),若用作主语,其谓语通常与形式一致而不与意义一致(即谓语用单数)如:Many a student has read the book许多学生看过这本书11. This passage tells us that Feng Jicai _ his career _ to save the old buildings of his hometown. A. put; on hold B. built; up C. set; free D. packed; up

7、参考答案:A12. This is the first time that I_ at the meet-ing.A . had spoken B. have spoken C. am D. was参考答案:B13. _the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some home or will cause other family problems.A. When B. While C. If D. As参考答案:B14. Could you do me a favour? It

8、 seems that my strength has Aused up Brun out C been given out Dbeen run out参考答案:B略15. This basket he sent me yesterday _ many kinds of fruits, _ apples and pears. A. contained; includingB. contained; included C. included; containingD. included; contained 参考答案:A16. To_ telling lies, he asked his fri

9、end to help him cheat his parents.A. get rid of B. get away with C. throw away D. get down to参考答案:B17. Great changes _ in China in the past 30 years and many Chinese are living a happy life today. A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken placeD. have been taken place 参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Alice :

10、What do you think of the people in our class ?I think most of them are kind .Johnson : I think 61 ,too. But I dont like Mark. He is so self-important. I dislike this kind ofpeople.Alice : Mike is fascinating . Im fond 62 people who have something intelligent to say.Johnson : Carol is fun to be with

11、. I really look forward to 63 (hear ) her jokes. What do you think of Tom ?Alice : He is all right. But I dont like him. .What do you think of him ?Johnson : I think he is OK. He is very quiet, so 64 is hard to know what kind of person he reallyis. Alice : I like John 65 she is a very interesting gi

12、rl and crazy about boy bands.Johnson : Really ? Im mad on them too. I should get to know her better. Are you66 (interest ) in music ?Alice : I think that dance music is excellent. I love going to a disco and dancing to the music. I enjoy 67 ( meet ) new people there .Johnson : My parents hate dance

13、music . If I play it at home , they always complain. Are yourparents 68 same?Alice : My mom 69 (hate ) it , but my dad thinks its OK. He doesnt mind as 70 as I dont play the music too loud .参考答案:61.so 62.of 63.hearing 64.it 65.Because 66.interested . 67.meeting68.the.69.hates70.long 填hates。70.long 考

14、查连词。句意:只要我播放音乐的声音不大的话,他不会介意的。as long as只要。【知识拓展】1.动词或动词词组后面用动名词作宾语enjoy;finish;avoid;be fond of ;give up ;look forward to; get down to; devote-to-; be used to (习惯) ;spend-(in) doing sth.; object to 。2.mean doing意味着做某事, mean to do打算做某事; regret doing后悔曾经做过某事,regret to do遗憾地去做某事; try doing 尝试做某事,try to do努力去做某事; forget doing 忘记曾做过某事,forget to do 忘记要去做某事;remember doing记得曾经做过某事, remember to do记得要去做某事。3. to作介词讲时的用法to


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