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1、山西省太原市矿山机器集团有限公司子弟中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. It is high time that we took strong measures to prevent water pollution _a healthy life. A.living B.lived C.live D.to live参考答案:D2. Can you do me a favour, Mr. Smith? My car _ start. No problem. You can count on it.A. wont B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt参考答案:A考

2、查情态动词。句意:史密斯先生,你能帮一下忙吗?我的车发动不起来了。没问题。你尽管放心。mustnt 意为“禁止”,neednt意为“不需要”,shouldnt意为“不应该”,will作情态动词可以表示习惯或倾向性,其否定式wont是对此刻和未来情况的一种否定,结合句意,A项正确。3. A man can fail many times, but he isnt a failure he begins to blame somebody else.A. even B. until C. in case D. once参考答案:B4. _the activities might seem chil

3、dish, actually they require a lot of strength and deter-mination. A. Since B. Although C. Before D. If参考答案:B5. Here I can only give you some purely _ views of how we can control the situation. A. unique B. private C. personal D. different参考答案:C6. - Its so cold! Why are your windows still open? - Oh,

4、 they _A. arent closing B. wont close C. wont be closed D. arent closed参考答案:B7. When I stayed at Aunt Lius, she would tell me about the great changes which_ in the village. A. have taken place B. had taken placeC. took place D. would take place参考答案:B 8. He show no _ to the thief and beat him hard .A

5、 mercy B affection C kindness D sympathy 参考答案:A9. All in all, plants in warm and wet areas grow quicker than_ in cold and dry areas, but the quality of the former is much worse than _of the latter.A. these, those B. that, this C. those, that D. the ones, one参考答案:C10. My dream has come true! I am so

6、happy that your efforts have _.A. taken up B. made out C. called back D. paid off参考答案:D11. A good listener takes part in the conversation,offering ideas and _ questions to keep the talk flowing.A.raising B.understanding C.copying D.solving参考答案:A12. 【2018海淀二模】This view is common _ all sections of the

7、 community.A. across B. aboveC. around D. along参考答案:A考查介词。句意:这个观点在社会的各个阶层都非常普遍。across遍及,在各处;above在上方;around在的周围;along沿着。across all sections of the community意为“遍及各个阶层”,故A选项正确。13. The couple have decided to go to Hawaii for holiday, even if air fares _ again between now and next summer.A. went upB. go

8、 upC. have gone upD. will go up参考答案:B14. The news of the newly-elected presidents coming to China for a visit was _ on the radio just now. k*s*5u A. given away B. given in C. given off D. given out 参考答案:D略15. -We ve spent too much money recently.-well,it isnt surprising. Our friend and s_around all

9、the time. A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been coming参考答案:D16. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease. The average smoker is about to die of a heart attack as a non smoker. Atwice more likely Btwice so likely Ctwice as likely Dtwice likely参考答案:C 17. I heard Mr. Morgan would be

10、here at 4:00 pm. next Thursday.No, he _ at that time.A. was boarding B. would be boardingC. will be boarding D. is boarding参考答案:C【详解】考查时态。句意:我听说摩根先生下星期四下午四点会来。不,他那时正在登机。结合句意可知句子用一般将来进行时态。故答案为C。二、 新的题型18. TrampoliningWhats more fun than standing still? Jumping up and down on a springy piece of fabric

11、 (织物)! This activity is known as trampolining and its sweeping the nation. The idea of trampolining is ancient. Eskimos have been throwing each other in the air for thousands of years. Firemen began using a life net to catch people jumping from buildings in 1887. _36_ A gymnast named George Nissan a

12、nd his coach Larry Griswold made the first modern trampoline in 1936. _37_ They named their equipment after the Spanish word trampoln, which means diving board. The men wanted to share their idea with the whole world. In 1942 they began making trampolines to sell to the public.Trampolines may be fun

13、, but they can also be dangerous. _38_ Clubs and gyms use large safety nets or other equipment to make it safer. Most trampoline injuries happen at home. Since trampolines are more affordable than ever, injuries are even more common.These injuries happen for many reasons. People may bounce too high and land out of the trampoline or onto the springs. _39_ Perhaps the worst injuries happen when untrained people try to do flips (快速翻转). Landing on your neck or head can cause injuries or even kill you._40_ There are many things that you can do to practice



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