多维阅读第2级—LookBee! 看我的!

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《多维阅读第2级—LookBee! 看我的!》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《多维阅读第2级—LookBee! 看我的!(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Look,Bee!看我的!看我的!选自多维阅读第选自多维阅读第2级级Guess!Its small.It has small wings.It can fly.It has six legs.It produces honey(蜂蜜).It is hard-working.What animal is it?Prediction 预测预测What?Where?How many?What?First-reading:View and answer 看图回答看图回答beemothbutterflycaterpillarlizardfrogspider C.“Look at my wings,”sa

2、id the butterfly.D.“Look at my legs,”said the caterpillar.B.“Look at my tongue,”said the frog.()()()Second-reading:View and choose 看图选择看图选择E.“Look at my tongue,”said the lizard.F.“Look at my legs,”said the spider.G.“Look at my wings,”said the moth.()A.“Look at my sting!Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!”()()()()()

3、C.“Look at my wings,”said the butterfly.D.“Look at my legs,”said the caterpillar.B.“Look at my tongue,”said the frog.()(C )(A )E.“Look at my tongue,”said the lizard.F.“Look at my legs,”said the spider.G.“Look at my wings,”said the moth.()A.“Look at my sting!Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!”(G )(F )(D )(E )(B )Li

4、sten and check!Third-reading1.Make a circle with your finger around the letter s in said.2.Where are the moths wings?Point it out with your finger.1.Make a circle with your finger around the word my.2.Why did the bee say“Wow”?Who do you think has the best wings?1.Make a circle with your finger aroun

5、d the speech marks.What should your voice sound like?2.What might the bee say to the spider?caterpillarcaterpillarcaterpillarcaterpillarcaterpillar1.Say caterpillar slowly.How many syllables can you hear?2.Why did the bee say“Wow”?1.What sound does lizard start with?Which word says lizard?2.Where is

6、 the lizards tongue?What is special about the lizards tongue?1.What are the animals saying?What else could the animal have said?2.What is the frog doing?1.Why does the frog look frightened?2.Read the sentence.Make your voice sound like an angry bee.Lets play!玩一玩玩一玩looktonguemyatlegswings!Lets play!玩

7、一玩玩一玩Student 1 Story teller(旁白旁白)Student 2 Student 3Student 4 Student 5Student 6Student 7Student 8Level 1 Act out the story.Level 2 Add more dialogues.Role play 角色表演角色表演 Story map 故事结构故事结构 wingswingslegslegstonguetongueWhat might happen next?Think and say 想一想,说一说想一想,说一说Think and sayWhat do you think

8、 of the bee?Which character do you like best in the story?Why?hide(隐藏)(隐藏)walkclimb(爬)(爬)get foodfeed(吃)(吃)Good to know 科普知识科普知识Lets try to be a modest,kind and helpful person!(让我们做一个谦虚、友善和乐于助人的人。让我们做一个谦虚、友善和乐于助人的人。)What do you learn from the story?1.New words2.New sentences3.A way of behaving oneself(做人的道理)(做人的道理)4.Popular science knowledge(科普知识)(科普知识)Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!


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