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1、(2021年)山东省威海市-统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.How do his students feel at first about the fact he is blind()A.that B.why C.how D.whether2.I expect that she will be able to _ our particular needs()A.supply B.reach C.provide D.meet3.Lilyisonherwaytobecomeastar,_herwonderfulperformanceat

2、theArtFestival()A.dueto B.insteadof C.apartfrom D.butfor4.The students of this university complain about traffic noises which them when they are having classes()A.disturb B.interrupt C.prevent D.interfere5.Before the first non-stop flight was made in 1949, it()necessary for all planes to land for re

3、fuelingA.would be B.has been C.had been D.would have been6.He was speaking so fast at the conference we could hardly follow him()A.what B.as C.but D.that7.A clean appearance makes a impression at an interview()A.favorable B.favored C.favorite D.favoring8.Always keep in mind that more fruit, vegetabl

4、es and _ exercises will keep us healthy()A.regular B.normal C.average D.ordinary9.Mr. Smith will not be able to attend the meeting tonight, because he a class then()A.is teachingB.will be teachingC.will teachD.will have been teaching10.The size of the audience, we had expected, was well over two tho

5、usand()A.that B.who C.whom D.as二、完型填空(10题)11.71.()A.whenever B.whichever C.whatever D.however12.()A.confidence B.interest C.anxiety D.sorrow13.51.()A.out of B.from C.within D.of14.People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, sometimes without realizing it. M

6、ost Americans _56_ out of the country and have very _57_ experience with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneous(朴实的), friendly and open, and enjoy _58_ new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. They tend to use first names _59_ most situations and speak fre

7、ely _60_ themselves. So if your American hosts do something that _61_ you uncomfortable, try to let them know _62_ you feel. Most people will _63_ your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again. And youll _64_ something about another culture!Many travelers find _65_ easier to meet people i

8、n the U.S. _66_ in other countries. They may just come _67_ and introduce themselves or even invite you over _68_ they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be _69_. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just _70_ a good time. Just like anywhere else, it _71_ time to become real frie

9、nds _72_ people in the U.S.If and _73_ you stay with American friends, they will probably _74_ introducing you to their friends and family, and if they seem proud _75_ you, its probably because they are. Relax and enjoy it!56.()A.have never beenB.have been neverC.has never beenD.has been never15.57(

10、)A.that B.which C.what D./16.52.()A.stared B.searched C.looked D.checked17.Visitors to the zoo usually pity the animals owing to their particular emotional associations(联想). Which animals should be indeed pitied?The first type are those clever and41 developed animals42 lively intelligence and desire

11、 for activity can43 no outlet behind the bars of the cage. Those animals living in a free state before44 in the zoo have a strong desire for moving about45, but have to turn around repeatedly in their quarters. Owing to this disappointment, foxes and wolves 46 in places which are far too small, are

12、among the most47 of all zoo animals.Another sad scene, seldom48 by ordinary zoo visitors, is the49 flying trials of swans(天鹅) at migration(迁徙) time. These creatures, like most other water birds, are generally made unable to fly by the50 of cutting off a tip of the wing bone.51 such swans in the zoo

13、generally seem happy under52 care and they raise their young without any trouble, at migration time things become53. The birds never really54 that they can no longer fly, and repeatedly swim to the55 of the pond so that they can have the whole extent of its surface when trying to56 against the wind.

14、Meanwhile, their loud flying calls can be heard as they try to57, and again and again the grand preparations end in58.I do not like seeing those59 water birds in the zoo. The missing tip of one wing and the still sadder picture that the bird makes when it60its wings hurt me badly. What a truly sorry

15、 picture it is!()A.high B.highly C.deep D.deeply18.53.()A.opinion B.sight C.comment D.problem19.33.()A.fine B.strange C.terrible D.funny20.74.()A.scope B.range C.field D.district三、翻译(3题)21.他刚刚到达那里就生病了22.她给了我食物和衣服,没求任何回报23.过了好几个月,校长才有时间考虑我们的建议四、词汇与语法(3题)24.Just as the soil is part of the earth, _ the atmosphere()25.Ladies and gentlemen! Its my pleasure _ Mr. Li, our new manager to you all()26.Where are you going, Tom?To Bills workshop. The engine of my car needs(


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