中考英语二轮复习测试题专题4 情态动词(教师版)

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1、专题42022年中考英语第二轮复习讲练测情态动词.单项选择1.(2021广西贺州平桂区中考模拟)-Tom, where is your father?-Im not sure. He _ in his office.A.should beB. may beC. must beD. cant be【答案】B【解析】不确信,下文表达“他”在办公室的想法即为推测,“或许,有可能”。2.(2021温州第十二中学中考模拟四)You take much cash with you since you can pay by Wechat or Alipay.A. neednt B. mustnt C. ca

2、nt D. shouldnt【答案】A【解析】因为能够用微信和支付宝付款,你“没必要”带许多现金。3.(2021黔东西中考导向权威预测四)-Mr. Liu, must I answer your question in English?-No, you_.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. shouldnt【答案】C【解析】“must”的否定形式用“neednt”。4.(2022年江西省 模 拟 卷五)-Mom, I got a box from the Yuantong Express(快递) ,whats in it?- Im not sure. I bought so

3、 many things on line this week, it _ be your shoes. A. should B. must C. could D. need 【答案】C【解析】因为不能确信,盒的东西“可能”是你的鞋子,“could”表示一种不能确信的推测。5. (2022江西中考模拟七)I am new here, you _ ask the gate guard there, he may know the way. A. had better B. have to C. must D. dare【答案】A【解析】 A.最好,B. 不得不, C. must必须,D. dare

4、敢。根据he may know the way可知,本题是说话者对别人的一个建议,所以在这几个选项中B表示客观要求,不合题意, C表示主观意向或是命令要求的“应该,必须”也不合语境,D表示敢于做某事,所以也不合语意,只有A是表示建议的,故A项更符合题意。6.(2022上海中考模拟二) I _hear the news very clearly since the noise outside is so loud.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not【答案】B【解析】A mustn t表禁止,B cant不能,C neednt不需要,D may not可能

5、不。根据句意,我不能非常清楚的听清那个新闻因为外面太乱了。7.(2022江苏南通牛津译林中考模拟(难度加强)二)-Suzy described every detail of the accident just now.Her memory _ be completely back.A. shall B. might C. must D. could【答案】C【解析】“Suzy”能描述事故的每个细节,说明她的记得“一定”是安全恢复了。8.(2022天津牛津版中考模拟(难度加强)一) -CouldIrideanelectricbicycletoschool, Mr. Wang?-No, you_

6、. Studentsundertheageof16 arentallowedtorideelectricbicycles.A. couldntB. needntC. cantD. shouldnt【答案】C【解析】学生在十六岁之下是“不能”骑电动车上学的。9.(2020 安顺)With the help of Air Classroom, students _ keep learning even with schools closed.A. canB. mustC. should【答案】A【解析】can可以,表能力;must必须,表必须;should应该,表建议。根据上文With the h

7、elp of Air Classroom可知,此处指的是即使学校关闭,学生也可以继续学习。10.(2020黔东南州)-Is that Li Ming over there?-It _be him. He has gone to Zhenyuan for the Dragon Boat Festival.A. mustB. mustntC. canD. cant【答案】D【解析】must必须、一定;mustnt不必;can能、能够;cant不可能。根据He has gone to Zhenyuan for the Dragon Boat Festival.可知他到镇远过端午节去了,所以不可能是他

8、,表示“不可能”用cant。11.(2020攀枝花)-China is going to use AI to protect the Great Wall. -Great! AI is so helpful that people _use it in their daily life now.A. mustB. canC. shallD. have to【答案】B【解析】must必须;can能够;shall将;have to不得不。根据前文“AI is so helpful”,可知此处表示“能够在日常生活中使用”。12.(2020贵州铜仁)-How delicious the meal is

9、! Did Kangkangs mother cook it?-It_ be her. These days she has been in a poor village to help the people there.A. cantB. wontC. mustntD. neednt【答案】A【解析】cant be不可能是;wont=will not将不会;mustnt一定不要,禁止;neednt没必要。根据句子“These days she has been in a poor village to help the people there.”可推测这个人一定不是Kangkangs mo

10、ther.根据cant be“一定不是”。13.(2020贵州黔西南州) There is a knock at the door. It_my mom. Its time for her to be back home.A. may beB. may not beC. must beD. mustnt be【答案】C【解析】may be 可能是;may not be可能不是;must be一定是;mustnt be一定不是。由题干的最后一句可知,说话人猜测敲门人的把握很大,因此只有mustbe符合本题意思。14.(2020北京) -_ you give me a hand? I cant m

11、ove the box by myself.-No problem.A. CouldB. ShouldC. MustD. Need【答案】A【解析】could能,should应该,must必须,need需要。根据I cant move the box by myself可知,我自己搬不动这个箱子,因此请求别人帮助,Could you do sth?你能做某事吗?表示委婉地请求。15.(2020河北) you smell something burning? Go and see whats happening.A. CanB. MayC. MustD. Need【答案】A【解析】Can能;Ma

12、y可以,与第二人称连用通常表祝福;Must必须;Need需要。根据空后“you smell something burning你闻到烧焦的东西”可知,此处是说“能”can。“你能闻到烧焦的东西吗”符合句意。16.(2020天津)I _ be late, so dont wait for me to start the meeting.A. mustntB. needntC. needD. may【答案】D【解析】mustnt禁止;neednt没必要;need需要;may可能。根据“so dont wait for me to start the meeting”可知此处表示不确定推测,用may

13、表示“可能”。17.(2020黑龙江哈尔滨)-Whose magazine is this?-It _ be Nancys. Look! Her name is on its cover (封面).A. mustB. cantC. mustnt【答案】A【解析】must一定,表示肯定推测;cant不可能,表示否定推测;mustnt禁止。根据“Look! Her name is on its cover (封面)”可知,这里是肯定推测A。18.(2020吉林长春) The sign No Smoking in the subway means passengers _ smoke.A. canB

14、. shouldC. mustntD. neednt【答案】C【解析】can能够;should应该;mustnt禁止;neednt没必要。根据“No Smoking”可知此处表示“禁止抽烟”用mustnt。19.(2020辽宁营口)-Wherere my keys? Im afraid I lost them again.-Dont worry! With the new lock, you _ search for them anymore.A. shouldntB. cantC. mustntD. neednt【答案】D【解析】shouldnt不应该;cant不能;mustnt禁止;neednt不必。根据题干中“Dont worry! With the new lock .”可推出此处是说有了新锁就不必找钥匙了,用neednt符合题意。20.(2021 河池)My classmate is running so fast! I _ believe my



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