人教版八年级英语上册Unit9 SectionA练习题(无答案)

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1、Unit9 Can you come to my party? Section AI. Choose the words from the box and complete the sentences(从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子)preparing exams flu available leaving hangingcatches invitation accepted refuses 1.She isnt until her mother comes back next Sunday.2.They are for an English test , so they cant go ou

2、t with you.3.We are studying for the coming end-of-year_.4.He isnt_ this weekend because he has too much homework to do.5.I bought her a beautiful skirt yesterday and she_ it. She likes skirts very much.6.Her home is far from her school, so she often_ the early bus to school.7.She likes_ out with he

3、r friends in the supermarket when she has free time.8.He is really kind and he never_ to help others.9.She cant go to your party because she has a(n)_.10.Thanks for your_ .Id like to go to your birthday party.II. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空)1.I cant v

4、isit you this weekend. I have to_(study) for my math test.2.Hed love_(come) to your birthday party on Sunday.3.My cousin has to _(look) after her pet dog on weekends.4.You must_(accept) his gift for you. Its really important for him.5.Can you_(visit) your grandparents every weekend? 6.Thanks for_(as

5、k) me to your birthday party.7.She will go bike_(ride) this Sunday. Would you like to go with her?8.Are you free_(practice) your piano this Sunday afternoon?9.What are you_(plan) to do after school?10.He_(hang) out with hid friends along last Friday afternoon.III. Complete the following English sent

6、ences according to the Chinese (根据汉语意思完成英语句子)1. Can you come to my party_ _ _(在周三下午)?Sure, _ _ _(我很乐意去).2. I cant help you because I have_ _ _(太多的家庭作业) to do.3. Sorry, Im so busy today. Maybe_ _(别的时间). 4. She cant come to your birthday party tomorrow because she_ _ _(有考试).5. I want_ _ _ _ (练习小提琴)thi

7、s afternoon.IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required(按要求改写下列句子)1. Theyre going to study for the English test. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they going to _ ? 2. Can you come to my birthday party this Sunday?(做肯定回答)_,_ _ _.3. She has to stay at home and do her homework. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she_ to_?4. If youre free,

8、lets g to the movies.(改为同义句)If you_ _, lets go to the movies.5. She will go to the basketball game with her friends.(对划线部分提问) _ _ she_ to the basketball game with? V. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations(补全对话,每空一词) A: Hey, Ted! Can you come to my birthday party?B: 1 is it?A: Its at 6:30

9、p.m. on Monday.B: Oh, Im 2 , I cant. I have a math test on Tuesday. I have to 3 for it.A: Thats too bad. Maybe 4 time. Hi, Nike, can you come to my birthday party on Monday?C: Id 5 to come, but Im sorry I cant. Im so 6 . I have to meet my friend at the station.A: It doesnt 7 . Have a good time with your friend.C: Thank you. Happy birthday to you. A: Thanks a lot. 8 about you, Dave? I want to 9 you to my birthday party. Can you come to my house for my party? D: 10 ! Catch you on Monday!1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._第 1 页


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