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1、河南省平顶山市成考专升本2022年英语自考预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1. I wonder how much _ .A.that car was B.was that car C.is that car D.that car is2. There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need them. Keep looking. _ is sure to turn up.A.One B.It C.That D.This3. Not until t

2、his term _ to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat.A.he began B.did he begin C.he has begun D.that he has begun4. So badly _ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for several weeks.A.did he injure B.he injure C.was he injured D.he was injured5.Helen

3、always helps her grandmother even though going to school _ most of her day.A.takes up B.make up C.save up D.put up6. This is my new dogHis name is Wisdom That s interestingWhy _did you give him such a name?A.in the earth B.in world C.on earth D.on the world7.The problem was settled to the complete o

4、f them, so they didn t complain.A.amazement B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.attraction8.While _ a job ,the graduate student got an offer to study abroadA.applied for B.applying to C.applied to D.applying for9.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.t

5、o catch10.After all this time youd think hed have forgotten, _ ?A.should you B.wouldnt you C.dont you D.do you11.That is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.A.reducing B.to reduce C.reduced D.reduce12._ many times, he finally understood the problem.A.Told B.Telli

6、ng C.Having told D.Having been told13.Send my regards to your wife when you_homeA.wrote B.will write C.have written D.write14. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I15.The bank is reported in the local newspaper, _ in broad daylight yesterday.A.being robbedB.having been robbedC

7、.to have been robbedD.robbed16. They required that all the necessary documents _ to the presidents office before the end of this month.A.be handedB.must be handedC.should hand inD.had been handed in17. The heavy snow could not keep US_going out to workA.on B.up C.upon D.from18.Mary, _ hereeverybody

8、else, stay where you areA.come B.comes C.to come D.coming19.12It was the training _ he had at school _ made him a good jumper A.what; what B.that; that C.what; that D.that; had20. We were overjoyed at the news of China_ another man-made satel1iteA.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting21.Balloon

9、s float in the air_ boats do on the sea.A.just as B.when C.that D.where22.Little_that their plan has beenDiscoveredA.did they suspectB.do the suspectC.do they suspectD.they suspect23. _he come, the problem would be settled.A.Would B.Should C.Shall D.If24. Finally he got time for a glance_this report

10、.A.off B.round C.on D.at25. Sometimes children have trouble _ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating26.I wondered what difficulty he had _ the plan?A.to carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.with carrying out27._

11、crying sadly, he raised his head and let tears stream down his face on purposeA.To be seen B.Seeing C.To see D.Having seen28.to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one s skin.A.Being exposedB.Having exposedC.ExposedD.After being exposed29. Shes fainted. Throw some water o

12、n her face and she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out30. Jane has brown hair, in fact, its quite similar in shade_yours.A.as B.with C.like D.to二、汉译英(20题)31. 我要是早点动身就赶上火车了。32. 为已逝去的时光悲伤是没用的。33. 很难想象没有了电生活会怎样。34. (不管你转向哪个方向), you can see a lot of new tall buildings in Shanghai.35. 既

13、然我们订出了计划,就应该付诸实践。36. 认为有朝一日电脑会取代人脑的想法是愚蠢的。37. 在事故中受伤的那个人已被送往医院。38. 那位业余歌手在歌咏比赛中击败了众多的职业歌手,真令人难以置信。39. 人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。40. 王教授,请您赏光束参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?41. 像经济这样重要的问题,要仔细加以考虑。42. If you dont mind, I (宁愿) listen to pop songs than to jazz.43. 从来没有其他任何一项体育竞赛像足球世界杯那样引人遐想。44. 这位著名的科学家把他的一生都献给了祖国。45. I tri

14、ed to get out of the business, (我发现这是不可能的).46. 他们尽最大的努力把课程变得有趣而易学。47. 研究表明男人比女人更容易得心脏病。48. 这几个省的强队一致宣布他们将参加下一届全国足球赛。49. 然而,在那个国家还有成千上万的年轻人却很难找到工作。50. 如果主任知道你是这种感受,你认为会发生什么?三、语法与词汇(10题)51. The death of Mr. Black_ (haste) the final breaking.52. You should make good use of your time. There is not a moment to _ (loss).53. A good advertisement should not arouse _ in the public. (resist)54. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _ (dense) populated regions of Western



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