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1、2022年湖北省襄樊市公共英语五级(笔试)模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. Whats the number of students from Malaysia?2. What are the shopping goods that are basically considered the same?A.Those that satisfy similar needs of the consumer.B.Those that consumers dont care where to buy.C.Thos

2、e that consumers spend much time looking for.D.Those that can be found everywhere.3. Their scheme is based on the premise that all people have a basic way of_4. What was the discussion topic of the previous class meeting?A.New England mystery stories.B.Eighteenth-century English criticism.C.A compar

3、ison of poems of Dickinson and Whitman.D.The poems of Walt Whitman.5. What does A person who is led around by the nose mean?A.A person who lets his instinct guide him.B.A person who has no will of his own.C.A person who is decisive.D.A person who is full of imagination and creativity.6. What does bu

4、siness concern usually do?7.Part BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:W:Jim,thank goodness youve arrivedThe class presentation started half an hour ago,and I was just beginning to pa

5、nicM:Im sorry for being late,Alice. This morning has been a real messI didnt think I was going to make it here at allW:Why are you late? Our presentation depends on those graphs you are holdingM:Yes,I knowIll tell you about it laterFirst,lets see how we are doing for timeTwo groups are still ahead o

6、f us,arent they? The presentations on the fights of the consumer and the analysis of the stock marketThat means Ive got twenty minutes to sort outW:You look coldWhat happened?M:Ive been standing outside in arctic temperatures for over an hour waiting for a busW:Over an hour? But I thought your apart

7、ment was only a ten minute bus ride to campusM:In normal conditions,but the bus was delayed because of the weather,and when I stopped in a drug store to call home for a ride,the bus went byAs luck would have it there was no one at home,so I had to wait another forty-five minutes for the next busW:Th

8、ats Murphys Law,isnt it? What did it say? If anything can go wrong,it willWell,weve still got twenty minutes to get our wits togetherWhat is the womans tone of voice when she first sees the man?A.Frustrated. B.Relieved. C.Sarcastic. D.Apologetic.8. Judging by the extraordinarily warm clothes some pe

9、ople wear, what might we learn about them?A.They may be homesick and feel insecure.B.They are either cold or very sick.C.They may try to attract other peoples attention.D.They want to protect themselves from physical injuries.9. MD is the absolute head of the company.A.True B.Fasle10. The past-orien

10、ted people tend to look at the world in a_.11. Where was the finals of the World Cup in 1994 held?A.In England. B.In the USA. C.In Mexico. D.In France.12. When did the Womens Movement begin in the U. S. A. ?13. Who did the people usually give letters to after the English colonists just arrived at Am

11、erica?14.Part BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:M: I really dont know what to do this summer. I cant afford to just sit around, and there dont seem to be any jobs available.W: Why

12、 dont you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Sally house-sat for the Gammons when they went away on vacation. Mrs. Gammon hired Sally to stay in their house because she didnt want it left empty.M: You mean the Gammons paid Sally just to live in their house?W: It wasnt easy. She had to mow the

13、lawn and water the houseplants. And when Jodi house-sat for Mr. Johnson, he had to take care of his pets.M: House-sitting sounds like a good job. I guess its a little like baby-sittingexcept you re taking care of a house instead of children.W: The student employment office still has a few jobs poste

14、d.M: Do I just have to fill out an application?W: Sally and Jodi had to interview with the homeowners and provided three references each.M: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.W: Well, the homeowners want some guarantee so that they can trust the house-sitter. You know, they want to ma

15、ke sure youre not the type who 11 throw wild parties in their house, or move a group of friends in with you.M: House-sitters who do that sort of thing probably arent paid then.W: Usually theyre paid anyway just because the homeowners dont want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldnt be able to get another job. So if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldnt be able to get another job. So why dont you apply?M: Yeah, I think I will.Which job docs t


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