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1、2022-2023年甘肃省陇南市公共英语五级(笔试)测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. Chains make learning flexible.A.True B.Fasle2. To travel by bookmeans to take imaginary journeys to the places mentioned in the book.A.True B.Fasle3. Fat cells block body heat from escaping quickly.A.Right B.Wron

2、g4. What was there under a rock once at the southern trip of Africa?5. Women have more fat cells so women have less water.A.Right B.Wrong6. What is the passage mainly talking about?7. Which power does the man suggest?A.Water power.B.Wind power.C.Solar power.D.Electronical power.8.Part BDirections: Y

3、ou will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文: As you all know,log structures are gaining popularityThey are no longer just the simple country homes which we think of as the traditional log cabinSome upsca

4、le homes now incorporate natural round logs in sealing beams and wallsPeople seem to think that the rounded logs give their homes a cozy warm atmosphereAnd even people who want to build a traditional log cabin on their own can buy a kit with precut logs that fit together like pieces of jigsaw puzzle

5、Before showing you some slides of modem log housesId like to introduce a little historical background on the subjectLog cabins were first built in the late 1600s along the Delaware River ValleyThe European immigrants who settled there brought centuries of old traditions of working with logsAnd in th

6、is heavily wooded area logs were the material in handLog cabins were the most popular in the early 1800s with the settlers who were moving westThey provided the answer to the pioneers need for a safe and sturdy home that an ordinary family could build quicklyThey had dirt floors and sliding boards f

7、or,windowsBut the log buildings that have probably had most influence on modem architects are those of the mountain retreats of wealthy New YorkersThese country houses which were popular in the early 1900s typify whats known as the Adoroundyx styleNow lets look at those slidesWhat is the speaker mai

8、nly discussing?A.Traditional European architecture.B.Techniques for building log cabins.C.The history of log structures.D.How to build a home yourself.9.听力原文: Farmers usually use plows to prepare their fields for planting cropsPlows cut into the ground,and lift up weeds,and other unwanted plantsHowe

9、ver,plowing is blamed for causing severe damage to top soil by removing the plants that protect soil from being blown or washed awayMany farmers in South Asia are now trying a process called Low Till FarmingLow Till Farming limits the use of plowsIn this method of farming,seeds and fertilizer are pu

10、t into the soil through small cuts made in the surface of the groundLow Till Agriculture leaves much or all the soil and remains of plants on the groundThey serve as a natural fertilizer and help support the roots of future cropsThey take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running

11、 offIt has been proved that Low Till Farming increases harvests and reduces water use,and this method reduces the need for chemical products because there are fewer unwanted plantsScientists say Low Till Fanning is becoming popular in South Asia,which is facing a severe water shortageThey say the ar

12、ea will become dependent on imported food unless water is saved through methods like Low Till FarmingCurrently,more than 150 million people in South Asia depend on local rice and wheat cropsFarmers grow rice during wet weatherDuring the dry season they grow wheat in the same fieldsFarmers are using

13、the Low Till Farming method to plant wheat after harvesting riceScientists say Low Till Agriculture is one of the best examples in the world of technologies working for both people arid the environmentWhat is the main problem caused by the usual way of plowing?A.The crops blooming period is delayed.

14、B.The roots of crops are cut off.C.The topsoil is seriously damaged.D.The growth of weeds is accelerated.10.听力原文:M:Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently? It was quite a tragic accident!W:No, I didnt see anything in the news about itWhat happened?M:A foreign airline

15、r was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill!W:That sounds really terrible! Did anyone survive?M:No,everyone aboard,including the crew,was killed instantlyW:What were the circumstances? Were they bad weather, a fire, or engine failure?M:Apparently,there were some low clouds in the area,but mostly it was just miscommunication between the pilots and the air traffic controllersW:Werent they both speaking in English,the official international aviation language?M:Yes they were,but the transition from poor quality radios was slightly distorted and the


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