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1、2022-2023年黑龙江省佳木斯市公共英语五级(笔试)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. What are the students doing when the man arrives in class?A.Taking an examination.B.Drawing graphs.C.Giving presentations.D.Having a class of discussion.2. According to another explanation,where did this expression pro

2、bably come from?A.Australia B.Japan C.Netherland D.England3. How much time do the man and the woman have before they address the class?A.Less than ten minutes.B.About twenty minutes.C.Forty-five minutes.D.Over an hour.4. According to the speaker, how do developers contribute to the reduction of amph

3、ibian population?A.By taking over ponds.B.By constructing sewers.C.By building dams on rivers.D.By flooding marshes.5. Mr. Miller enjoys doing things with his own hands.A.True B.Fasle6. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of the problem, whom is it better to complain to?A.A shop assistant.B.The s

4、tore manager.C.The manufacturer.D.A public organization.7. What is the conversation mainly about?A.Giving up smoking.B.Keeping fit.C.Doing exercises.D.Eating sweets.8. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A.Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save ones energy.B.Dr. Kleiman expla

5、ins why people reach their peaks at different hours of a day.C.Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.D.Children have energy cycles, too.9. What was the name given to the generation that came of age during the 1960s?10. The past-oriented people tend to look at the world in a_11.Part CDir

6、ections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:W:DrHuber,when di

7、d you first become interested in physics and music?M:I cant remember a time when I wasnt interested in physicsWhen I was a childI was very curious about the world around meFor exampleI always wondered why light behaves the way it doesI found it more fun to play with a prism than to play with the kid

8、s in the neighborhoodI wasnt very socialbut I was really into figuring out how things workedI got my own telescope when I was eight years oldand I loved to take it out at night and go star gazingI would look at the planets and stars and wonder what was out thereWhen I was tenmy father bought me a bo

9、ok on the universe,and I just ate it upIn fact,I still have that book right here in my officeIt was the same with musicIve always had a natural ear for musicperfect pitchEven as a young child,if I heard a song on the radio,I could go right to the piano and play itWhen I heard a sound like the ring o

10、f a telephone,I could identify its pitch and play the note on the pianoHoweverI didnt develop a serious interest in becoming a pianist until I was in collegeI also seemed to do well in school in the visual arts like painting and drawingW:What commonality do you see between music and physics?M:There

11、is a common misconception that art and science are completely separated from each otherI think the distinction is artificialIn reality, art and science are not as mutually exclusive as one might assumeSolving a complicated mathematical problem,for example,can require the same degree of creative thin

12、king as painting a landscape or writing a poemI feel an indefinable tingle when I play the Schumann Concerto or dance the pas de deux from Romeo and JulietI get that the same tingle from theoretical physicsThe beauty of art is readily apparent to most peopleHowever,in the case of theoretical physics

13、,the beauty is not nearly as accessible to the general public,but it is every bit as excitingNature seems to follow certain principles,very much the same as art doesIts not uncommon for physicists to become accomplished musiciansMusic theory is a very mathematical disciplineRelationships among vario

14、us notes in classical harmony are based on simple mathematical relationshipsW:You have said that physics is beautifulWhat makes it beautiful to you?M:To me,its incredible the way nature seems to work so perfectlyI think it is beautifulI always tell my students on the first day of class“If you like r

15、eading Sherlock Holmes detective stories,youll like doing physics problems”Physics is about figuring things outdiscovering how they work,just like a detectiveA lot of people fear physics because they view it as a big complicated jumble of facts that have to be memorizedBut thats not trueIts an understanding of how nature works,how the various parts interactOne can view art and literature as the relationships and interactions of ideasIn the same way,physics studies the relationships and interactions of conceptsIn other words,to me


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