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1、2022年广东省湛江市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Why did people reconsider to make natural gas as a fuel source in the late 1960s and early 1970s?A.Because the price of gasoline was high.B.Because natural-gas vehicles are much faster than ot

2、her vehicles.C.Because people made much account of environmental protection.D.Because it was short of oil.2.In the case of negotiating divorce, a negotiator is asked to conform. to the principle of _.3.The kind of _ Wilcox possessed can only be nurtured by years of living a life in nature.4.A lot of

3、 American go broke due to _.5.To help raise the publics awareness of the suicide problem, psychiatrist Tiller appealed to the government to organize _ .6.Different from large organic farms, small organic farms were mainly engaged in _.7.The good parts of all the programs keep getting better because

4、of _.8.Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution in TeamsTeam members work in increasingly diverse environments: in terms of age, gender, race, language, and nationality. Beyond these differences, there are also deeper cultural differences that influence the way conflict is approached.The use of teams repr

5、esents an important change in the way we work. The theory is that through the interdependency of the parts greater productivity is achieved by the whole. Experience has been less kind. One reason that teams fail to meet performance expectations is their paralysis through unresolved conflict.Teams Dy

6、namicsOver time successful teams develop culturally distinct pathways to communicate, problem solving, make decisions, and resolve conflict. Most literature on teams suggests that they realize high performance levels by passing through four distinct development phases, forming, storming, norming and

7、 performing.The development of team norms does not take place in a vacuum, but is embedded in the wider social, political and economic context of the day; Another reality is that team members do not have access to the same power. Sources of power differ, as do expectations about how and when it will

8、 be used. It is suggested that a successful team will:be comfortable dealing with conflictbe committed to resolving disputes close to the sourceresolve disputes based on interests before rights and powerlearn from experience with Conflicts.This ties in with research on the effects of interpersonal c

9、onflict in teams. A team members commitment to the team and the team mission decreases if conflict goes unresolved, but can increase if conflict is well-managed and resolved. If unhealthy conflict goes unresolved for too long, team members are likely to quit or to search for alternatives.Defining Cu

10、ltureSocial anthropology, as the academic field responsible for the study of culture, has yet to settle on a definition of culture. However, for our practical purposes, culture is defined as the shared set of values, beliefs, norms, attitudes, behaviors, and social structures that define reality and

11、 guide everyday interactions.This definition implies that culture is an attribute of a group, and also contemplates the fact that there may be as much variation within the group as between different groups: We often associate culture with a national group, however, culture includes ethnic groups, cl

12、ans, tribes and organizations. Teams within organizations also have beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that constitute unique cultures.Although there are many similarities between cultures, it is important not to minimize real differences that do exist.A useful tool for considering the cultures of dif

13、ferent groups is the bell curve. The majority of a group culture will confirm to a dominant set of beliefs, attitudes and behaviors, but there will be members of the cultural group that differ in significant ways from the norm.Individualistic and Collectivist Dimensions of a CultureAn important dime

14、nsion of culture is the extent to which members identify with the group (in this case the team) rather than themselves as individuals. Individualistic cultures place a high value on autonomy, initiative, creativity, and authority in decision making. Individual interests trump group interests, and an

15、y group commitment is a function of a perceived self-benefit. Collectivist cultures, on the other hand, value the group above the individual. Group conformity and commitment is maintained at the expense of personal interests. Harmony, getting along and maintaining face are seen as crucial.The dominant culture in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand is individualistic, while collectivism predominates the rest of theA.Y B.N C.NG9.When do people who retire start collecting Social Security benefits?A.Immediately after they retire.B.2 months after they retire.C.2 years af



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