2023牛津译林版五年级英语下册课件Helping our parents

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1、Unit 5 Helping our parents五年级(下)Read and findWho will put the kettle on?Who will take it off?Polly,put the kettle on.Polly,put the kettle on.Polly,put the kettle on.Well all have tea.Susie,take it off again.Susie,take it off again.Susie,take it off again.Theyve all gone away.Polly Susie他们都已经走了。Song

2、timesingspringwatchinggrowing grow-growing生长;种植Sound timeAnd watch the flowers .In the ,I like to sitAnd listen to the wind .In the ,I like to .Listen and fill你能根据听到的词填小诗吗?morningsinggrowingeveningblowing happy1.Cartoon time2.Cartoon timepest-pests(复数)happy angry害虫3.Cartoon time四人一组猜想Bobby、Ladybirds和Pests之间会说什么,一起来演一演吧!ladybird4.Cartoon timeWho will come next?接下来谁会来呢?Cartoon time未完待续Homework1.Act out the story in Cartoon time.2.Finish writing.谢谢观赏


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